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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

     SELECT lookup_code, meaning FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl WHERE lookup_type = 'BIS_PMV_APPROVAL_TYPES';
Line: 42

   SELECT n.message_type, count(distinct n.notification_id)
   FROM wf_notifications n, wf_notification_attributes a
   where n.notification_id = a.notification_id
   AND ( (n.more_info_role is null)
   AND (n.recipient_role in (SELECT role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name=FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME)))
   and n.status='OPEN' and n.message_type in (SELECT lookup_code FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE lookup_type = 'BIS_PMV_APPROVAL_TYPES')
   group by n.message_type;
Line: 51

   SELECT n.message_type, count(distinct n.notification_id)
   FROM wf_notifications n, wf_notification_attributes a
   where n.notification_id = a.notification_id  AND
   (n.more_info_role in (SELECT role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name=FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME))
   and n.status='OPEN' and n.message_type in (SELECT lookup_code FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE lookup_type = 'BIS_PMV_APPROVAL_TYPES')
   group by n.message_type;
Line: 132

      l_sql := l_sql || ' (SELECT '|| l_mean_types || ' :l_msgtype'||i||' BIS_NOTIFY_PROMPT, ' || l_notif_count(i) ||' BIS_OBJECT_ROW_COUNT, '||
               l_exp_url ||' BISREPORTURL '||
               ' FROM DUAL) ';
Line: 139

      l_sql := ' SELECT n.message_type VIEWBY, n.message_type BIS_NOTIFY_PROMPT, 0 BIS_OBJECT_ROW_COUNT, '||'''url'''||' BISREPORTURL '||
               ' FROM wf_notifications n WHERE 1=2 ';
Line: 143

  l_sql := ' SELECT '||l_mean_types||
           ' n.message_type BIS_NOTIFY_PROMPT, count(distinct n.notification_id) BIS_OBJECT_ROW_COUNT, '|| l_exp_url ||' BISREPORTURL '||
           ' FROM wf_notifications n, wf_notification_attributes a
             where  n.notification_id = a.notification_id
             and n.status ='||'''OPEN'''||l_type_where||
           ' and n.recipient_role in (SELECT role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name=FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME) '||
           ' group by n.message_type ';*/
Line: 191

l_select_clause VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 199

     SELECT lookup_code FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl WHERE lookup_type = 'BIS_PMV_APPROVAL_TYPES';
Line: 258

    l_select_clause := ' SELECT distinct FROM_USER BIS_COLUMN_1, n.subject BIS_COLUMN_2,'||
                       ' n.begin_date BIS_COLUMN_3, n.end_date BIS_COLUMN_4,'||
                       ' n.notification_id BIS_COLUMN_5 ,'||
                       l_drill_url ||' BIS_COLUMN_6 ';
Line: 265

      l_recipient_where_clause := ' AND ( (n.more_info_role is null) AND (n.recipient_role in (SELECT role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name=FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME))) ';
Line: 267

      l_recipient_where_clause := ' AND ( n.recipient_role in (SELECT role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name=FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME)) ';
Line: 269

    l_more_where_clause := ' AND (n.more_info_role in (SELECT role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name=FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME)) ';
Line: 272

    l_sql := '('||l_select_clause || l_from_clause ||l_notif_where_clause||
             l_recipient_where_clause ||
             l_status_where || l_type_where ||')';
Line: 275

    l_sql := l_sql||' UNION ('||l_select_clause || l_from_clause ||l_notif_where_clause||
             l_more_where_clause ||
             l_status_where || l_type_where ||')';