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1 package     dbms_profiler
2   authid current_user is
4   ------------
5   --  OVERVIEW
6   --
7   --  This package provides an API for gathering and persistently storing
8   --  execution performance (profiler) and code coverage data for PL/SQL
9   --  applications.
10   --
11   --  Improving application performance is an iterative process. Each
12   --  iteration involves:
13   --    1. Exercising the application with one or more benchmark tests with
14   --       profiler data collection enabled.
15   --    2. Analyzing the profiler data and identifying performance problems.
16   --    3. Fixing the problems.
17   --
18   --  To support this process, the PL/SQL profiler supports the notion of
19   --  a run. A run involves running the application through some benchmark
20   --  test with profiler data collection enabled. The profiler user controls
21   --  the beginning and end of the run by calling the API functions
22   --  start_profiler, stop_profiler respectively.
23   --
24   --  A typical sequence of calls in a session may be:
25   --    start profiler data collection in session
26   --    execute PL/SQL code for which profiler/code coverage data is required
27   --    stop profiler data collection
28   --
29   --  Note that stopping data collection flushes out the collected data
30   --  as a side effect.
31   --
32   --  Profiler data is collected in data structures which last for the
33   --  duration of the session. Users may call the flush_data function at
34   --  intermediate points during the session to get incremental data and
35   --  to free memory for allocated profiler data structures.
36   --
37   --  Note that some PL/SQL operations, such as the very first execution
38   --  of a PL/SQL unit may involve I/O to catalog tables to load the byte
39   --  code for the PL/SQL unit to be executed. Also some time may be spent
40   --  executing package initialization code, the first time a package
41   --  procedure/function is called. To avoid timing this overhead, it is
42   --  recommended that the database be "warmed up" before collecting profile
43   --  data. Warming up involves running the application once, without
44   --  gathering profiler data.
45   --
46   --  The headers on the interface functions/procedures describe the
47   --  meanings of arguments in greater detail.
49   --  All facilites are available either as functions (which return a
50   --  status, and will never raise an exception), or as procedures, (which
51   --  will always raise an exception if they fail).
52   --
53   --------------
55   --   a 0 return value from any function denotes successful completion
56   --   postive error returns are raised from the C implementation
57   --   negative errors are reserved for errors from the PL/SQL package
58   --   implementation (for example, ICD version mismatch).
59   --
61   success     constant binary_integer := 0;
62   -- interface function/procedure called with an incorrect parameter
63   error_param constant binary_integer := 1;
64   -- data flush operation failed. check to see if the profiler tables have
65   -- been created and there is adequate space.
66   error_io    constant binary_integer := 2;
68   -- mismatch between package and C implementation
69   error_version constant binary_integer := -1;
71   -- version history:
72   --   1.0 - creation
73   --
74   major_version constant binary_integer := 2;
75   minor_version constant binary_integer := 0;
77   version_mismatch exception;
78   pragma exception_init(version_mismatch, -6529);
79   profiler_error exception ;
80   pragma exception_init(profiler_error, -6528);
83   ----------------------------
85   --
87   --
88   -- Start profiler data collection in session.
89   --
91   --   comment - each profiler run can be associated with a comment. For
92   --             example, the comment could denote the name and version
93   --             of the benchmark test that was used to collect data.
94   --   comment1 - an additional comment
95   --   run_number - each profiler run is uniquely identified by a generated
96   --                run number. This allows the caller to determine what the
97   --                generated run-number is, so that other tools may use it
98   --                as a foreign key. On a successful return, a skeletal
99   --                record in the run_table exists.
101   function start_profiler(run_comment IN varchar2 := sysdate,
102                           run_comment1 IN varchar2 := '',
103                           run_number  OUT binary_integer)
104     return binary_integer;
106   procedure  start_profiler(run_comment IN varchar2 := sysdate,
107                             run_comment1 IN varchar2 := '',
108                             run_number  OUT binary_integer);
109   function start_profiler(run_comment IN varchar2 := sysdate,
110                           run_comment1 IN varchar2 := '')
111     return binary_integer;
112   procedure  start_profiler(run_comment IN varchar2 := sysdate,
113                             run_comment1 IN varchar2 := '');
115   --
116   -- Stop profiler data collection in session. This function has the side
117   -- effect of flushing data collected so far in the session and denotes
118   -- the end of a run.
119   --
120   function stop_profiler return binary_integer;
121   procedure stop_profiler;
123   -- Pause profiler data collection, without terminating the run, or flushing
124   -- data
125   function pause_profiler return binary_integer;
126   procedure pause_profiler;
128   -- Resume a paused profiler run
129   function resume_profiler return binary_integer;
130   procedure resume_profiler;
132   --
133   -- Flushes profiler data collected in session. The data is flushed to
134   -- database tables, which are expected to pre-exist. Use proftab.sql
135   -- script to create the tables and other data structures required for
136   -- persistently storing the profiler data.
137   --
138   function flush_data return binary_integer;
139   procedure flush_data;
141   --
142   -- get the version of this API
143   --
144   procedure get_version(major out binary_integer,
145                         minor out binary_integer);
147   --
148   -- This function verifies that this version of the dbms_profiler package
149   -- can work with the implementation in the database.
150   --
151   function internal_version_check return binary_integer;
153   -- General purpose routines
154   --
155   -- compute the total time spent executing this unit - the sum of the
156   -- time spent executing lines in this unit (for this run)
157   --
158   procedure rollup_unit(run_number IN number, unit IN number);
160   -- rollup all units for the given run
161   --
162   procedure rollup_run(run_number IN number);
163 end dbms_profiler;