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Line 65: biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('BIV_TMP_HS1');

62: g_debug_flag := nvl(fnd_profile.value('BIV:DEBUG'),'N');
63: g_session_id := biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
64: biv_core_pkg.g_report_type := 'HS';
65: biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('BIV_TMP_HS1');
66: -- report code
67: g_report_code := 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID';
68: -- get all param
69: --get_params(p_param_str);

Line 102: g_query := 'UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1

98: dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur_id, ':session_id', l_session_id);
99: l_return_num := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(l_cur_id);
101: -- update the total percentage column
102: g_query := 'UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1
103: SET col12 =
104: round((100*col12/(select sum(col10)
105: from biv_tmp_hs1 b
106: where b.report_code = ''BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID''

Line 105: from biv_tmp_hs1 b

101: -- update the total percentage column
102: g_query := 'UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1
103: SET col12 =
104: round((100*col12/(select sum(col10)
105: from biv_tmp_hs1 b
106: where b.report_code = ''BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID''
107: and b.session_id =
108: biv_core_pkg.get_session_id
109: )),2)

Line 119: UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1

115: DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(l_cur_id);
118: execute immediate '
119: UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1
120: set col6 = (select description from mtl_system_items_vl
121: where inventory_item_id = to_number(col6) and rownum = 1)
122: WHERE report_code = ''BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID'' and
123: session_id = :session_id and

Line 127: UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1

123: session_id = :session_id and
124: col6 is not null ' using biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
126: execute immediate '
127: UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1
128: set col8 = (select description from mtl_system_items_vl
129: where inventory_item_id = to_number(col8) and rownum = 1),
130: col14 = 1
131: WHERE report_code = ''BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID'' and

Line 139: update biv_tmp_hs1

135: -- update drilldown link
136: l_param_for_drill := 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID_RES' ||
137: biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
138: biv_core_pkg.reconstruct_param_str;
139: update biv_tmp_hs1
140: set col9 = l_param_for_drill || 'P_PRD_ID' ||
141: biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || nvl(col2,biv_core_pkg.g_null) ||
142: biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_COMP_ID' ||
143: biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || nvl(col5,biv_core_pkg.g_null) ||

Line 152: from biv_tmp_hs1

148: and report_code = 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID';
149: -- update drilldown link complete
150: --- Add total Row
151: select count(*) into l_ttl_recs
152: from biv_tmp_hs1
153: WHERE report_code = 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID' and
154: session_id = biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
155: if (l_ttl_recs > 1 /*and l_ttl_recs < biv_core_pkg.g_disp*/ ) then
156: if (g_debug_flag = 'Y') then

Line 162: insert into biv_tmp_hs1(report_code, session_id, rowno, col2, col10,

158: end if;
159: l_param_for_drill := 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID_RES' ||
160: biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
161: biv_core_pkg.reconstruct_param_str;
162: insert into biv_tmp_hs1(report_code, session_id, rowno, col2, col10,
163: col14, col9)
164: select 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID', l_session_id, max(rowno)+1,
165: l_ttl_meaning,sum(col10),2, l_param_for_drill
166: from biv_tmp_hs1

Line 166: from biv_tmp_hs1

162: insert into biv_tmp_hs1(report_code, session_id, rowno, col2, col10,
163: col14, col9)
164: select 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID', l_session_id, max(rowno)+1,
165: l_ttl_meaning,sum(col10),2, l_param_for_drill
166: from biv_tmp_hs1
167: where report_code = 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID'
168: and session_id = l_session_id;
169: end if;

Line 186: l_select_stmt := 'INSERT INTO biv_tmp_hs1 (report_code, session_id,col2, ';

182: l_select_stmt varchar2(1000);
183: l_na_desc fnd_lookups.meaning%type :=
184: biv_core_pkg.get_lookup_meaning('NA');
185: BEGIN
186: l_select_stmt := 'INSERT INTO biv_tmp_hs1 (report_code, session_id,col2, ';
187: l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || 'col4,col6,col8,col10,col12,col5,col7) ';
188: l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || 'SELECT :g_report_code, :session_id,';
189: l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || 'sr.inventory_item_id prod_id, ';
190: l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || 'substr(nvl(inv1.description,''' || l_na_desc || '''),1,50) product, ';

Line 256: biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('BIV_TMP_HS1');

252: BEGIN
253: g_debug_flag := nvl(fnd_profile.value('BIV:DEBUG'),'N');
254: g_session_id := biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
255: biv_core_pkg.g_report_type := 'HS';
256: biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('BIV_TMP_HS1');
257: -- report code
258: g_report_code := 'BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID_RES';
259: -- get all param
260: --get_params(p_param_str);

Line 286: g_query := 'UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1

282: biv_core_pkg.bind_all_variables(l_cur_id);
283: l_return_num := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(l_cur_id);
285: -- update the total percentage column
286: g_query := 'UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1
287: SET col4 =
288: round((100*col4/(select sum(b.col2)
289: from biv_tmp_hs1 b
290: where b.report_code = ''BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID_RES''

Line 289: from biv_tmp_hs1 b

285: -- update the total percentage column
286: g_query := 'UPDATE biv_tmp_hs1
287: SET col4 =
288: round((100*col4/(select sum(b.col2)
289: from biv_tmp_hs1 b
290: where b.report_code = ''BIV_HS_PROB_AVOID_RES''
291: and b.session_id =
292: biv_core_pkg.get_session_id
293: )),2)

Line 304: update biv_tmp_hs1

301: l_new_param_str := 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST' ||
302: biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
303: biv_core_pkg.reconstruct_param_str;
304: update biv_tmp_hs1
305: set col1 = l_new_param_str || 'P_RESL_CODE' ||
306: biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep ||
307: nvl(col5,biv_core_pkg.g_null) ||
308: biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep

Line 325: l_select_stmt := 'INSERT INTO biv_tmp_hs1 (report_code,session_id,col2, ';

321: -- get select
322: FUNCTION get_prob_avoid_res_rpt_select RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
323: l_select_stmt varchar2(1000);
324: BEGIN
325: l_select_stmt := 'INSERT INTO biv_tmp_hs1 (report_code,session_id,col2, ';
326: l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || 'col4,col5,col6) ';
327: l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || 'SELECT :report_code,:session_id, ';
329: l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || '