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1 PACKAGE BODY pqh_employment_category AS
2 /* $Header: pqhuseeo.pkb 115.7 2003/11/17 11:39:33 nsanghal noship $*/
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33) := '  pqh_employment_category.';  -- Global package name
9 --
10 --
11 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -- |-------------------------< fetch_empl_categories >------------------------|
13 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 PROCEDURE fetch_empl_categories (
15 	p_business_group_id	 in number,
16 	p_full_time_regular out nocopy varchar2,
17 	p_full_time_temp    out nocopy varchar2,
18 	p_part_time_regular out nocopy varchar2,
19 	p_part_time_temp    out nocopy varchar2 ) IS
20 --
21 l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'fetch_empl_categories';
22 --
23 l_effective_date date	:= TRUNC(SYSDATE);
24 l_outputs 	ff_exec.outputs_t;
25 l_inputs 	ff_exec.inputs_t;
26 l_formula_id	number;
27 --
28 --
29 cursor  c_frml is
30 select  formula_id
31 from	ff_formulas_f
32 where	formula_name  = 'PQH_EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY'
33 and     business_group_id = p_business_group_id
34 and 	l_effective_date  between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
35 --
36 Begin
37 --
38   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
39 --
40 --
41 open  c_frml;
42   fetch c_frml into l_formula_id;
43 close c_frml;
44 --
45 -- ------------------------------------------------
46 -- Set the defaults if the formula is not defined.
47 -- ------------------------------------------------
48 --
50 if l_formula_id is null then
51  p_full_time_regular	:= '''FR''';
52  p_full_time_temp	:= '''FT''';
53  p_part_time_regular	:= '''PR''';
54  p_part_time_temp	:= '''PT''';
55 --
56 else
57   --
58   begin
59   --
60   insert into fnd_sessions (
61 	session_id, effective_date)
62 	values (userenv('sessionid'), l_effective_date);
63   --
64   exception
65   --
66   when dup_val_on_index then
67     null;
68   end;
69   --
70   --
72   ff_exec.init_formula(l_formula_id, l_effective_date, l_inputs, l_outputs);
73   ff_exec.run_formula(l_inputs, l_outputs);
74   --
75   for l_out_cnt in l_outputs.first..l_outputs.last loop
76       if    l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name = 'FULL_TIME_REGULARS' then
77   	p_full_time_regular	 := ''''||l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value||'''';
78       elsif l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name = 'FULL_TIME_TEMPS' then
79 	p_full_time_temp  	 := ''''||l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value||'''';
80       elsif l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name = 'PART_TIME_REGULARS' then
81 	p_part_time_regular	 := ''''||l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value||'''';
82       elsif l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name = 'PART_TIME_TEMPS' then
83 	p_part_time_temp  	 := ''''||l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value||'''';
84       end if;
85   end loop;
86 end if;
87 --
88 hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
89 --
90 exception when others then
91 p_full_time_regular := null;
92 p_full_time_temp    := null;
93 p_part_time_regular := null;
94 p_part_time_temp    := null;
95 raise;
96 End;
97 --
98 --
99 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 -- |------------------------< identify_empl_categories >----------------------|
101 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 FUNCTION  identify_empl_category (
103 	p_empl_category		in varchar2,
104 	p_full_time_regular	in varchar2,
105 	p_full_time_temp   	in varchar2,
106 	p_part_time_regular	in varchar2,
107 	p_part_time_temp   	in varchar2 ) RETURN varchar2 IS
108 --
109 l_proc        varchar2(72)    := g_package||'identify_empl_category';
110 l_delim     varchar2(3)  := ',';
111 l_fr     varchar2(10000) := replace(replace(p_full_time_regular,'''',null),'  ',null);
112 l_ft     varchar2(10000) := replace(replace(p_full_time_temp,'''',null),'  ',null);
113 l_pr     varchar2(10000) := replace(replace(p_part_time_regular,'''',null),'  ',null);
114 l_pt     varchar2(10000) := replace(replace(p_part_time_temp,'''',null),'  ',null);
115 --
116 l_empl_cat  varchar2(100) := l_delim||p_empl_category||l_delim;
117 --
119    --
120    hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
121    --
122    l_fr   := replace( replace(l_delim||l_fr||l_delim,', ',l_delim), ' ,', l_delim);
123    l_ft   := replace( replace(l_delim||l_ft||l_delim,', ',l_delim), ' ,', l_delim);
124    l_pr   := replace( replace(l_delim||l_pr||l_delim,', ',l_delim), ' ,', l_delim);
125    l_pt   := replace( replace(l_delim||l_pt||l_delim,', ',l_delim), ' ,', l_delim);
127   if  instr(l_fr, l_empl_cat) > 0 then
128     return 'FR';
129   elsif  instr(l_ft, l_empl_cat) > 0 then
130     return 'FT';
131   elsif  instr(l_pr, l_empl_cat) > 0 then
132    return 'PR';
133   elsif  instr(l_pt, l_empl_cat) > 0 then
134    return 'PT';
135   else
136    return 'XX';
137   end if;
139    --
140    hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
141    --
142 END;
143 --
144 --
145 FUNCTION get_duration_in_months (p_duration IN NUMBER,
146                                  p_duration_units IN VARCHAR2,
147                                  p_business_group_id IN NUMBER,
148                                  p_ref_date IN DATE default sysdate)
150 l_ref_date  DATE := trunc(NVL(p_ref_date,sysdate));
151 l_ret_months NUMBER;
152 l_conv_factor  NUMBER;
153 CURSOR  csr_conv_factor IS
154    SELECT information1
155    FROM   per_shared_types
156    WHERE  lookup_type = 'QUALIFYING_UNITS'
157    AND    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
158    AND    system_type_cd = p_duration_units
160    SELECT information1
161    FROM   per_shared_types
162    WHERE  lookup_type = 'QUALIFYING_UNITS'
163    AND    business_group_id IS NULL
164    AND    system_type_cd = p_duration_units;
166 -- return the duration as it is if the units are Months
167     if p_duration_units = 'M' THEN
168         RETURN p_duration;
169     end if;
170 --
171 --get the conversion factor for the Units
172     OPEN csr_conv_factor;
173     FETCH csr_conv_factor INTO l_conv_factor;
174     CLOSE csr_conv_factor;
175 -- if the conversion factor is set, multiply the duration with CF to get the
176 -- equivalent months else use default conversion for the known units
177     IF l_conv_factor IS NOT NULL THEN
178        l_ret_months := p_duration*l_conv_factor;
179     ELSE
180       IF p_duration_units = 'D' THEN
181          l_ret_months := Months_Between(l_ref_date+p_duration,l_ref_date);
182       ELSIF p_duration_units = 'Y' THEN
183          l_ret_months := p_duration*12;
184       ELSIF p_duration_units = 'W' THEN
185          l_ret_months := Months_between(l_ref_date+(p_duration*7),l_ref_date );
186       ELSE
187          l_ret_months := 0;
188       END IF;
189     END IF;
190     RETURN l_ret_months;
191 END;
192 FUNCTION get_service_start_date(p_period_of_service_id IN NUMBER) RETURN DATE IS
193 l_start_date DATE;
194 CURSOR  csr_pos_date_start IS
195 SELECT  date_start
196 FROM    per_periods_of_service
197 WHERE   period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id;
199    OPEN csr_pos_date_start;
200    FETCH csr_pos_date_start INTO l_start_date;
201    CLOSE csr_pos_date_start;
202    RETURN l_start_date;
203 END;
204 END pqh_employment_category;