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2 /* $Header: IGSPAS2S.pls 120.2 2006/01/17 03:52:49 ijeddy noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The Unit Attempt Reference Codes  Legacy import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
5  * This API is also used by the Legacy Import Process for Enrollment and Records when importing rows from the IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT interface table.
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product IGS
8  * @rep:displayname Import Legacy Student Unit Attempt Reference Codes
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:compatibility S
12  */
14 /***********************************************************************************************
15  ||
16  ||Created By:        Bhavani Radhakrishnan
17  ||
18  ||Date Created By:   20-11-2002
19  ||
20  ||Purpose:       This package is to import the Student Unit attempt reference          ||COdes
21  ||
22  ||Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
23  ||
24  ||Change History
25  ||
26 ************************************************************************************************/
27 TYPE sua_refcd_rec_type IS RECORD
28 /*===========================================================================+
29  | Object  Type                                                              |
30  |              Record type of the table IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT                |
31  |                                                                           |
32  | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
33  |               Record type of the table IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT              |                                                                           |
34  | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
35  |                                                                           |
36  | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
37  |                                                                           |
38  | NOTES                                                                     |
39  |                                                                           |
40  | CREATION     HISTORY :                                                    |
41  |  bradhakr    02-Jul-2005                                                  |
42  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
43  +===========================================================================*/
44 (
45  person_number                  	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.person_number%TYPE ,
46  program_cd                     	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.program_cd%TYPE ,
47  unit_cd                        	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.unit_cd%TYPE ,
48  version_number                 	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.version_number%TYPE ,
49  teach_cal_alt_code             	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.teach_cal_alt_code%TYPE ,
50  location_cd                    	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.location_cd%TYPE ,
51  unit_class                     	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.unit_class%TYPE ,
52  reference_cd_type               	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.reference_cd_type%TYPE ,
53  reference_cd                   	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.reference_cd%TYPE ,
54  applied_program_cd              	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.applied_program_cd%TYPE ,
55  import_status                  	IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT.import_status%TYPE
56 );
57 PROCEDURE validate_parameters(p_suarc_dtls_rec   IN   sua_refcd_rec_type );
58 /*===========================================================================+
59  | PROCEDURE                                                                 |
60  |              validate_parameters                                  |
61  |                                                                           |
62  | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
63  |              This is a public procedure and is responsible for the        |
64  |              validation of the parameters of the igs_As_sua_ref_cds       |
65  | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
66  |                                                                           |
67  | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
68  |                                                                           |
69  | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
70   |                   p_suarc_dtls_rec                                    |
71  |          IN/ OUT:                                                         |
72  |                                                                           |
73  | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
74  |                                                                           |
75  | NOTES                                                                     |
76  |                                                                           |
77  | CREATION     HISTORY :                                                    |
78  |  bradhakr   02-Jul-2005
79  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
80  +===========================================================================*/
81 PROCEDURE validate_db_cons( p_person_id             IN   NUMBER,
82                             p_unit_version_number   IN   NUMBER,
83                             p_uoo_id                IN   NUMBER ,
84                            p_suarc_dtls_rec          IN   sua_refcd_rec_type  ) ;
85 /*===========================================================================+
86  | PROCEDURE                                                                 |
87  |              validate_db_cons                                             |
88  |                                                                           |
89  | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
90  |              This is a public procedure and is responsible for the        |
91  |              creation of a student Assessment unit  outcome record.       |
92  | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
93  |                                                                           |
94  | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
95  |                                                                           |
96  | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
97  |                    p_person_id                                          |
98  |                    p_unit_version_number                                        |
99  |                    p_uoo_id                                               |
100  |                    p_suarc_dtls_rec                                         |
101  |              OUT:							     |
102  |          IN/ OUT:                                                         |
103  |                                                                           |
104  |                                                                           |
105  | NOTES                                                                     |
106  |                                                                           |
107  | CREATION     HISTORY :                                                    |
108  |   bradhakr   02-Jul-2005                                                   |
109  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
110  +===========================================================================*/
111 /*#
112  * The Unit Attempt Reference Codes  Legacy import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
113  * This API is also used by the Legacy Import Process for Enrollment and Records when importing rows from the IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT interface table.
114  * @param p_api_version The version number will be used to compare with claim public api's current version number.Unexpected error is raised if version in-compatibility exists.
115  * @param p_init_msg_list Set to FND_API.G_TRUE to have API automatically to initialize message list.
116  * @param p_commit Set to FND_API.G_TRUE to have API to commit automatically.
117  * @param p_validation_level Public API will always perform full level of validation.
118  * @param p_suarc_dtls_rec Legacy Unit Attempt Reference Code record type. Refer to IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT for detail column descriptions.
119  * @param x_return_status The return status values are as follows; Success - FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ; Error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ; Unexpected error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR.
120  * @param x_msg_count Message count.
121  * @param x_msg_data Message data.
122  * @rep:scope public
123  * @rep:lifecycle active
124  * @rep:displayname Import Legacy Student Unit Attempt Reference Codes
125  */
126 PROCEDURE create_suarc (    p_api_version           IN   NUMBER,
127                             p_init_msg_list         IN   VARCHAR2 ,
128                             p_commit                IN   VARCHAR2 ,
129                             p_validation_level      IN   NUMBER  ,
130                             p_suarc_dtls_rec          IN   sua_refcd_rec_type  ,
131                             x_return_status         OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
132                             x_msg_count             OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
133                             x_msg_data              OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2)   ;
134     /*===========================================================================+
135  | PROCEDURE                                                                 |
136 |                                 create_suarc |
137  |                                                                           |
138  | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
139  |              This is a public procedure and is responsible for the        |
140  |              creation of a student Assessment unit  outcome record.       |
141  | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
142  |                                                                           |
143  | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
144  |                                                                           |
145  | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
146  |                          p_api_version
147  |                           p_init_msg_list
148  |                           p_commit
149  |                           p_validation_level
150  |                           p_suarc_dtls_rec
151  |                 OUT:      x_return_status
152  |                           x_msg_count
153  |                           x_msg_data
154  |                                                                 |
155  |                                                                           |
156  |                                                    |
157  |                                                                           |
158  | NOTES                                                                     |
159  |                                                                           |
160  | CREATION     HISTORY :                                                    |
161  |   bradhakr   02-Jul-2005                                                   |
162  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
163  +===========================================================================*/