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2 /* $Header: PAFPPTUS.pls 120.2 2005/09/08 00:56:32 prachand noship $ */
4 ----------------------------------
5 --Functions/Procedures Declaration
6 ----------------------------------
7 FUNCTION Get_Wp_Budget_Version_Id (
8          p_struct_elem_version_id IN pa_budget_versions.project_structure_version_id%TYPE
9          )
13 PROCEDURE Get_Res_Class_Rlm_Ids
14     (p_project_id                   IN     pa_projects_all.project_id%TYPE,
15      p_resource_list_id             IN     pa_resource_lists_all_bg.resource_list_id%TYPE,
16      x_people_res_class_rlm_id      OUT    NOCOPY pa_resource_list_members.resource_list_member_id%TYPE, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
17      x_equip_res_class_rlm_id       OUT    NOCOPY pa_resource_list_members.resource_list_member_id%TYPE, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
18      x_fin_res_class_rlm_id         OUT    NOCOPY pa_resource_list_members.resource_list_member_id%TYPE, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
19      x_mat_res_class_rlm_id         OUT    NOCOPY pa_resource_list_members.resource_list_member_id%TYPE, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
20      x_return_status                OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
21      x_msg_count                    OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
22      x_msg_data                     OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
24 -- This API will return the default planning start and end dates based on the element version
25 -- Depending on the existence either the txn, actual, estimated or scheduled dates of the task in the priority of
26 -- the order mentioned will be returned.If none of the them are there then the dates of the parent structure
27 -- version id will be passed. If the dates are not there for the parent version also then sysdate will be returned
29 -- The output tables x_planning_start_date_tbl and x_planning_end_date_tbl will have the same no of records as
30 -- in the table p_element_version_id_tbl. Duplicates are allowed in input and the derivation will be done for the duplicate
31 -- tasks also
33 -- Included p_project_id as parameter. For elem vers id as 0, project start and end dates are used.
35 -- Added New I/p params p_planning_start_date_tbl and x_planning_end_date_tbl -- 3793623
36 -- Dates will not be defaulted if they are passed to the API at a particular index.
37 PROCEDURE get_default_planning_dates
38 (  p_project_id                      IN    pa_projects_all.project_id%TYPE
39   ,p_element_version_id_tbl          IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type
40   ,p_project_structure_version_id    IN    pa_budget_versions.project_structure_version_id%TYPE
41   ,p_planning_start_date_tbl         IN    SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type  DEFAULT SYSTEM.PA_DATE_TBL_TYPE()
42   ,p_planning_end_date_tbl           IN    SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type  DEFAULT SYSTEM.PA_DATE_TBL_TYPE()
43   ,x_planning_start_date_tbl         OUT   NOCOPY SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
44   ,x_planning_end_date_tbl           OUT   NOCOPY SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
45   ,x_msg_data                        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
46   ,x_msg_count                       OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
47   ,x_return_status                   OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
48 );
50 --This procedure populates the tmp table PJI_FM_EXTR_PLAN_LINES  and calls the API
51 --PJI_FM_XBS_ACCUM_MAINT.PLAN_UPDATE . The valid values for p_source are
52 -- 1. PA_RBS_PLANS_OUT_TMP (This is the tmp table which contains the mapped rbs elemend ids ). The PJI API will
53 --    be called for the rbs element ids availabe in the PA_RBS_PLANS_OUT_TMP, if the new rbs element id is different
54 --    from the already existing rbs element id in pa_resource_assignments
55 -- 2. PA_FP_RA_MAP_TMP (This is the global temporary table which contains the resouce assignments in the source that
56 --    should copied. This is used for copying a version fully or some of the assignments in it ). This table is used
57 --    as the reference for deciding the budget lines for which reporting lines should be created
58 -- 3. PL-SQL : The source will be pl/sql if the pl/sql tables are populated. These pl/sql tables will be used in
59 --    populated the tmp table for calling the PJI Update API.
60 PROCEDURE call_update_rep_lines_api
61 (
62    p_source                         IN    VARCHAR2
63   ,p_budget_Version_id              IN    pa_budget_Versions.budget_version_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL--Req only when
64                                                                                     --p_source is PL-SQL
65   ,p_resource_assignment_id_tbl     IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
66   ,p_period_name_tbl                IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
67   ,p_start_date_tbl                 IN    SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type          DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type()
68   ,p_end_date_tbl                   IN    SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type          DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_date_tbl_type()
69   ,p_txn_currency_code_tbl          IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_15_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_15_tbl_type()
70   ,p_txn_raw_cost_tbl               IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
71   ,p_txn_burdened_cost_tbl          IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
72   ,p_txn_revenue_tbl                IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
73   ,p_project_raw_cost_tbl           IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
74   ,p_project_burdened_cost_tbl      IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
75   ,p_project_revenue_tbl            IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
76   ,p_raw_cost_tbl                   IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
77   ,p_burdened_cost_tbl              IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
78   ,p_revenue_tbl                    IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
79   ,p_cost_rejection_code_tbl        IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
80   ,p_revenue_rejection_code_tbl     IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
81   ,p_burden_rejection_code_tbl      IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
82   ,p_other_rejection_code           IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
83   ,p_pc_cur_conv_rej_code_tbl       IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
84   ,p_pfc_cur_conv_rej_code_tbl      IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
85   ,p_quantity_tbl                   IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
86   ,p_rbs_element_id_tbl             IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
87   ,p_task_id_tbl                    IN    SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type           DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type()
88   ,p_res_class_code_tbl             IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_30_tbl_type()
89   ,p_rate_based_flag_tbl            IN    SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type   DEFAULT SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type()
90   ,p_qty_sign                       IN    NUMBER                           DEFAULT 1 --for bug 4543744
91   ,x_return_status                  OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
92   ,x_msg_count                      OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
93   ,x_msg_data                       OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895