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Line 265: from hz_parties p, hz_dup_set_parties mp

261: WHERE dup_set_id = cp_dup_set_id;
263: cursor get_active_party_count_csr(cp_dup_set_id number) is
264: select count(*)
265: from hz_parties p, hz_dup_set_parties mp
266: where p.party_id = mp.dup_party_id
267: and mp.dup_set_id = cp_dup_set_id
268: and p.status = 'A'
269: and nvl(mp.merge_flag,'Y') = 'Y';

Line 334: from hz_dup_set_parties a, hz_parties b

330: log (' l_prof_value' || l_prof_value);
331: log (' ');
332: IF l_prof_value = 'KEEP_EARLIEST_CREATED' THEN
333: l_sql_stmt1 := 'select dup_party_id
334: from hz_dup_set_parties a, hz_parties b
335: where a.dup_set_id = :1
336: and a.dup_party_id = b.party_id
337: and nvl(merge_flag, ''Y'') = ''Y''
338: and rownum = 1

Line 342: from hz_dup_set_parties a, hz_parties b

338: and rownum = 1
339: order by b.creation_date asc ' ;
340: ELSIF l_prof_value = 'KEEP_LATEST_CREATED' THEN
341: l_sql_stmt1 := 'select dup_party_id
342: from hz_dup_set_parties a, hz_parties b
343: where a.dup_set_id = :1
344: and a.dup_party_id = b.party_id
345: and nvl(merge_flag, ''Y'') = ''Y''
346: and rownum = 1