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APPS.WF_XML dependencies on WF_MAIL_UTIL

Line 929: -- placed into WF_MAIL_UTIL in order to prevent a dependancy

925: -- pExtn The extention of the file name
926: -- pEncoding The content-encoding part of the Content-Type
927: --
928: -- NOTE: For bug 3735752, a copy of parseContentType was taken and
929: -- placed into WF_MAIL_UTIL in order to prevent a dependancy
930: -- on WF_XML for WFA_HTML. This copy remains in tact.
931: procedure parseContentType(pContentType in varchar2,
932: pMimeType out nocopy varchar2,
933: pFileName out nocopy varchar2,

Line 2914: copy_recipient_list WF_MAIL_UTIL.parserStack_t;

2910: p_list in varchar2,
2911: p_type in varchar2,
2912: p_pos in out nocopy integer)
2913: is
2914: copy_recipient_list WF_MAIL_UTIL.parserStack_t;
2915: atPos pls_integer;
2917: display_name varchar2(360);
2918: recipient_role varchar2(320);

Line 2941: copy_recipient_list := WF_MAIL_UTIL.strParser(p_list, ';');

2938: begin
2939: step := 'Initializing the copy list';
2940: copy_recipient_list.DELETE;
2941: copy_recipient_list := WF_MAIL_UTIL.strParser(p_list, ';');
2942: if (copy_recipient_list.COUNT > 0) then
2944: for i in 1..copy_recipient_list.COUNT loop