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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_ps_gen_002 AS
2   /* $Header: IGSPS02B.pls 120.3 2006/06/14 07:03:37 ckasu noship $ */
4   WHO        WHEN          WHAT
5   ckasu     14-JUN-2006    modified as a part of bug#5299752 inorder to include attendance type
6                            as parameter in crsp_get_crv_eftd PROCEDURE
7   ckasu     07-MAR-2006    modified as a part of bug#5070746 inorder to include location_cd , attendance mode
8                            as parameters in crsp_get_crv_eftd PROCEDURE
9   ijeddy      05-nov-2003  Bug# 3181938; Modified this object as per Summary Measurement Of Attainment FD.
10   smvk       10-Oct-2003   Enh # 3052445. Added p_n_max_wlst_per_stud to the signature of crsp_ins_cv_hist.
11   Nishikant  11DEC2002     ENCR027 Build (Program Length Integration). The function crsp_get_crv_eftd revamped.
12   vvutukur   19-Oct-2002   Enh#2608227.Modified crsp_get_crv_eftd,crsp_ins_cv_hist.
13   ayedubat   25-MAY-2001   midified the procedure,crsp_ins_cv_hist to add the new columns.
14   avenkatr   29-AUG-2001   removed procedure "crsp_val_crv_quality"
15   knaraset   8-Jan-2003    Modified the code to fetch alias value instead of absolete value
16                            while getting the load effective date bug 2739128
17  Rvivekan    26-6-2003     Bug#2931318. The logic of crsp_get_crv_eftd has been completed revamped. The function now calculates
18          		attendance type byt chosing the attendance type with the greatest research percentage.
20  */
22   FUNCTION crsp_get_course_ttl(
23   p_course_cd IN igs_ps_course.course_cd%TYPE )
25   BEGIN -- crsp_get_course_ttl
26     -- This module returns the IGS_PS_COURSE version IGS_PE_TITLE for a IGS_PS_COURSE code.
27     -- If no IGS_PS_COURSE version is found then NULL is returned.
30     cst_active CONSTANT igs_ps_stat.s_course_status%TYPE  := 'ACTIVE';
31     cst_planned CONSTANT igs_ps_stat.s_course_status%TYPE := 'PLANNED';
33     v_title  igs_ps_ver.title%TYPE;
35     CURSOR c_crv_crst IS
36     SELECT crv.title
37     FROM igs_ps_ver crv,
38       igs_ps_stat crst
39     WHERE crv.course_cd  = p_course_cd AND
40       crst.course_status = crv.course_status
41     ORDER BY decode( crst.s_course_status,
42       cst_active, 1,
43       cst_planned, 2, 3) ASC,
44       crv.expiry_dt  DESC,
45       crv.version_number DESC;
46   BEGIN
47     OPEN c_crv_crst;
48     FETCH c_crv_crst INTO v_title;
49     IF c_crv_crst%NOTFOUND THEN
50       CLOSE c_crv_crst;
51       RETURN NULL;
52     END IF;
53     CLOSE c_crv_crst;
54     RETURN v_title;
57       IF (c_crv_crst%isopen) THEN
58         CLOSE c_crv_crst;
59       END IF;
60       app_exception.raise_exception;
61     END;
64       fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
65       fnd_message.set_token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_002.crsp_get_course_ttl');
66       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
67       app_exception.raise_exception;
68     END crsp_get_course_ttl;
70 FUNCTION crsp_get_crv_eftd( p_person_id    IN  NUMBER ,
71                             p_course_cd    IN  VARCHAR2)
73  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
74  || Created By :
75  || Created On :
76  || Purpose : Get the program length, program length measurement for a course
77  ||           offering option. This is derived from program_length,program_length_measurement
78  ||           fields.
79  || Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
80  || Change History :
81  || Who             When            What
82  || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
83  || ckasu     07-MAR-2006      modified as a part of bug#5070746 inorder to include location_cd , attendance mode
84  ||                            as parameters.
85  || Rvivekan	 26-6-2003     Bug#2931318. The logic of this function has bee completed revamped. The function now calculates
86  ||				attendance type byt chosing the attendance type with the greatest research percentage.
87  || Nishikant    12MAR2003     Bug#2843854. The Cursor c_check_att_type was retrieving the Program Length and Measurement from
88  ||                            the Uoo_id passed as a parameter. Now its modified to be based upon the parameters course_cd,
89  ||                            version_number, cal_type, attendance_type. So that if a student has been attempted a Half Time
90  ||                            Program Offering Option, and if the Program Length and Measurement are specified for a Full time
91  ||                            offering option, then these will be considered. And the cursor c_coo_id removed.
92  || Nishikant    11DEC2002     ENCR027 Build (Program Length Integration) . The Function revamped fully to calculate Total
93  ||                            EFTD for research students based on the FT offering for the Program with the highest FTE value
94  ||                            and not based on the offering the student is attempting.
95  || vvutukur     19-Oct-2002   Enh#2608227.Modified cursor c_get and its usage in the code
96  ||                            to fetch program length and program length measurement by removing
97  ||                            references to std_ft_completion_time.
98   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100  CURSOR c_stu_crs_atmpt (cp_person_id     igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.person_id%TYPE,
101                             cp_course_cd     igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.course_cd%TYPE) IS
102       SELECT  sca.cal_type, sca.version_number,sca.location_cd,sca.attendance_mode,sca.attendance_type
103       FROM    igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca
104       WHERE   sca.person_id = cp_person_id
105       AND     sca.course_cd = cp_course_cd;
106     --
108  CURSOR c_stu_crs_atmpt_from_appl (cp_person_id     igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.person_id%TYPE,
109                             cp_course_cd     igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.course_cd%TYPE) IS
110     SELECT aav.acad_cal_type, acai.crv_version_number , acai.location_cd,acai.attendance_mode,acai.attendance_type
111     FROM igs_ad_appl aav,
112          igs_ad_ps_appl_inst acai
113     WHERE acai.person_id=cp_person_id AND acai.course_cd=cp_course_cd AND
114     aav.person_id = acai.person_id AND aav.admission_appl_number = acai.admission_appl_number;
117  CURSOR c_check_att_type (cp_course_cd         igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.course_cd%TYPE,
118                            cp_version_number    igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.version_number%TYPE,
119 			   cp_cal_type          igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.cal_type%TYPE,
120 			   cp_attendance_type   igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.attendance_type%TYPE,
121                            cp_location          igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.location_cd%TYPE,
122                            cp_attendance_mode   igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.attendance_mode%TYPE) IS
123   SELECT program_length, program_length_measurement
124   FROM   igs_ps_ofr_opt_all
125   WHERE  course_cd = cp_course_cd AND
126          version_number = cp_version_number AND
127          cal_type = cp_cal_type AND
128 	 attendance_type = cp_attendance_type AND
129          location_cd = cp_location AND
130          attendance_mode = cp_attendance_mode AND
131          program_length  IS NOT NULL AND
132          program_length_measurement  IS NOT NULL;
133   l_program_length              igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.program_length%TYPE;
134   l_program_length_measurement  igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.program_length_measurement%TYPE;
135   l_version_number    igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.version_number%TYPE;
136   l_acad_cal_type     igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
137   l_message_name      fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
138   l_ret_value         NUMBER := 0;
139   l_total_eftd        NUMBER := 0;
140   l_proglength_found   BOOLEAN :=FALSE;
141   l_location_cd       igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.location_cd%TYPE;
142   l_attendance_mode   igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.attendance_mode%TYPE;
143   l_attendance_type   igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.attendance_type%TYPE;
145   l_message_name := NULL;
146   l_total_eftd := l_ret_value; --If returns without calculating EFTD, then p_total_eftd will be zero
148   OPEN c_stu_crs_atmpt (p_person_id,
149                         p_course_cd);
150     FETCH c_stu_crs_atmpt INTO l_acad_cal_type, l_version_number,l_location_cd,l_attendance_mode,l_attendance_type;
151     IF (c_stu_crs_atmpt%NOTFOUND) THEN
152        --
153        -- if not data found return from the program unit
154        --
155     CLOSE c_stu_crs_atmpt;
156      OPEN c_stu_crs_atmpt_from_appl (p_person_id,p_course_cd);
157        FETCH c_stu_crs_atmpt_from_appl INTO l_acad_cal_type, l_version_number,l_location_cd,l_attendance_mode,l_attendance_type;
158        IF (c_stu_crs_atmpt_from_appl%NOTFOUND) THEN
159           CLOSE c_stu_crs_atmpt_from_appl;
160           l_message_name := 'IGS_EN_NO_CRS_ATMPT';
161           l_total_eftd := -2;
162 	  RETURN l_total_eftd;
163        END IF;
164        CLOSE c_stu_crs_atmpt_from_appl;
165     ELSE
166     CLOSE c_stu_crs_atmpt;
167     END IF;
169 	   --Get the Program Length and Program Length Measurement for the Full Time Attendance Type
170 	   --in the same Program offering, the student is attempting
171     OPEN  c_check_att_type ( p_course_cd, l_version_number, l_acad_cal_type,l_attendance_type,l_location_cd,l_attendance_mode);
172     FETCH c_check_att_type INTO l_program_length, l_program_length_measurement;
174     IF c_check_att_type%FOUND AND  l_program_length IS NOT NULL  AND l_program_length_measurement IS NOT NULL THEN
175 	l_proglength_found:=TRUE;
176 	CLOSE c_check_att_type;
177     ELSE
178         CLOSE c_check_att_type;
179     END IF;
182   IF l_proglength_found=FALSE THEN
183 	l_message_name:='IGS_EN_FT_OFR_INCOMPL';
184 	l_total_eftd := 0;
185         RETURN l_total_eftd;
186   END IF;
189          --If FT Attendance Type has been found at the Program Offering option then
190          --calculate the total EFTD according to the value of Program Length and
191 	 --Program Length Measurement return the calculated EFTD.
193          IF l_program_length_measurement = 'YEAR' THEN
194              l_ret_value := l_program_length*365;
195          ELSIF l_program_length_measurement = 'MONTHS' THEN
196              l_ret_value := l_program_length*365/12;
197          ELSIF l_program_length_measurement = 'DAYS' THEN
198              l_ret_value := l_program_length;
199          ELSIF l_program_length_measurement = 'WEEKS' THEN
200              l_ret_value := l_program_length*7;
201          ELSIF l_program_length_measurement = 'HOURS' THEN
202              l_ret_value := l_program_length/24;
203          ELSIF l_program_length_measurement = '10TH OF A YEAR' THEN
204              l_ret_value := l_program_length*365/10;
205          ELSIF l_program_length_measurement = 'MINUTES' THEN
206              l_ret_value := l_program_length/(24*60);
207          END IF;
209          l_total_eftd := l_ret_value;
210 	 RETURN l_total_eftd;
214       RAISE;
215 END crsp_get_crv_eftd;
217    FUNCTION crsp_get_un_lvl(
218   p_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
219   p_unit_version_number IN NUMBER ,
220   p_course_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
221   p_course_version_number IN NUMBER )
223   BEGIN
224     DECLARE
225     v_unit_level igs_ps_unit_lvl.unit_level%TYPE;
226     CURSOR c_cul_crv IS
227     SELECT cul.unit_level
228     FROM igs_ps_unit_lvl cul
229     WHERE cul.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
230       cul.version_number = p_course_version_number AND
231       cul.unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
232       cul.version_number = p_unit_version_number;
233     CURSOR c_uv IS
234     SELECT uv.unit_level
235     FROM igs_ps_unit_ver uv
236     WHERE uv.unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
237       uv.version_number = p_unit_version_number;
238   BEGIN
239     -- Get the IGS_PS_UNIT level of a IGS_PS_UNIT attempt within a nominated IGS_PS_COURSE.
240     -- Searches for the existence of a IGS_PS_UNIT_LVL record using the
241    -- IGS_PS_UNIT.level
242     -- 1. Search for a IGS_PS_UNIT_LVL record matching the IGS_PS_UNIT version and the
243     -- IGS_PS_COURSE type of the nominated IGS_PS_COURSE.
244    OPEN c_cul_crv;
245    FETCH c_cul_crv INTO v_unit_level;
246     IF (c_cul_crv%FOUND) THEN
247       CLOSE c_cul_crv;
248       RETURN v_unit_level;
249     END IF;
250     CLOSE c_cul_crv;
251     OPEN c_uv;
252     FETCH c_uv  INTO v_unit_level;
253     IF (c_uv%NOTFOUND) THEN
254       CLOSE c_uv;
255       RETURN NULL;
256     END IF;
257     CLOSE c_uv;
258     RETURN v_unit_level;
259   END;
262     fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
263     fnd_message.set_token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_002.crsp_get_un_lvl');
264     igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
265     app_exception.raise_exception;
266   END crsp_get_un_lvl;
268   PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cfos_hist(
269   p_course_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
270   p_version_number IN NUMBER ,
271   p_field_of_study IN VARCHAR2 ,
272   p_last_update_on IN DATE ,
273   p_update_on IN DATE ,
274   p_last_update_who IN VARCHAR2 ,
275   p_percentage IN NUMBER ,
276   p_major_field_ind IN VARCHAR2)
277   AS
278   v_s_course_status igs_ps_stat.s_course_status%TYPE;
279   x_rowid   VARCHAR2(25);
280   l_org_id  NUMBER(15);
282   CURSOR c_get_course_status IS
283     SELECT s_course_status
284     FROM  igs_ps_stat, igs_ps_ver
285     WHERE igs_ps_ver.course_cd = p_course_cd  AND
286       igs_ps_ver.version_number  = p_version_number  AND
287       igs_ps_stat.course_status = igs_ps_ver.course_status;
288   BEGIN
289     OPEN c_get_course_status;
290     FETCH c_get_course_status INTO v_s_course_status;
291     CLOSE c_get_course_status;
292     l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
293     IF v_s_course_status = 'ACTIVE' THEN
294       igs_ps_fld_std_hist_pkg.insert_row(
295       x_rowid  => x_rowid,
296       x_course_cd  => p_course_cd,
297       x_field_of_study => p_field_of_study,
298       x_hist_start_dt => p_last_update_on,
299       x_version_number => p_version_number,
300       x_hist_end_dt => p_update_on,
301       x_hist_who  => p_last_update_who,
302       x_percentage => p_percentage,
303       x_major_field_ind => p_major_field_ind,
304       x_mode  => 'R',
305       x_org_id   => l_org_id);
306     END IF;
309     fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
310     fnd_message.set_token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_002.crsp_ins_cfos_hist');
311     igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
312     app_exception.raise_exception;
313   END crsp_ins_cfos_hist;
315   PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cv_hist(
316   p_course_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
317   p_version_number IN NUMBER ,
318   p_last_update_on IN DATE ,
319   p_update_on IN DATE ,
320   p_last_update_who IN VARCHAR2 ,
321   p_start_dt IN DATE ,
322   p_review_dt IN DATE ,
323   p_expiry_dt IN DATE ,
324   p_end_dt IN DATE ,
325   p_course_status IN VARCHAR2 ,
326   p_title IN VARCHAR2 ,
327   p_short_title IN VARCHAR2 ,
328   p_abbreviation IN VARCHAR2 ,
329   p_supp_exam_permitted_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
330   p_generic_course_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
331   p_graduate_students_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
332   p_count_intrmsn_in_time_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
333   p_intrmsn_allowed_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
334   p_course_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
335   p_responsible_org_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
336   p_responsible_ou_start_dt IN DATE ,
337   p_govt_special_course_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
338   p_qualification_recency IN NUMBER ,
339   p_external_adv_stnd_limit IN NUMBER ,
340   p_internal_adv_stnd_limit IN NUMBER ,
341   p_contact_hours IN NUMBER ,
342   p_credit_points_required IN NUMBER ,
343   p_govt_course_load IN NUMBER ,
344   p_std_annual_load IN NUMBER ,
345   p_course_total_eftsu IN NUMBER ,
346   p_max_intrmsn_duration IN NUMBER ,
347   p_num_of_units_before_intrmsn IN NUMBER ,
348   p_min_sbmsn_percentage IN NUMBER,
349   p_min_cp_per_calendar IN NUMBER,
350   p_approval_date IN DATE,
351   p_external_approval_date IN DATE,
352   p_federal_financial_aid IN VARCHAR2,
353   p_institutional_financial_aid IN VARCHAR2,
354   p_max_cp_per_teaching_period IN NUMBER,
355   p_residency_cp_required IN NUMBER,
356   p_state_financial_aid IN VARCHAR2,
357   p_primary_program_rank IN NUMBER,
358   p_n_max_wlst_per_stud IN NUMBER,
359   p_n_annual_instruction_time IN NUMBER)
360   AS
361   v_ct_description igs_ps_type.description%TYPE;
362   v_ou_description igs_or_unit.description%TYPE;
363   v_gsct_description igs_ps_govt_spl_type.description%TYPE;
364   x_rowid   VARCHAR(25);
365   l_org_id  NUMBER(15);
366   CURSOR c_find_ct_desc IS
367     SELECT description
368     FROM igs_ps_type
369     WHERE course_type = p_course_type;
370   CURSOR c_find_ou_desc IS
371     SELECT party_name description
372     FROM igs_or_inst_org_base_v
373     WHERE party_number = p_responsible_org_unit_cd AND
374   start_dt    = p_responsible_ou_start_dt;
375   CURSOR c_find_gsct_desc IS
376     SELECT  description
377     FROM    igs_ps_govt_spl_type
378     WHERE   govt_special_course_type = p_govt_special_course_type;
379    /*************************************************************
380    Created By :
381    Date Created By :
382    Purpose :
383    Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
384    Change History
385    Who           When            What
386    --sommukhe 16-FEB-2006 Bug#3094371, replaced IGS_OR_UNIT by igs_or_inst_org_base_v for cursor c_find_ou_desc
387    sarakshi   23-Jan-2004 Enh#3345205, added column annual_instruction_time in the TBH call
388    vvutukur   19-Oct-2002 Enh#2608227.Removed references to std_ft_completion_time,std_pt_completion_time as these
389                           columns are obsolete.Also removed DEFAULT keyword to avoid gscc File.Pkg.22 warning.
390    ayedubat   25-MAY-2001 Added the new columns
391    (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
392    ***************************************************************/
393   BEGIN
394     IF p_course_type IS NULL THEN
395       v_ct_description := NULL;
396     ELSE
397       OPEN c_find_ct_desc;
398       FETCH c_find_ct_desc INTO v_ct_description;
399       CLOSE c_find_ct_desc;
400     END IF;
401     IF p_responsible_org_unit_cd IS NULL THEN
402       v_ou_description := NULL;
403     ELSE
404       OPEN c_find_ou_desc;
405     FETCH c_find_ou_desc INTO v_ou_description;
406       CLOSE c_find_ou_desc;
407     END IF;
408     IF p_govt_special_course_type IS NULL THEN
409       v_gsct_description := NULL;
410     ELSE
411       OPEN c_find_gsct_desc;
412       FETCH c_find_gsct_desc INTO v_gsct_description;
413       CLOSE c_find_gsct_desc;
414     END IF;
415     l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
417     igs_ps_ver_hist_pkg.insert_row(
418       x_rowid        => x_rowid,
419       x_course_cd                  => p_course_cd,
420       x_version_number             => p_version_number,
421       x_hist_start_dt              => p_last_update_on,
422       x_hist_end_dt                => p_update_on,
423       x_hist_who                   => p_last_update_who,
424       x_start_dt                   => p_start_dt,
425       x_review_dt                  => p_review_dt,
426       x_expiry_dt                  => p_expiry_dt,
427       x_end_dt                     => p_end_dt,
428       x_course_status              => p_course_status,
429       x_title                      => p_title,
430       x_short_title                => p_short_title,
431       x_abbreviation               => p_abbreviation,
432       x_supp_exam_permitted_ind    => p_supp_exam_permitted_ind,
433       x_generic_course_ind         => p_generic_course_ind,
434       x_graduate_students_ind      => p_graduate_students_ind,
435       x_count_intrmsn_in_time_ind  => p_count_intrmsn_in_time_ind,
436       x_intrmsn_allowed_ind        => p_intrmsn_allowed_ind,
437       x_course_type                => p_course_type,
438       x_ct_description             => v_ct_description,
439       x_responsible_org_unit_cd    => p_responsible_org_unit_cd,
440       x_responsible_ou_start_dt    => p_responsible_ou_start_dt,
441       x_ou_description             => v_ou_description,
442       x_govt_special_course_type   => p_govt_special_course_type,
443       x_gsct_description           => v_gsct_description,
444       x_qualification_recency      => p_qualification_recency,
445       x_external_adv_stnd_limit    => p_external_adv_stnd_limit,
446       x_internal_adv_stnd_limit    => p_internal_adv_stnd_limit,
447       x_contact_hours              => p_contact_hours,
448       x_credit_points_required     => p_credit_points_required,
449       x_govt_course_load           => p_govt_course_load,
450       x_std_annual_load            => p_std_annual_load,
451       x_course_total_eftsu         => p_course_total_eftsu,
452       x_max_intrmsn_duration       => p_max_intrmsn_duration,
453       x_num_of_units_before_intrmsn=> p_num_of_units_before_intrmsn,
454       x_min_sbmsn_percentage       => p_min_sbmsn_percentage,
455       x_min_cp_per_calendar        => p_min_cp_per_calendar,
456       x_approval_date              => p_approval_date,
457       x_external_approval_date     => p_external_approval_date,
458       x_federal_financial_aid      => p_federal_financial_aid ,
459       x_institutional_financial_aid=> p_institutional_financial_aid ,
460       x_max_cp_per_teaching_period => p_max_cp_per_teaching_period ,
461       x_residency_cp_required      => p_residency_cp_required,
462       x_state_financial_aid        => p_state_financial_aid,
463       x_primary_program_rank       => p_primary_program_rank,
464       x_max_wlst_per_stud          => p_n_max_wlst_per_stud,
465       x_mode                       => 'R',
466       x_org_id                     => l_org_id,
467       x_annual_instruction_time    => p_n_annual_instruction_time);
470       fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
471       fnd_message.set_token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_002.crsp_ins_cv_hist');
472       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
473       app_exception.raise_exception;
474   END crsp_ins_cv_hist;
477 END igs_ps_gen_002;