547: round(pd.quantity_ordered,
549: round(wo.scheduled_quantity,
550: WIP_CONSTANTS.INV_MAX_PRECISION))) required_assy_qty
551: from po_headers_all ph,
552: po_lines_all pl,
553: po_distributions_all pd,
554: po_vendors pv,
555: po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
610: round(wo.scheduled_quantity,
611: WIP_CONSTANTS.INV_MAX_PRECISION))) required_assy_qty
612: from po_releases_all pr,
613: po_headers_all ph,
614: po_lines_all pl,
615: po_line_locations_all ps,
616: po_distributions_all pd,
617: po_vendors pv,
1080: pvs.address_line1, pvs.address_line2, pvs.address_line3,
1081: pvs.address_line4, pvs.city,pvs.county,pvs.state,
1082: pvs.province,pvs.zip,null)
1083: into l_address
1084: from po_headers_all ph,
1085: po_vendor_sites_all pvs
1086: where ph.po_header_id = l_po_header_id
1087: and pvs.org_id = ph.org_id
1088: and pvs.vendor_site_id = ph.vendor_site_id;
1172: pr.release_num
1173: from po_releases_all pr,
1174: po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
1175: po_vendors pv,
1176: po_headers_all ph,
1177: po_lines_all pl,
1178: po_line_locations_all ps,
1179: po_distributions_all pd
1180: where pd.po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
1395: po_location_associations_all pla,
1396: mtl_system_items_kfv msik2,
1397: po_lines_all pl2,
1398: po_line_locations_all ps1,
1399: po_headers_all ph2,
1400: wip_operations wo,
1401: po_distributions_all pd2,
1402: po_distributions_all pd1
1403: where pd1.po_distribution_id = l_po_distribution_id