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Line 19: -- step must be performed. A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty

15: -- - DEFERED
16: -- execution should be defered to background
17: -- - NOTIFIED[::]
18: -- activity has notified an external entity that this
19: -- step must be performed. A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
20: -- will signal when this step is complete. Optional
21: -- return of notification ID and assigned user.
22: -- - ERROR[:]
23: -- function encountered an error.

Line 71: X_change_notice := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(

67: --
68: -- RUN mode - normal process execution
69: --
70: IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
71: X_change_notice := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(
72: itemtype => itemtype,
73: itemkey => itemkey,
74: aname => 'CHANGE_NOTICE');
75: X_org_id := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrNumber(

Line 75: X_org_id := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrNumber(

71: X_change_notice := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(
72: itemtype => itemtype,
73: itemkey => itemkey,
74: aname => 'CHANGE_NOTICE');
75: X_org_id := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrNumber(
76: itemtype => itemtype,
77: itemkey => itemkey,
78: aname => 'ORG_ID');
79: X_rev_id := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrNumber(

Line 79: X_rev_id := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrNumber(

75: X_org_id := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrNumber(
76: itemtype => itemtype,
77: itemkey => itemkey,
78: aname => 'ORG_ID');
79: X_rev_id := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrNumber(
80: itemtype => itemtype,
81: itemkey => itemkey,
82: aname => 'REV_ID');
83: IF (X_change_notice is null or X_org_id is null or

Line 108: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

104: <>
105: IF (X_hyphen2 <> 0) THEN
106: X_org_id := substr(X_ecoorg, X_hyphen2 +1);
107: X_change_notice := substr(X_ecoorg, 1, X_hyphen2 -1);
108: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
109: itemkey => itemkey,
110: aname => 'CHANGE_NOTICE',
111: avalue => X_change_notice);
112: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 112: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

108: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
109: itemkey => itemkey,
110: aname => 'CHANGE_NOTICE',
111: avalue => X_change_notice);
112: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
113: itemkey => itemkey,
114: aname => 'ORG_ID',
115: avalue => X_org_id);
116: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 116: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

112: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
113: itemkey => itemkey,
114: aname => 'ORG_ID',
115: avalue => X_org_id);
116: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
117: itemkey => itemkey,
118: aname => 'REV_ID',
119: avalue => X_rev_id);
120: ELSE

Line 346: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

342: X_approval_list_name := null;
343: end;
345: -- Add aproval list name in attribute APPROVAL_LIST
346: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
347: itemkey => itemkey,
348: aname => 'APPROVAL_LIST',
349: avalue => X_approval_list_name );
350: -- ERES end

Line 353: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

349: avalue => X_approval_list_name );
350: -- ERES end
353: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
354: itemkey => itemkey,
355: aname => 'CHANGE_NOTICE',
356: avalue => X_change_notice);
357: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 357: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

353: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
354: itemkey => itemkey,
355: aname => 'CHANGE_NOTICE',
356: avalue => X_change_notice);
357: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
358: itemkey => itemkey,
359: aname => 'ECO_DESCRIPTION',
360: avalue => X_description);
361: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 361: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

357: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
358: itemkey => itemkey,
359: aname => 'ECO_DESCRIPTION',
360: avalue => X_description);
361: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
362: itemkey => itemkey,
363: aname => 'ECO_STATUS',
364: avalue => X_eco_status);
365: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrDate(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 365: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrDate(itemtype => itemtype,

361: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
362: itemkey => itemkey,
363: aname => 'ECO_STATUS',
364: avalue => X_eco_status);
365: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrDate(itemtype => itemtype,
366: itemkey => itemkey,
367: aname => 'INITIATION_DATE',
368: avalue => X_initiation_date);

Line 371: Wf_Engine.SetItemOwner( itemtype => itemtype,

367: aname => 'INITIATION_DATE',
368: avalue => X_initiation_date);
370: l_requestor_name := FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME;
371: Wf_Engine.SetItemOwner( itemtype => itemtype,
372: itemkey => itemkey,
373: owner => l_requestor_name );
375: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 375: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

371: Wf_Engine.SetItemOwner( itemtype => itemtype,
372: itemkey => itemkey,
373: owner => l_requestor_name );
375: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
376: itemkey => itemkey,
377: aname => 'PRIORITY_CODE',
378: avalue => X_priority_code);
379: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 379: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

375: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
376: itemkey => itemkey,
377: aname => 'PRIORITY_CODE',
378: avalue => X_priority_code);
379: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
380: itemkey => itemkey,
381: aname => 'REASON_CODE',
382: avalue => X_reason_code);
383: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 383: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

379: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
380: itemkey => itemkey,
381: aname => 'REASON_CODE',
382: avalue => X_reason_code);
383: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
384: itemkey => itemkey,
385: aname => 'ESTIMATED_ENG_COST',
386: avalue => X_estimated_eng_cost);
387: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 387: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

383: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
384: itemkey => itemkey,
385: aname => 'ESTIMATED_ENG_COST',
386: avalue => X_estimated_eng_cost);
387: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
388: itemkey => itemkey,
389: aname => 'ESTIMATED_MFG_COST',
390: avalue => X_estimated_mfg_cost);
391: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 391: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

387: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
388: itemkey => itemkey,
389: aname => 'ESTIMATED_MFG_COST',
390: avalue => X_estimated_mfg_cost);
391: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
392: itemkey => itemkey,
393: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY',
394: avalue => X_attribute_category);
395: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 395: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

391: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
392: itemkey => itemkey,
393: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY',
394: avalue => X_attribute_category);
395: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
396: itemkey => itemkey,
397: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE1',
398: avalue => X_attribute1);
399: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 399: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

395: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
396: itemkey => itemkey,
397: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE1',
398: avalue => X_attribute1);
399: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
400: itemkey => itemkey,
401: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE2',
402: avalue => X_attribute2);
403: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 403: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

399: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
400: itemkey => itemkey,
401: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE2',
402: avalue => X_attribute2);
403: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
404: itemkey => itemkey,
405: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE3',
406: avalue => X_attribute3);
407: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 407: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

403: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
404: itemkey => itemkey,
405: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE3',
406: avalue => X_attribute3);
407: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
408: itemkey => itemkey,
409: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE4',
410: avalue => X_attribute4);
411: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 411: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

407: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
408: itemkey => itemkey,
409: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE4',
410: avalue => X_attribute4);
411: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
412: itemkey => itemkey,
413: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE5',
414: avalue => X_attribute5);
415: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 415: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

411: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
412: itemkey => itemkey,
413: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE5',
414: avalue => X_attribute5);
415: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
416: itemkey => itemkey,
417: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE6',
418: avalue => X_attribute6);
419: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 419: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

415: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
416: itemkey => itemkey,
417: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE6',
418: avalue => X_attribute6);
419: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
420: itemkey => itemkey,
421: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE7',
422: avalue => X_attribute7);
423: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 423: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

419: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
420: itemkey => itemkey,
421: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE7',
422: avalue => X_attribute7);
423: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
424: itemkey => itemkey,
425: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE8',
426: avalue => X_attribute8);
427: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 427: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

423: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
424: itemkey => itemkey,
425: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE8',
426: avalue => X_attribute8);
427: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
428: itemkey => itemkey,
429: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE9',
430: avalue => X_attribute9);
431: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 431: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

427: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
428: itemkey => itemkey,
429: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE9',
430: avalue => X_attribute9);
431: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
432: itemkey => itemkey,
433: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE10',
434: avalue => X_attribute10);
435: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 435: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

431: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
432: itemkey => itemkey,
433: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE10',
434: avalue => X_attribute10);
435: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
436: itemkey => itemkey,
437: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE11',
438: avalue => X_attribute11);
439: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 439: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

435: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
436: itemkey => itemkey,
437: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE11',
438: avalue => X_attribute11);
439: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
440: itemkey => itemkey,
441: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE12',
442: avalue => X_attribute12);
443: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 443: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

439: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
440: itemkey => itemkey,
441: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE12',
442: avalue => X_attribute12);
443: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
444: itemkey => itemkey,
445: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE13',
446: avalue => X_attribute13);
447: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 447: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

443: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
444: itemkey => itemkey,
445: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE13',
446: avalue => X_attribute13);
447: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
448: itemkey => itemkey,
449: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE14',
450: avalue => X_attribute14);
451: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 451: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

447: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
448: itemkey => itemkey,
449: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE14',
450: avalue => X_attribute14);
451: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
452: itemkey => itemkey,
453: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE15',
454: avalue => X_attribute15);
455: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 455: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

451: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
452: itemkey => itemkey,
453: aname => 'ATTRIBUTE15',
454: avalue => X_attribute15);
455: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
456: itemkey => itemkey,
457: aname => 'APPROVAL_STATUS',
458: avalue => X_approval_status);
459: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 459: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

455: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
456: itemkey => itemkey,
457: aname => 'APPROVAL_STATUS',
458: avalue => X_approval_status);
459: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
460: itemkey => itemkey,
461: aname => 'ORGANIZATION_CODE',
462: avalue => X_org_code);
463: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 463: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

459: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
460: itemkey => itemkey,
461: aname => 'ORGANIZATION_CODE',
462: avalue => X_org_code);
463: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
464: itemkey => itemkey,
465: aname => 'ORGANIZATION_NAME',
466: avalue => X_org_name);
467: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 467: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

463: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
464: itemkey => itemkey,
465: aname => 'ORGANIZATION_NAME',
466: avalue => X_org_name);
467: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
468: itemkey => itemkey,
469: aname => 'FULL_NAME',
470: avalue => X_requestor);
471: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 471: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

467: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
468: itemkey => itemkey,
469: aname => 'FULL_NAME',
470: avalue => X_requestor);
471: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
472: itemkey => itemkey,
473: aname => 'CHANGE_TYPE',
474: avalue => X_change_type);
475: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 475: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

471: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
472: itemkey => itemkey,
473: aname => 'CHANGE_TYPE',
474: avalue => X_change_type);
475: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
476: itemkey => itemkey,
477: aname => 'ECO_DEPT_NAME',
478: avalue => X_eco_dept_name);
479: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 479: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

475: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
476: itemkey => itemkey,
477: aname => 'ECO_DEPT_NAME',
478: avalue => X_eco_dept_name);
479: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
480: itemkey => itemkey,
481: aname => 'ECO_DEPT_CODE',
482: avalue => X_eco_dept_code);

Line 485: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype=> itemtype,

481: aname => 'ECO_DEPT_CODE',
482: avalue => X_eco_dept_code);
484: /* Fix for bug 5215778 - Added below code to assign values to Wf attributes TASK_ID, PROJECT_ID */
485: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype=> itemtype,
486: itemkey => itemkey,
487: aname => 'TASK_ID',
488: avalue => X_task_id);
489: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype=> itemtype,

Line 489: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype=> itemtype,

485: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype=> itemtype,
486: itemkey => itemkey,
487: aname => 'TASK_ID',
488: avalue => X_task_id);
489: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype=> itemtype,
490: itemkey => itemkey,
491: aname => 'PROJECT_ID',
492: avalue => X_project_id);

Line 498: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

494: /* Fix for bug 5131658- Get FND User who starts workflow*/
495: X_owner_value := GetWFItemOwnerRole(itemtype,
496: itemkey);
497: /* Set the value to WF_SIGN_REQUESTER */
498: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
499: itemkey => itemkey,
500: aname => '#WF_SIGN_REQUESTER',
501: avalue => X_owner_value);
502: /* End of fix for bug 5131658 */

Line 696: X_itemkey := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

692: --
693: -- RUN mode - normal process execution
694: --
695: IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
696: X_itemkey := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
697: itemkey => itemkey,
698: aname => 'ERROR_ITEM_KEY');
699: X_itemtype := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
700: itemkey => itemkey,

Line 699: X_itemtype := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

695: IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
696: X_itemkey := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
697: itemkey => itemkey,
698: aname => 'ERROR_ITEM_KEY');
699: X_itemtype := Wf_Engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
700: itemkey => itemkey,
701: aname => 'ERROR_ITEM_TYPE');
702: Get_ECO_and_OrgId(itemtype => X_itemtype,
703: itemkey => X_itemkey,

Line 921: l_Event_Key := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,

919: l_requester := FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME;
921: l_Event_Key := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
922: itemkey => p_itemkey,
923: aname => 'CHANGE_ID');
925: l_eres_doc := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,

Line 925: l_eres_doc := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,

921: l_Event_Key := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
922: itemkey => p_itemkey,
923: aname => 'CHANGE_ID');
925: l_eres_doc := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
926: itemkey => p_itemkey,
927: aname => 'OPEN_ERES_DOC');
929: l_change_notice := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRTEXT(itemtype => p_itemtype,

Line 929: l_change_notice := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRTEXT(itemtype => p_itemtype,

925: l_eres_doc := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
926: itemkey => p_itemkey,
927: aname => 'OPEN_ERES_DOC');
929: l_change_notice := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRTEXT(itemtype => p_itemtype,
930: itemkey => p_itemkey,
931: aname => 'CHANGE_NOTICE');
933: IF l_eres_doc = 0

Line 992: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => p_itemtype,

988: p_document_id => l_doc_id,
989: p_doc_parameters_tbl => l_parameters);
991: -- SET DOC ID
992: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => p_itemtype,
993: itemkey => p_itemkey,
994: aname => 'DOC_ID',
995: avalue => l_doc_id);
996: end if;

Line 999: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => p_itemtype,

995: avalue => l_doc_id);
996: end if;
997: -- the rest below will be called many times, per # of signers
999: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => p_itemtype,
1000: itemkey => p_itemkey,
1001: aname => 'OPEN_ERES_DOC',
1002: avalue => 1);

Line 1004: l_doc_id := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,

1000: itemkey => p_itemkey,
1001: aname => 'OPEN_ERES_DOC',
1002: avalue => 1);
1004: l_doc_id := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
1005: itemkey => p_itemkey,
1006: aname => 'DOC_ID');

Line 1010: l_notification_result := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRTEXT(itemtype => p_itemtype,

1006: aname => 'DOC_ID');
1009: -- get the result of the notification i.e approve/rejected
1010: l_notification_result := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRTEXT(itemtype => p_itemtype,
1011: itemkey => p_itemkey,
1012: aname => 'RESULT');

Line 1019: l_sign_params(1).param_value:= wf_engine.getitemattrtext(p_itemtype,p_itemkey,'SIG_REASON');

1015: /* Post Signature Parameters */
1017: -- Singning Reason
1018: l_sign_params(1).param_name:= 'REASON_CODE';
1019: l_sign_params(1).param_value:= wf_engine.getitemattrtext(p_itemtype,p_itemkey,'SIG_REASON');
1020: l_sign_params(1).param_displayname:= 'Signing Reason';
1022: -- Signer comments
1023: l_sign_params(2).param_name:='SIGNERS_COMMENT';

Line 1024: l_sign_params(2).param_value:= wf_engine.getitemattrtext(p_itemtype,p_itemkey,'SIGNERS_COMMENTS');

1020: l_sign_params(1).param_displayname:= 'Signing Reason';
1022: -- Signer comments
1023: l_sign_params(2).param_name:='SIGNERS_COMMENT';
1024: l_sign_params(2).param_value:= wf_engine.getitemattrtext(p_itemtype,p_itemkey,'SIGNERS_COMMENTS');
1025: l_sign_params(2).param_displayname:='Signer Comments';
1028: -- Signature Type

Line 1030: l_sign_params(3).param_value:= wf_engine.getitemattrtext(p_itemtype,p_itemkey,'WF_SIGNER_TYPE');

1028: -- Signature Type
1029: l_sign_params(3).param_name:='WF_SIGNER_TYPE';
1030: l_sign_params(3).param_value:= wf_engine.getitemattrtext(p_itemtype,p_itemkey,'WF_SIGNER_TYPE');
1031: l_sign_params(3).param_displayname:='Signature Type ';
1033: IF l_notification_result ='Y'
1034: THEN

Line 1131: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => itemtype,

1127: AND eec.change_notice = X_change_notice;
1129: l_requester_name := FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME;
1131: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => itemtype,
1132: itemkey => itemkey,
1133: aname => '#WF_SIGN_REQUESTER',
1134: avalue => l_requester_name );

Line 1136: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

1132: itemkey => itemkey,
1133: aname => '#WF_SIGN_REQUESTER',
1134: avalue => l_requester_name );
1136: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
1137: itemkey => itemkey,
1138: aname => 'CHANGE_ID',
1139: avalue => X_change_id);

Line 1142: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => itemtype,

1138: aname => 'CHANGE_ID',
1139: avalue => X_change_id);
1141: -- Attachments hookup calls
1142: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => itemtype,
1143: itemkey => itemkey,
1144: aname => '#ATTACHMENTS',
1145: avalue => 'FND:entity=ENG_ENGINEERING_CHANGES'||'&'||'pk1name=CHANGE_ID'||'&'||'pk1value='||X_change_id);

Line 1169: l_psig_event := wf_engine.getItemAttrEvent(itemtype, itemkey, '#PSIG_EVENT');

1165: ) ;
1167: /* Generate Event Payload */
1169: l_psig_event := wf_engine.getItemAttrEvent(itemtype, itemkey, '#PSIG_EVENT');
1171: l_psig_event.setEventName('oracle.apps.eng.ecoApproval');
1172: l_psig_event.setEventKey(X_change_id);
1173: l_psig_event.setEventData(p_xmldoc);

Line 1175: wf_engine.setItemAttrEvent(itemtype, itemkey,'#PSIG_EVENT',l_psig_event);

1171: l_psig_event.setEventName('oracle.apps.eng.ecoApproval');
1172: l_psig_event.setEventKey(X_change_id);
1173: l_psig_event.setEventData(p_xmldoc);
1175: wf_engine.setItemAttrEvent(itemtype, itemkey,'#PSIG_EVENT',l_psig_event);
1177: /* get the From attributes */
1179: wf_event.addParameterToList(p_name => '#FROM_ROLE',

Line 1305: l_response_read := wf_notification.getattrtext(wf_engine.context_nid, 'READ_RESPONSE');

1301: -- The attribute stores user's response of "I have read the e-record".
1302: -- if the answer is No, then raise application error
1303: --
1304: IF (funcmode = 'RESPOND') THEN
1305: l_response_read := wf_notification.getattrtext(wf_engine.context_nid, 'READ_RESPONSE');
1306: IF (l_response_read = 'N') THEN
1307: WF_CORE.CONTEXT('ENG_WORKFLOW_API_PKG', 'VoteForResultType',itemtype, itemkey,
1309: raise_application_error(-20002,FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('EDR','EDR_EREC_NOT_REVIEWED_ERR'));

Line 1324: if (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run)

1323: -- Do nothing unless in RUN or TIMEOUT modes
1324: if (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run)
1325: and (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_timeout) then
1326: resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;
1327: return;
1328: end if;

Line 1325: and (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_timeout) then

1323: -- Do nothing unless in RUN or TIMEOUT modes
1324: if (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run)
1325: and (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_timeout) then
1326: resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;
1327: return;
1328: end if;

Line 1326: resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;

1323: -- Do nothing unless in RUN or TIMEOUT modes
1324: if (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run)
1325: and (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_timeout) then
1326: resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;
1327: return;
1328: end if;
1330: -- SYNCHMODE: Not allowed

Line 1331: if (itemkey = wf_engine.eng_synch) then

1327: return;
1328: end if;
1330: -- SYNCHMODE: Not allowed
1331: if (itemkey = wf_engine.eng_synch) then
1332: Wf_Core.Token('OPERATION', 'Wf_Standard.VotForResultType');
1333: Wf_Core.Raise('WFENG_SYNCH_DISABLED');
1334: end if;

Line 1339: l_voting_option := Wf_Engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,

1336: -- Get Notifications group_id for activity
1337: Wf_Item_Activity_Status.Notification_Status(itemtype,itemkey,actid,
1338: l_group_id,l_user);
1339: l_voting_option := Wf_Engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,
1340: actid,'VOTING_OPTION');
1341: if (l_voting_option not in ('REQUIRE_ALL_VOTES', 'WAIT_FOR_ALL_VOTES',
1342: 'TALLY_ON_EVERY_VOTE')) then
1343: raise wf_invalid_command;

Line 1353: ((funcmode = wf_engine.eng_run) and

1349: -- and there are still open notifications, then return WAITING to
1350: -- either continue voting (in run mode) or trigger timeout processing
1351: -- (in timeout mode).
1352: if ((l_voting_option = 'REQUIRE_ALL_VOTES') or
1353: ((funcmode = wf_engine.eng_run) and
1354: (l_voting_option = 'WAIT_FOR_ALL_VOTES'))) then
1355: if (wf_notification.OpenNotificationsExist(l_group_id)) then
1356: resultout := wf_engine.eng_waiting;
1357: return;

Line 1356: resultout := wf_engine.eng_waiting;

1352: if ((l_voting_option = 'REQUIRE_ALL_VOTES') or
1353: ((funcmode = wf_engine.eng_run) and
1354: (l_voting_option = 'WAIT_FOR_ALL_VOTES'))) then
1355: if (wf_notification.OpenNotificationsExist(l_group_id)) then
1356: resultout := wf_engine.eng_waiting;
1357: return;
1358: end if;
1359: end if;

Line 1374: if (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_timeout) then

1370: l_code_count,l_per_of_total,l_per_of_vote);
1372: -- If this is timeout mode, then use the percent of votes cast so far.
1373: -- If this is run mode, then use the percent of total votes possible.
1374: if (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_timeout) then
1375: l_per_code := l_per_of_vote;
1376: else
1377: l_per_code := l_per_of_total;
1378: end if;

Line 1381: per_success := Wf_Engine.GetActivityAttrNumber(itemtype,itemkey,

1377: l_per_code := l_per_of_total;
1378: end if;
1380: -- Get percent vote needed for this result to succeed
1381: per_success := Wf_Engine.GetActivityAttrNumber(itemtype,itemkey,
1382: actid,result_rec.result_code);
1384: if (per_success is null) then
1385: -- Null value means this is a default result.

Line 1392: default_result := wf_engine.eng_tie;

1388: max_default := l_code_count;
1389: default_result := result_rec.result_code;
1390: elsif (l_code_count = max_default) then
1391: -- Tie for default result.
1392: default_result := wf_engine.eng_tie;
1393: end if;
1394: else
1395: -- If:
1396: -- a. % vote for this result > % needed for success OR

Line 1408: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_tie;

1404: -- Save satisfied result.
1405: result := result_rec.result_code;
1406: else
1407: -- This is the second result to be satisfied. Return a tie.
1408: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_tie;
1409: return;
1410: end if;
1411: end if;
1412: end if;

Line 1418: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||result;

1415: if (result is not null) then
1417: -- Return the satisfied result code.
1418: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||result;
1419: else
1420: -- If we get here no non-default results were satisfied.
1421: if (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_run and
1422: wf_notification.OpenNotificationsExist(l_group_id)) then

Line 1421: if (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_run and

1417: -- Return the satisfied result code.
1418: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||result;
1419: else
1420: -- If we get here no non-default results were satisfied.
1421: if (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_run and
1422: wf_notification.OpenNotificationsExist(l_group_id)) then
1423: -- Not timed out and still open notifications.
1424: -- Return waiting to continue voting.
1425: resultout := wf_engine.eng_waiting;

Line 1425: resultout := wf_engine.eng_waiting;

1421: if (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_run and
1422: wf_notification.OpenNotificationsExist(l_group_id)) then
1423: -- Not timed out and still open notifications.
1424: -- Return waiting to continue voting.
1425: resultout := wf_engine.eng_waiting;
1426: elsif (default_result is not null) then
1427: -- Either timeout or all notifications closed
1428: -- Return default result if one found.
1429: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||default_result;

Line 1429: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||default_result;

1425: resultout := wf_engine.eng_waiting;
1426: elsif (default_result is not null) then
1427: -- Either timeout or all notifications closed
1428: -- Return default result if one found.
1429: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||default_result;
1430: elsif (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_timeout) then
1431: -- If Timeout has occured then return result Timeout so the Timeout
1432: -- transition will occur - BUG2885157
1433: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_timeout;

Line 1430: elsif (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_timeout) then

1426: elsif (default_result is not null) then
1427: -- Either timeout or all notifications closed
1428: -- Return default result if one found.
1429: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||default_result;
1430: elsif (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_timeout) then
1431: -- If Timeout has occured then return result Timeout so the Timeout
1432: -- transition will occur - BUG2885157
1433: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_timeout;
1434: else

Line 1433: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_timeout;

1429: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||default_result;
1430: elsif (funcmode = wf_engine.eng_timeout) then
1431: -- If Timeout has occured then return result Timeout so the Timeout
1432: -- transition will occur - BUG2885157
1433: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_timeout;
1434: else
1435: -- All notifications closed, and no default.
1436: -- Return nomatch

Line 1439: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_nomatch;

1435: -- All notifications closed, and no default.
1436: -- Return nomatch
1439: resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_nomatch;
1441: end if;
1442: end if;

Line 1493: l_doc_id := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,

1491: /***** ERES: closeDocument ******/
1493: l_doc_id := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
1494: itemkey => p_itemkey,
1495: aname => 'DOC_ID');
1496: l_Event_Key := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
1497: itemkey => p_itemkey,

Line 1496: l_Event_Key := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,

1493: l_doc_id := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
1494: itemkey => p_itemkey,
1495: aname => 'DOC_ID');
1496: l_Event_Key := wf_engine.GETITEMATTRNUMBER(itemtype => p_itemtype,
1497: itemkey => p_itemkey,
1498: aname => 'CHANGE_ID');
1499: QA_EDR_STANDARD.Close_Document (
1500: p_api_version => 1.0,