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Line 120: FROM igs_he_stdnt_dlhe

116: CURSOR cur_closed_dlhe (cp_submission_name igs_he_sub_rtn_qual.submission_name%TYPE,
117: cp_return_name igs_he_sub_rtn_qual.return_name%TYPE,
118: cp_qual_period igs_he_sub_rtn_qual.qual_period_code%TYPE) IS
119: SELECT rowid
120: FROM igs_he_stdnt_dlhe
121: WHERE submission_name = cp_submission_name
122: AND return_name = cp_return_name
123: AND qual_period_code = cp_qual_period
124: AND dlhe_record_status = 'NST';

Line 196: igs_he_stdnt_dlhe_pkg.delete_row(x_rowid => cur_closed_dlhe_rec.rowid);

192: IF p_closed_ind = 'Y' THEN
193: FOR cur_closed_dlhe_rec IN cur_closed_dlhe (p_submission_name,
194: p_return_name,
195: p_qual_period) LOOP
196: igs_he_stdnt_dlhe_pkg.delete_row(x_rowid => cur_closed_dlhe_rec.rowid);
197: END LOOP;
198: ELSE
200: -- Initilazethe local variables

Line 431: CURSOR cur_stdnt_dlhe(cp_submission_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.submission_name%TYPE,

428: l_qual_dets cur_qual_dets%ROWTYPE;
430: -- Cursor to get the student DLHE record details for validations and for updateing Student DLHE table
431: CURSOR cur_stdnt_dlhe(cp_submission_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.submission_name%TYPE,
432: cp_return_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.return_name%TYPE,
433: cp_person_id igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.person_id%TYPE) IS
434: SELECT sdlhe.rowid,
435: sdlhe.*

Line 432: cp_return_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.return_name%TYPE,

428: l_qual_dets cur_qual_dets%ROWTYPE;
430: -- Cursor to get the student DLHE record details for validations and for updateing Student DLHE table
431: CURSOR cur_stdnt_dlhe(cp_submission_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.submission_name%TYPE,
432: cp_return_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.return_name%TYPE,
433: cp_person_id igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.person_id%TYPE) IS
434: SELECT sdlhe.rowid,
435: sdlhe.*
436: FROM igs_he_stdnt_dlhe sdlhe

Line 433: cp_person_id igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.person_id%TYPE) IS

430: -- Cursor to get the student DLHE record details for validations and for updateing Student DLHE table
431: CURSOR cur_stdnt_dlhe(cp_submission_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.submission_name%TYPE,
432: cp_return_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.return_name%TYPE,
433: cp_person_id igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.person_id%TYPE) IS
434: SELECT sdlhe.rowid,
435: sdlhe.*
436: FROM igs_he_stdnt_dlhe sdlhe
437: WHERE sdlhe.submission_name = cp_submission_name

Line 436: FROM igs_he_stdnt_dlhe sdlhe

432: cp_return_name igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.return_name%TYPE,
433: cp_person_id igs_he_stdnt_dlhe.person_id%TYPE) IS
434: SELECT sdlhe.rowid,
435: sdlhe.*
436: FROM igs_he_stdnt_dlhe sdlhe
437: WHERE sdlhe.submission_name = cp_submission_name
438: AND sdlhe.return_name = cp_return_name
439: AND sdlhe.person_id = cp_person_id;

Line 489: igs_he_stdnt_dlhe_pkg.insert_row(

485: -- If the student does not have the student DLHE record for the sublission then create new student DLHE record
486: IF cur_stdnt_dlhe%NOTFOUND THEN
487: -- Create student DLHE record
489: igs_he_stdnt_dlhe_pkg.insert_row(
490: x_rowid => l_rowid,
491: x_person_id => p_person_id,
492: x_submission_name => p_submission_name,
493: x_user_return_subclass => l_qual_dets.user_return_subclass,

Line 586: igs_he_stdnt_dlhe_pkg.update_row(

583: -- If the student DLHE record qualifying period is closed then update Student DLHE record with current qualifying period
584: IF l_qual_dets.closed_ind = 'Y' THEN
585: -- Update the existing closed qualifying period with current qualifying period
586: igs_he_stdnt_dlhe_pkg.update_row(
587: x_rowid => l_stdnt_dlhe_rec.rowid,
588: x_person_id => l_stdnt_dlhe_rec.person_id,
589: x_submission_name => l_stdnt_dlhe_rec.submission_name,
590: x_user_return_subclass => l_stdnt_dlhe_rec.user_return_subclass ,