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Line 234: FROM rcv_transactions rt,

230: rt.locator_id,
231: po.org_id, --RLNAGARA B5018797
232: hou.name, --RLNAGARA B5018797
233: rt.vendor_lot_num --Bug#6145310
234: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
235: mtl_system_items_kfv im,
236: mtl_parameters so,
237: rcv_shipment_lines sl,
238: po_headers_all po ,

Line 293: FROM rcv_transactions rt,

289: hou.name,
290: sum(tran.quantity) lot_primary,
291: sum(tran.secondary_quantity) lot_secondary,
292: rt.vendor_lot_num --Bug#6145310
293: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
294: mtl_system_items_b_kfv im,
295: mtl_parameters so,
296: rcv_shipment_lines sl,
297: po_headers_all po ,

Line 424: -- Bug 4165704 - org_id should be in rcv_transactions table, but since it isn't

420: where name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE' --RLNAGARA B5654562 Changed from WF_ADMIN to WF_ADMIN_ROLE
421: and language = userenv('LANG') ;
424: -- Bug 4165704 - org_id should be in rcv_transactions table, but since it isn't
425: -- I need to get the value here
426: --RLNAGARA B5018797 org_id is there in the po_headers_all table and hence getting from there.
427: -- Here we are getting vendor name instead of vendor_site_code.
428: CURSOR get_vendor_no

Line 590: /* Set Org Context as we are using multi org view RCV_TRANSACTIONS_V */

586: gmd_debug.put_line ('PO Receipts'); -- Bug # 4576699
588: l_transaction_type:='RECEIVING_TRANSACTION';
589: --wf_log_pkg.string(6, 'Dummy','PO Receipts');
590: /* Set Org Context as we are using multi org view RCV_TRANSACTIONS_V */
592: OPEN recv;
593: FETCH recv INTO l_organization_code,
594: l_organization_id,