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Line 540: -- buffer for FND API success code

536: )
537: IS
538: --
539: l_result BOOLEAN;
540: -- buffer for FND API success code
541: l_success VARCHAR(1);
542: --
543: l_cntr NUMBER := 0;
544: --

Line 606: x_success := FND_API.G_FALSE;

602: c_rec_prev csr_grant%ROWTYPE;
603: --
604: BEGIN
605: --
606: x_success := FND_API.G_FALSE;
607: x_errorcode:= NULL; --meaning nothing done
608: dbg(' Update_Delegate_Grants------');
609: dbg(' p_mode_type :'||p_update_mode);
610: dbg(' p_start_date :'||to_char(p_start_date));

Line 740: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN

736: );
737: dbg(' ....deleting grant complete');
738: dbg(' API success result :'||x_success);
739: -- Add formated output comments
740: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
741: dbg('Record Deleted');
742: dbg(' -grant_guid :'||to_char(c_rec.grant_guid));
743: END IF;
744: ELSE --B.

Line 761: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN

757: ,x_success => l_success);
758: dbg(' ...updatting grant completed');
759: dbg(' API success result :'||x_success);
760: -- Add formated output comments
761: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
762: dbg('Record Updated');
763: dbg(' -grant_guid :'||to_char(c_rec.grant_guid));
764: END IF;
765: END IF;

Line 791: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN

787: ,x_success => l_success);
788: dbg(' ....updating grant complete');
789: dbg(' API success result :'||l_success);
790: -- Add formated output comments
791: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
792: dbg('Record Updated');
793: dbg(' -grant_guid :'||to_char(c_rec.grant_guid));
794: END IF;
795: ELSIF ( --4.

Line 803: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;

799: )
800: THEN
801: dbg(' Existing record found with same details as request');
802: dbg(' -> No need for any record changes');
803: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;
804: ELSIF ( --5.
805: ( l_cp_end_date <= c_rec.end_date
806: OR (l_cp_end_date IS NULL AND c_rec.end_date IS NOT NULL) )
807: AND l_cp_start_date >= c_rec.START_DATE

Line 812: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;

808: )
809: THEN
810: dbg(' Existing record a super set of request');
811: dbg(' -> No need for any record changes');
812: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;
813: END IF;
814: --
815: -- Revoke tests:
816: -- 1. Existing record date range must be outside modified record dates

Line 859: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN

855: ,x_success => l_success);
856: dbg(' ....revoking grant complete');
857: dbg(' success result:'||l_success);
858: -- Add formated output comments
859: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
860: dbg('Record Updated');
861: dbg(' -grant_guid :'||to_char(c_rec.grant_guid));
862: END IF;
863: ELSE

Line 876: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN

872: );
873: dbg(' ....deleting grant complete');
874: dbg(' success result:'||x_success);
875: -- Add formated output comments
876: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
877: dbg('Record Deleted');
878: dbg(' -grant_guid :'||to_char(c_rec.grant_guid));
879: END IF;
880: END IF;

Line 886: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;

882: -- Row not updated
883: -- this is valid and does not require an exception at this point
884: -- calling method to determine how to handle
885: dbg(' Record found but does not required update or delete');
886: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;
887: END IF;
888: -- increment loop counter
889: l_cntr:=l_cntr+1;
890: -- Update success output flag if a row updated/revoked successfully

Line 891: IF ( x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE

887: END IF;
888: -- increment loop counter
889: l_cntr:=l_cntr+1;
890: -- Update success output flag if a row updated/revoked successfully
891: IF ( x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE
892: OR l_success = FND_API.G_TRUE)
893: THEN
894: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;
895: END IF;

Line 892: OR l_success = FND_API.G_TRUE)

888: -- increment loop counter
889: l_cntr:=l_cntr+1;
890: -- Update success output flag if a row updated/revoked successfully
891: IF ( x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE
892: OR l_success = FND_API.G_TRUE)
893: THEN
894: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;
895: END IF;
896: dbg(' x_success :'||x_success);

Line 894: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;

890: -- Update success output flag if a row updated/revoked successfully
891: IF ( x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE
892: OR l_success = FND_API.G_TRUE)
893: THEN
894: x_success := FND_API.G_TRUE;
895: END IF;
896: dbg(' x_success :'||x_success);
897: --
898: -- Take a copy of the current record

Line 959: --Note do not need to validate role or menu as this is done by fnd API

955: -- get menu_id for name passed in
956: l_menu_id := get_menu_id(p_menu_name);
957: dbg(' menu_id :'||TO_CHAR(l_menu_id));
958: -- Validate parameters
959: --Note do not need to validate role or menu as this is done by fnd API
960: -- Step 1. validate date
961: --- Ensure Start_date < End_date
962: --- Ensure dates are not prior to sysdate (rewritting history)
963: --- Truncating all dates

Line 1036: IF x_success = FND_API.G_FALSE THEN

1032: ,x_errorcode =>x_errorcode--OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
1033: ,p_update_mode =>'EXTEND'--IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'EXTEND'
1034: );
1035: ---- Second if the update failed then do an insert
1036: IF x_success = FND_API.G_FALSE THEN
1037: -- Note: grant function api does a number of parameter checks:
1038: -- menu
1039: -- object
1040: dbg(' no matching records found');

Line 1087: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN

1083: );
1084: dbg(' ....grant function complete');
1085: dbg(' success result:'||x_success);
1086: -- Add formated output comments
1087: IF x_success = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
1088: dbg('Record Created');
1089: dbg(' -grant_guid :'||to_char(x_grant_guid));
1090: END IF;
1091: END IF;

Line 1155: --Note do not need to validate role or menu as this is done by fnd API

1151: -- get menu_id for name passed in
1152: l_menu_id := get_menu_id(p_menu_name);
1153: dbg(' menu_id :'||TO_CHAR(l_menu_id));
1154: -- Validate parameters
1155: --Note do not need to validate role or menu as this is done by fnd API
1156: -- Step 1. check that delegate type is supported
1157: IF NOT delegate_type_is_valid(p_delegate_type)
1158: THEN