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Line 52: -- cursor to fetch the maximum start date of lease quotes referencing Standard Rate Template

48: l_start_date l_start_date_type;
49: l_max_start_date DATE;
50: i NUMBER;
52: -- cursor to fetch the maximum start date of lease quotes referencing Standard Rate Template
53: CURSOR srt_lq_csr(p_version_id IN NUMBER) IS
54: SELECT max(expected_start_date) start_date FROM okl_lease_quotes_b
55: WHERE rate_template_id IN
56: (SELECT std_rate_tmpl_ver_id FROM okl_fe_std_rt_tmp_vers WHERE adj_mat_version_id=p_version_id);

Line 58: -- cursor to fetch the maximum start date of quick quotes referencing Standard Rate Template

54: SELECT max(expected_start_date) start_date FROM okl_lease_quotes_b
55: WHERE rate_template_id IN
56: (SELECT std_rate_tmpl_ver_id FROM okl_fe_std_rt_tmp_vers WHERE adj_mat_version_id=p_version_id);
58: -- cursor to fetch the maximum start date of quick quotes referencing Standard Rate Template
59: CURSOR srt_qq_csr(p_version_id IN NUMBER) IS
60: SELECT max(expected_start_date) start_date FROM okl_quick_quotes_b
61: WHERE rate_template_id in
62: (SELECT std_rate_tmpl_ver_id from okl_fe_std_rt_tmp_vers where adj_mat_version_id=p_version_id);

Line 1764: -- end date the referenced Standard Rate Template

1760: ,l_cal_end_date
1761: );
1762: ENd IF;
1763: IF (l>1) THEN
1764: -- end date the referenced Standard Rate Template
1765: OKL_FE_STD_RATE_TMPL_PVT.enddate_std_rate_tmpl(
1766: p_api_version
1767: ,p_init_msg_list
1768: ,x_return_status