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Line 369: FROM fnd_user

365: -- Cursor to get the user_name corresponding to the person_id
366: --
367: CURSOR c_user_name (cp_person_id igs_as_ord_itm_int.person_id%TYPE) IS
368: SELECT user_name
369: FROM fnd_user
370: WHERE person_party_id = cp_person_id;
371: --
372: -- Get a unique sequence number for use in raising the event
373: --

Line 384: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

380: l_itemKey VARCHAR2(100);
381: ln_seq_val NUMBER;
382: l_role_name VARCHAR2(320);
383: l_role_display_name VARCHAR2(320) := 'Adhoc Role for IGSAS008';
384: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
385: --
386: BEGIN
387: --
388: OPEN c_seq_num;

Line 566: FROM fnd_user

562: -- Cursor to get the oracle applications user_name corresponding to the person_id
563: --
564: CURSOR c_user_name (cp_person_id igs_as_ord_itm_int.person_id%TYPE) IS
565: SELECT user_name
566: FROM fnd_user
567: WHERE person_party_id = cp_person_id;
568: --
569: -- Cursor to check if the user_name being added to the Adhoc Role is already duplicated
570: --

Line 592: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

588: l_doc_type VARCHAR2(30);
589: l_role_name VARCHAR2(320);
590: l_role_display_name VARCHAR2(320) := 'Adhoc Role for IGSAS005';
591: l_person_id c_person_id%ROWTYPE;
592: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
593: l_dup_user NUMBER := 0;
594: l_send_notification BOOLEAN := TRUE;
595: rec_order_details cur_order_details%ROWTYPE;
596: --