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Line 142: po_req_distributions prd

138: CURSOR c_lock_req IS
139: SELECT 'x'
140: FROM po_requisition_headers prh,
141: po_requisition_lines prl,
142: po_req_distributions prd
143: WHERE prh.requisition_header_id = p_document_id
144: AND prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
145: AND prl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id

Line 1423: po_req_distributions_all prd

1419: Nvl(prd.prevent_encumbrance_flag,'N'),
1420: prl.blanket_po_header_id
1421: FROM
1422: po_requisition_lines_all prl,
1423: po_req_distributions_all prd
1424: WHERE
1425: NVL(prl.closed_code, 'X') NOT IN ('CANCELLED','FINALLY CLOSED')
1426: AND NVL(prl.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
1427: AND NVL(prl.line_location_id, -999) = -999

Line 1985: po_req_distributions prd,

1981: fnd_currencies base_cur,
1982: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
1983: financials_system_parameters fsp,
1984: po_requisition_lines prl,
1985: po_req_distributions prd,
1986: po_requisition_headers prh,
1987: po_line_locations poll,
1988: po_distributions pod,
1989: po_lines pol

Line 2219: po_req_distributions prd,

2215: fnd_currencies base_cur,
2216: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2217: financials_system_parameters fsp,
2218: po_requisition_lines prl,
2219: po_req_distributions prd,
2220: po_requisition_headers prh,
2221: po_line_locations poll,
2222: po_distributions pod,
2223: po_lines pol

Line 2453: po_req_distributions prd,

2449: fnd_currencies base_cur,
2450: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2451: financials_system_parameters fsp,
2452: po_requisition_lines prl,
2453: po_req_distributions prd,
2454: po_requisition_headers prh,
2455: po_line_locations poll,
2456: po_distributions pod,
2457: po_lines pol

Line 2674: po_req_distributions prd,

2670: fnd_currencies base_cur,
2671: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2672: financials_system_parameters fsp,
2673: po_requisition_lines prl,
2674: po_req_distributions prd,
2675: po_requisition_headers prh,
2676: po_line_locations poll,
2677: po_distributions pod,
2678: po_lines pol

Line 3465: UPDATE po_req_distributions prd

3461: IF p_document_type = 'REQ'
3462: THEN
3463: BEGIN
3464: FORALL l_index IN l_distribution_id_tbl.FIRST .. l_distribution_id_tbl.LAST
3465: UPDATE po_req_distributions prd
3466: SET prd.gl_encumbered_date = p_curr_year_start_date,
3467: prd.gl_encumbered_period_name = p_curr_year_start_period
3468: WHERE prd.distribution_id = l_distribution_id_tbl(l_index);

Line 3488: Put_Debug_Msg (l_full_path,p_debug_msg => 'completed update of po_req_distributions table');

3484: x_msg_buf := fnd_message.get;
3485: RETURN;
3486: END;
3487: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
3488: Put_Debug_Msg (l_full_path,p_debug_msg => 'completed update of po_req_distributions table');
3489: END IF;
3490: ELSE
3491: BEGIN
3492: FORALL l_index IN l_distribution_id_tbl.FIRST .. l_distribution_id_tbl.LAST

Line 3671: UPDATE po_req_distributions prd

3667: IF p_document_type = 'REQ'
3668: THEN
3669: BEGIN
3670: FORALL l_index IN l_distribution_id_tbl.FIRST .. l_distribution_id_tbl.LAST
3671: UPDATE po_req_distributions prd
3672: SET prd.gl_encumbered_date = l_gl_enc_date_tbl(l_index),
3673: prd.gl_encumbered_period_name = l_gl_enc_prd_tbl(l_index)
3674: WHERE prd.distribution_id = l_distribution_id_tbl(l_index);

Line 3694: Put_Debug_Msg (l_full_path,p_debug_msg => 'completed 2nd update of po_req_distributions table');

3690: x_msg_buf := fnd_message.get;
3691: RETURN;
3692: END;
3693: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
3694: Put_Debug_Msg (l_full_path,p_debug_msg => 'completed 2nd update of po_req_distributions table');
3695: END IF;
3696: ELSE
3697: BEGIN
3698: FORALL l_index IN l_distribution_id_tbl.FIRST .. l_distribution_id_tbl.LAST