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1 package cwm$olap$hierarchy as
3   -- set display name for hierarchy.
4   --
5   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
6   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
7   -- param hierarchy_name        name of the hierarchy within the dimension
8   -- param display_name          new display name for the hierarchy
9   --
10   -- raise no_access_privileges  if no privileges to edit the dimension
11   -- raise hierarchy_not_found   if hierarchy doesn't exist
12   procedure set_display_name(owner varchar2
13                             ,dimension_name varchar2
14                             ,hierarchy_name varchar2
15                             ,display_name varchar2);
17   -- set descriptive text for hierarchy.
18   --
19   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
20   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
21   -- param hierarchy_name        name of the hierarchy within the dimension
22   -- param description           new description for the hierarchy
23   --
24   -- raise no_access_privileges  if no privileges to edit the dimension
25   -- raise hierarchy_not_found   if hierarchy doesn't exist
26   procedure set_description(owner varchar2
27                            ,dimension_name varchar2
28                            ,hierarchy_name varchar2
29                            ,description varchar2);
31   -- Lock the dimension hierarchy
32   --
33   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
34   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
35   -- param hierarchy_name        name of the hierarchy within the dimension
36   -- param wait_for_lock         wait for lock if acquired by other user
37   --
38   -- raise no_access_privileges  if no privileges to edit the dimension
39   -- raise hierarchy_not_found   if hierarchy doesn't exist
40   -- raise failed_to_gain_lock   if lock could not be acquired
41   procedure lock_hierarchy(owner varchar2
42                          , dimension_name varchar2
43                          , hierarchy_name varchar2
44                          , wait_for_lock boolean := false);
46   -- internal function to return the internal id of the cwm hierarchy object
47   -- creating it if it does not already exist.
48   --
49   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
50   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
51   -- param hierarchy_name        name of the hierarchy within the dimension
52   --
53   -- raise hierarchy_not_found   if hierarchy doesn't exist
54   function get_hierarchy_id(owner varchar2
55                           , dimension_name varchar2
56                           , hierarchy_name varchar2) return number;
57 end;