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Line 977: FROM bom_resources b

973: l_error_msg_data fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
975: CURSOR c_ids IS
976: SELECT b.resource_id
977: FROM bom_resources b
978: WHERE b.resource_type = p_res_type_code
979: and NVL(b.disable_date,SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
980: and b.expenditure_type is NOT NULL
981: and b.resource_code = p_bom_eqlabor_name;

Line 995: FROM bom_resources b

992: BEGIN
993: SELECT b.resource_id
994: INTO x_bom_resource_id
995: FROM bom_resources b
996: WHERE b.resource_type = p_res_type_code
997: AND nvl(b.disable_date,SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
998: AND b.expenditure_type IS NOT NULL
999: AND b.resource_id = p_bom_eqlabor_id;

Line 1059: FROM bom_resources b

1056: BEGIN
1057: SELECT b.resource_id
1058: INTO x_bom_resource_id
1059: FROM bom_resources b
1060: WHERE b.resource_type = p_res_type_code --2
1061: AND NVL(b.disable_date,SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
1062: AND b.expenditure_type IS NOT NULL
1063: AND b.resource_code = p_bom_eqlabor_name;

Line 1780: * i. Derive from BOM Resources, if the planning resource has one.

1776: * Procedure : Default_Expenditure_Type
1777: * 1. If Expenditure Type is available on the planning resource,
1778: * leave as is.
1779: * 2. If Exp Type is null:
1780: * i. Derive from BOM Resources, if the planning resource has one.
1781: * ii. Derive from Non-Labor Resource, if the planning resource has one.
1782: * iii. Derive from item if planning resource has one.
1783: * We could pass back null for the Expenditure type for the planning resource,
1784: * if none of the above yields a value.

Line 1813: FROM bom_resources bom, pa_expenditure_types exp

1809: -- need to set Exp Type.
1810: UPDATE pa_res_members_temp res_temp
1811: SET res_temp.expenditure_type =
1812: (SELECT exp.expenditure_type
1813: FROM bom_resources bom, pa_expenditure_types exp
1814: WHERE bom.resource_id = res_temp.bom_resource_id
1815: AND exp.expenditure_type = bom.expenditure_type
1817: AND ROWNUM = 1)

Line 1857: * i. Derive from BOM Resources, if the planning resource has one.

1853: END Default_Expenditure_Type;
1854: /******************************************/
1855: /*******************************************************
1856: * Procedure : Default_Rate_Expenditure_Type
1857: * i. Derive from BOM Resources, if the planning resource has one.
1858: * ii. Derive from Non-Labor Resource, if the planning resource has one.
1859: * iii. Derive from item if planning resource has one.
1860: * iv. Derive from class
1861: * We could pass back null for the Rate Expenditure type for the planning

Line 1885: FROM bom_resources bom,pa_expenditure_types exp

1881: --Join to the pa_expenditure_types table.
1882: UPDATE pa_res_members_temp res_temp
1883: SET res_temp.rate_expenditure_type =
1884: (SELECT exp.expenditure_type
1885: FROM bom_resources bom,pa_expenditure_types exp
1886: WHERE bom.resource_id = res_temp.bom_resource_id
1887: AND exp.expenditure_type = bom.expenditure_type
1889: AND ROWNUM = 1)

Line 2247: FROM bom_resources b

2243: * We are deriving the value for organization_id
2244: * ***************************************************/
2245: UPDATE pa_res_members_temp res_temp
2246: SET organization_id = (SELECT b.organization_id
2247: FROM bom_resources b
2248: WHERE b.resource_id = res_temp.bom_resource_id
2249: AND ROWNUM = 1)
2250: WHERE res_temp.incurred_by_res_flag = 'N'
2251: AND res_temp.bom_resource_id IS NOT NULL

Line 2960: * Bom_Resources table to derive the

2957: /*************************************************
2958: * Bug - 3461494
2959: * Description - Using the Resource code field from the
2960: * Bom_Resources table to derive the
2961: * resource_name instead of using the
2962: * description.
2963: *************************************************/
2964: Cursor c_BOM (P_BOM_Res_Id IN Number) Is

Line 2968: Bom_Resources

2964: Cursor c_BOM (P_BOM_Res_Id IN Number) Is
2965: Select
2966: Resource_code
2967: From
2968: Bom_Resources
2969: Where
2970: Resource_Id = P_BOM_Res_Id;
2972: Cursor c_Item_Cat ( P_Item_Cat_Id IN Number ) Is

Line 6110: FROM bom_resources b

6106: -- Validate the combination
6107: BEGIN
6108: SELECT 'Y'
6109: INTO l_bom_combo_exists
6110: FROM bom_resources b
6111: WHERE b.resource_id = X_Bom_Resource_Id
6112: AND b.organization_id = X_Organization_Id
6113: AND ROWNUM = 1;

Line 7687: FROM bom_resources b,

7683: l_bom_resource_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
7684: -- Get the Org
7685: SELECT b.organization_id, orgvl.name
7686: INTO X_organization_id, X_organization_name
7687: FROM bom_resources b,
7688: hr_all_organization_units_vl orgvl
7689: WHERE b.resource_id = l_bom_resource_id
7690: AND b.organization_id = orgvl.organization_id
7691: AND ROWNUM = 1;