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1 PACKAGE CN_Srp_Customize_PUB as
2 -- $Header: cnpsrpcs.pls 120.0 2005/06/06 17:51:45 appldev noship $ -+
3 /*#
4  * This procedure allows user to customize the target, goal, payment amount
5  *  and uplift factors of a salesperson.
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product CN
8  * @rep:displayname Salesperson Customization
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:compatibility S
12  */
15  /*#
16  * This procedure updates the target, fixed amount and performance goal
17  *  for which the plan element has been defined for a given salesperson.
18  * @param p_api_version API Version
19  * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize Message List
20  * @param p_commit Commit after update
21  * @param p_validation_level Validation Level
22  * @param x_return_status Status of the update operation
23  * @param x_msg_count Number of error messages returned
24  * @param x_msg_data Error messages
25  * @param p_srp_quota_assign_id Unique identifier for salesperson plan element assignment
26  * @param p_customized_flag Customized Flag
27  * @param p_quota Target of the plan element assigned to a given salesperson
28  * @param p_fixed_amount Payment amount of the plan element assigned to a given salesperson
29  * @param p_goal Performance Goal of the plan element assigned to a given salesperson
30  * @param x_loading_status Status
31  * @param x_status Status
32  * @rep:scope public
33  * @rep:lifecycle active
34  * @rep:displayname Update SRP Quota Assigns
35  */
36 PROCEDURE Update_srp_quota_assign(
37         p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER,
38   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2,
39 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2,
40 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER,
41         p_srp_quota_assign_id           IN      NUMBER,
42         p_customized_flag               IN      VARCHAR2,
43         p_quota                         IN      NUMBER,
44         p_fixed_amount                  IN      NUMBER,
45         p_goal                          IN      NUMBER,
46 	x_return_status		        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
47 	x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
48 	x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
49         x_loading_status	 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
50 	x_status                        OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2);
52  /*#
53  * This procedure updates the customize flag for which the plan element has
54  *   been defined for a given salesperson.
55  * @param p_api_version API Version
56  * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize Message List
57  * @param p_commit Commit after create
58  * @param p_validation_level Validation Level
59  * @param x_return_status Status of the create operation
60  * @param x_msg_count Number of error messages returned
61  * @param x_msg_data Error messages
62  * @param p_srp_quota_assign_id Unique identifier for salesperson plan element assignment
63  * @param p_customized_flag Customized Flag
64  * @param x_loading_status Status
65  * @rep:scope public
66  * @rep:lifecycle active
67  * @rep:displayname Change SRP Quota Custom Flag
68  */
69 PROCEDURE Change_srp_quota_custom_flag(
70         p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER,
71   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2,
72 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2,
73 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER,
74         p_srp_quota_assign_id           IN      NUMBER,
75         p_customized_flag               IN      VARCHAR2,
76 	x_return_status		        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
77 	x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
78 	x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
79         x_loading_status	 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
80         ) ;
82  /*#
83  * This procedure updates the target, payment amount and performance goal
84  *  for which the revenue class has been defined for a given salesperson.
85  * @param p_api_version API Version
86  * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize Message List
87  * @param p_commit Commit after update
88  * @param p_validation_level Validation Level
89  * @param x_return_status Status of the update operation
90  * @param x_msg_count Number of error messages returned
91  * @param x_msg_data Error messages
92  * @param p_quota_rule_id Unique identifier of the revenue class assigned to a plan element
93  * @param p_srp_quota_rule_id Unique identifier of the revenue class assigned to a given salesperson
94  * @param p_target Target of the revenue class assigned to a given salesperson
95  * @param p_payment_amount Payment amount of the revenue class assigned to a given salesperson
96  * @param p_performance_goal Performance goal of the revenue class assigned to a given salesperson
97  * @param x_loading_status Status
98  * @rep:scope public
99  * @rep:lifecycle active
100  * @rep:displayname Update SRP Quota Rules
101  */
103 PROCEDURE Update_Srp_Quota_Rules(
104         p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER,
105   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2,
106 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2,
107 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER,
108         p_quota_rule_id                 IN      NUMBER,
109         p_srp_quota_rule_id             IN      NUMBER,
110         p_target                        IN      NUMBER,
111         p_payment_amount                IN      NUMBER,
112         p_performance_goal              IN      NUMBER,
113 	x_return_status		        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
114 	x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
115 	x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
116         x_loading_status	 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
117         );
119 /*#
120  * This procedure updates the payment and quota factor for which the plan
121  *  element has been defined for a given salesperson.
122  * @param p_api_version API Version
123  * @param p_init_msg_list Initialize Message List
124  * @param p_commit Commit after update
125  * @param p_validation_level Validation Level
126  * @param x_return_status Status of the update operation
127  * @param x_msg_count Number of error messages returned
128  * @param x_msg_data Error messages
129  * @param p_srp_rule_uplift_id Unique identifier of the factor assigned to a revenue class
130  * @param p_payment_factor Payment Factor
131  * @param p_quota_factor Quota Factor
132  * @param x_loading_status Status
133  * @rep:scope public
134  * @rep:lifecycle active
135  * @rep:displayname Update SRP Rule Uplifts
136  */
137 PROCEDURE Update_Srp_Rule_Uplifts(
138         p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER,
139   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2,
140 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2,
141 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER,
143     p_srp_rule_uplift_id             IN      NUMBER,
144     p_payment_factor                 IN      NUMBER,
145     p_quota_factor                   IN      NUMBER,
147 	x_return_status		        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
148 	x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
149 	x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
150         x_loading_status	 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
151         );
154 END CN_Srp_Customize_PUB ;