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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 85

        SELECT tag
          FROM fnd_lookup_values
         WHERE lookup_type = 'MX_SS_SPL_CHARS'
           AND lookup_code = cp_hex_code;
Line: 175

     SELECT location_id,
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f
     WHERE  assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
     AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                 AND effective_end_date;
Line: 217

       SELECT hl.region_1
       FROM   hr_locations_all hl
             ,per_all_assignments_f paf
             ,pay_assignment_actions paa
             ,fnd_sessions fs
       WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
       AND   fs.session_id            = userenv('sessionid')
       AND   paf.assignment_id        = paa.assignment_id
       AND   fs.effective_date        BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                      AND     paf.effective_end_date
       AND   hl.location_id           = paf.location_id;
Line: 296

       SELECT *
       FROM   pay_element_templates
       WHERE  template_id   = cp_element_template_id
       AND    template_type = 'U';
Line: 302

      SELECT legislation_code
      FROM   per_business_groups
      WHERE  business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
      AND    organization_id   = cp_business_group_id;
Line: 308

     SELECT classification_name
     FROM   pay_shadow_element_types
     WHERE  template_id = cp_template_id;
Line: 314

     SELECT element_type_id
     FROM   pay_element_types_f
     WHERE  business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
     AND    element_name      = cp_element_name;
Line: 321

     SELECT core_object_id
       FROM pay_template_core_objects
      WHERE template_id = cp_template_id
        AND shadow_object_id = cp_shadow_element_type_id
        AND core_object_type = 'ET';*/
Line: 328

     SELECT pec.classification_name
       FROM pay_element_classifications pec,
            pay_sub_classification_rules pscr
      WHERE pec.classification_id = pscr.classification_id
        AND pscr.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
        AND pscr.business_group_id IS NOT NULL
        AND pscr.legislation_code IS NULL
        AND pec.parent_classification_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 383

        UPDATE pay_element_types_f
        SET    element_information_category = lv_context
              ,element_information1         = l_tmplt.preference_information8
        WHERE  element_type_id = ln_element_type_id;
Line: 390

        UPDATE pay_element_types_f
        SET    element_information_category = lv_context
              ,element_information1         = l_tmplt.configuration_information1
        WHERE  element_type_id = ln_element_type_id;
Line: 499

       Contributions to Savings Fund then update element's processing
       priority to 4490 and 4480 respectively. This will ensure that
       such earnings elements are processesed just before MEXICO_TAX
       (whose processing priority is 4500). */

     IF lv_classification_name in ('Supplemental Earnings',
                                   'Imputed Earnings') THEN
        OPEN get_sub_classifications (ln_element_type_id);
Line: 514

                    UPDATE pay_element_types_f
                       SET processing_priority = 4490
                     WHERE element_type_id = ln_element_type_id;
Line: 522

                    UPDATE pay_element_types_f
                       SET processing_priority = 4480
                     WHERE element_type_id = ln_element_type_id;
Line: 541

         SELECT hou.business_group_id
         FROM hr_organization_units hou
         WHERE hou.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id;
Line: 546

         SELECT tax_unit_id
         FROM pay_assignment_actions
         WHERE assignment_action_id = p_asg_action_id;
Line: 551

         SELECT hoi.org_information1
           FROM hr_organization_units hou
               ,hr_organization_information hoi
          WHERE hou.organization_id = p_org_id
            AND hoi.organization_id = hou.organization_id
            AND hoi.org_information_context = 'MX_TAX_REGISTRATION';
Line: 560

         SELECT location.address_line_1,
                location.address_line_2, location.address_line_3,
                location.town_or_city, location.postal_code,
           FROM hr_locations location
          WHERE location.location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 568

         SELECT ppf.per_information1,
         FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
              pay_payroll_actions ppa,
              per_assignments_f paf,
              per_people_f      ppf
         WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = p_asg_action_id
         AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
         AND paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
         AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
         AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
                                AND ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 589

         SELECT payroll_name
	 FROM   pay_payrolls_f
	 where  payroll_id = p_payroll_id;
Line: 596

       SELECT  decode(segment4
  	              ,substr(segment4,1,2)) segment4
       FROM pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppm,
            pay_external_accounts pea
       WHERE --pppm.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       pppm.personal_payment_method_id = p_per_pay_method
       AND pppm.external_account_id = pea.external_account_id
       AND p_effective_date between pppm.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
                            and pppm.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE;
Line: 651

        SELECT effective_date,
          FROM pay_action_information
         WHERE action_information_id = cp_action_info_id;