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Line 1514: rtg_revision_high_date OUT NOCOPY mtl_rtg_item_revisions.effectivity_date%type,

1510: bill_sequence_id OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.bill_sequence_id%type ,
1511: routing_sequence_id OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.routing_sequence_id%type ,
1512: eco_for_production OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.eco_for_production%type ,
1513: revision_high_date OUT NOCOPY mtl_item_revisions.effectivity_date%type,
1514: rtg_revision_high_date OUT NOCOPY mtl_rtg_item_revisions.effectivity_date%type,
1515: update_wip OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.update_wip%type ,
1516: group_id1 OUT NOCOPY wip_job_schedule_interface.group_id%type,
1517: group_id2 OUT NOCOPY wip_job_schedule_interface.group_id%type,
1518: wip_job_name1 OUT NOCOPY wip_entities.wip_entity_name%type,

Line 2065: FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions r

2061: unimp_ref_rec unimplemented_rtg_rev%ROWTYPE;
2063: CURSOR check_highEffDate_lowRtgRev IS
2064: SELECT 'x'
2065: FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions r
2066: WHERE r.inventory_item_id = item.revised_item_id
2067: AND r.organization_id = item.organization_id
2068: AND r.effectivity_date > eff_date
2069: AND r.process_revision < item.new_routing_revision --bug 3476154

Line 2086: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions r

2083: CURSOR get_common_current_routing_rev(common_assembly_item_id IN NUMBER,
2084: common_org_id IN NUMBER) is
2085: Select r.process_revision
2086: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions r
2087: where r.inventory_item_id = common_assembly_item_id
2088: and r.organization_id = common_org_id
2089: and r.effectivity_date = (
2090: select max(cr.effectivity_date)

Line 2091: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions cr

2087: where r.inventory_item_id = common_assembly_item_id
2088: and r.organization_id = common_org_id
2089: and r.effectivity_date = (
2090: select max(cr.effectivity_date)
2091: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions cr
2092: where cr.inventory_item_id = common_assembly_item_id
2093: and cr.organization_id = common_org_id
2094: and cr.implementation_date is not null
2095: and cr.effectivity_date <= eff_date);

Line 2096: common_current_rtg_rev mtl_rtg_item_revisions.process_revision%type;

2092: where cr.inventory_item_id = common_assembly_item_id
2093: and cr.organization_id = common_org_id
2094: and cr.implementation_date is not null
2095: and cr.effectivity_date <= eff_date);
2096: common_current_rtg_rev mtl_rtg_item_revisions.process_revision%type;
2098: --* Added for Bug 4366583
2099: Cursor routing_revision_exists(common_assembly_item_id IN NUMBER,
2100: common_org_id IN NUMBER,

Line 2103: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions

2099: Cursor routing_revision_exists(common_assembly_item_id IN NUMBER,
2100: common_org_id IN NUMBER,
2101: common_revision IN VARCHAR2) is
2102: select count(*)
2103: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions
2104: where inventory_item_id = common_assembly_item_id
2105: and organization_id = common_org_id
2106: and process_revision = common_revision;
2107: l_rtg_revision_exists NUMBER;

Line 2113: FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions r

2110: CURSOR get_current_routing_rev IS
2111: SELECT r.process_revision,
2112: r.effectivity_date
2113: FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions r
2114: WHERE r.inventory_item_id = item.revised_item_id
2115: AND r.organization_id = item.organization_id
2116: AND r.effectivity_date = (
2117: SELECT max(cr.effectivity_date)

Line 2118: FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions cr

2114: WHERE r.inventory_item_id = item.revised_item_id
2115: AND r.organization_id = item.organization_id
2116: AND r.effectivity_date = (
2117: SELECT max(cr.effectivity_date)
2118: FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions cr
2119: WHERE cr.inventory_item_id = item.revised_item_id
2120: AND cr.organization_id = item.organization_id
2121: AND cr.implementation_date is not null
2122: AND cr.effectivity_date <= eff_date);

Line 4458: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions

4454: and revision = l_wip_bom_revision1
4455: and organization_id = item.organization_id;
4457: select effectivity_date into l_wip_routing_revision_date1
4458: from mtl_rtg_item_revisions
4459: where inventory_item_id = item.revised_item_id
4460: and process_revision = l_wip_routing_revision1
4461: and organization_id = item.organization_id;
4462: */

Line 4716: UPDATE mtl_rtg_item_revisions

4712: This is done to prevent the updation of the effectivity_date of the current rtg rev.*/
4714: ELSIF nlssort(l_current_rtg_revision) < nlssort(item.new_routing_revision) THEN
4715: -- implement the new routing revision
4716: UPDATE mtl_rtg_item_revisions
4717: SET implementation_date = today,
4718: effectivity_date = eff_date,
4719: last_update_date = sysdate,
4720: last_updated_by = userid,

Line 4737: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'in mtl_rtg_item_revisions... bERES_Flag_for_Routing=TRUE');

4733: -- ERES flag to be set for triggering Routing Event:
4734: bERES_Flag_for_Routing := TRUE;
4735: -- Bug 4455543: Set l_WIP_Flag_for_Routing when routing revision is being updated by revised item
4736: l_WIP_Flag_for_Routing := 'Y';
4737: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'in mtl_rtg_item_revisions... bERES_Flag_for_Routing=TRUE');
4738: END IF;
4739: -- ERES changes end.
4741: END IF; -- end of nlssort(current_routing_revision)


4777: --- 2809431 NULL;
4778: -- 2809431 ( added the below API to Populate common routing revision)
4782: X_inventory_item_id => common_routing.assembly_item_id,
4783: X_organization_id => common_routing.organization_id,
4784: X_process_revision => item.new_routing_revision,
4785: X_last_update_date => SYSDATE,

Line 8736: -- DELETE FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions

8732: END IF;
8735: --Delete the related routing revision record
8736: -- DELETE FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions
8737: -- WHERE inventory_item_id = p_revised_item
8738: -- AND organization_id = p_organization_id
8739: -- AND process_revision = p_new_routing_revision;

Line 8822: rtg_revision_high_date OUT NOCOPY mtl_rtg_item_revisions.effectivity_date%type,

8818: bill_sequence_id OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.bill_sequence_id%type ,
8819: routing_sequence_id OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.routing_sequence_id%type ,
8820: eco_for_production OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.eco_for_production%type ,
8821: revision_high_date OUT NOCOPY mtl_item_revisions.effectivity_date%type,
8822: rtg_revision_high_date OUT NOCOPY mtl_rtg_item_revisions.effectivity_date%type,
8823: update_wip OUT NOCOPY eng_revised_items.update_wip%type ,
8824: group_id1 OUT NOCOPY wip_job_schedule_interface.group_id%type,
8825: group_id2 OUT NOCOPY wip_job_schedule_interface.group_id%type,
8826: wip_job_name1 OUT NOCOPY wip_entities.wip_entity_name%type,