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Line 60: htb_time.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time

56: htb_time.resource_id = htb_appln.resource_id AND
57: htb_time.start_time <= htb_appln.stop_time AND
58: htb_time.stop_time >= htb_appln.start_time AND
59: htb_time.scope = 'TIMECARD' AND
60: htb_time.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
61: AND
62: aps.approval_style_id = htb_time.approval_style_id
63: AND
64: apc.approval_style_id = aps.approval_style_id AND

Line 525: and refapps.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time

521: from hxc_time_building_blocks apps
522: ,hxc_time_building_blocks refapps
523: where refapps.resource_id = apps.resource_id
524: and refapps.scope = apps.scope
525: and refapps.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
526: and refapps.start_time <= apps.stop_time
527: and refapps.stop_time >= apps.start_time
528: and ((refapps.time_building_block_id <> apps.time_building_block_id)
529: OR

Line 569: AND date_to = hr_general.end_of_time

565: SELECT time_building_block_id
566: FROM hxc_time_building_blocks
568: AND resource_id = p_resource_id
569: AND date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
570: AND TRUNC(start_time) <= TRUNC(p_tc_stop_time)
571: AND TRUNC(stop_time) >= TRUNC(p_tc_start_time);

Line 781: and tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time

777: AND apsum.application_period_ovn = p_application_period_ovn
778: and apsum.application_period_id = tcl.application_period_id
779: and tcl.timecard_id = tbb.time_building_block_id
780: and tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD'
781: and tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
782: and tbb.approval_style_id = apc.approval_style_id
783: and apsum.time_recipient_id = apc.time_recipient_id;
785: CURSOR c_tc_info(

Line 1355: AND htbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time

1351: ,hxc_time_attribute_usages htau
1352: ,hxc_time_attributes hta
1353: WHERE apdet.application_period_id = p_ap_bb_id
1354: AND apdet.time_building_block_id = htbb.time_building_block_id
1355: AND htbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
1356: AND htbb.time_building_block_id = htau.time_building_block_id
1357: AND htbb.object_version_number = htau.time_building_block_ovn
1358: AND htau.time_attribute_id = hta.time_attribute_id
1359: AND hta.attribute_category = 'PROJECTS';

Line 1375: and details.date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time

1371: and aps.stop_time >= days.start_time
1372: and aps.resource_id = days.resource_Id
1373: and details.parent_building_block_Id = days.time_building_block_id
1374: and details.parent_building_block_ovn = days.object_version_number
1375: and details.date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time
1376: and details.object_version_number =
1377: (select max(details2.object_version_number)
1378: from hxc_time_building_blocks details2
1379: where details.time_building_block_id = details2.time_building_block_id)

Line 1596: tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time;

1592: WHERE adl.APPLICATION_PERIOD_ID = p_app_per_id
1593: AND
1594: tbb.time_building_block_id = adl.time_building_block_id AND
1595: tbb.object_version_number = adl.time_building_block_ovn AND
1596: tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time;
1598: CURSOR csr_get_person_id(p_app_per_id NUMBER) IS
1599: SELECT resource_id
1600: FROM hxc_time_building_blocks tbb

Line 1720: and details.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time

1716: where timecard.time_building_block_id = days.parent_building_block_id
1717: and timecard.object_version_number = days.parent_building_block_ovn
1718: and days.time_building_block_id = details.parent_building_block_id
1719: and days.object_version_number = details.parent_building_block_ovn
1720: and details.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
1721: and days.start_time <=p_end_date
1722: and days.stop_time >= p_start_date
1723: and days.resource_id = p_resource_id
1724: and details.scope = 'DETAIL'