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1 PACKAGE BODY hr_cagr_ff_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: hrcagrff.pkb 115.6 2002/12/09 14:45:49 hjonnala noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Package Variables
5 --
6 g_package  varchar2(33) := 'hr_cagr_ff_pkg.';
8 /*
9  Name        : hr_cagr_ff_pkg  (BODY)
10 */
11 --
12 -- ------------------- cagr_entitlement_ff --------------------
13 --
14 --
15 procedure cagr_entitlement_ff
16 ( p_formula_id    	IN  NUMBER,
17   p_effective_date      IN  DATE,
18   p_assignment_id       IN  NUMBER,
19   p_category_name	IN  VARCHAR2,
20   p_out_rec	 OUT NOCOPY hr_cagr_ff_pkg.cagr_FF_record) IS
21 --
22   l_proc      varchar2(72)  := g_package||'cagr_entitlement_ff';
23 --
24   l_formula_id 			NUMBER;
25   l_effective_start_date	DATE;
26   l_effective_end_date		DATE;
27   l_inputs			ff_exec.inputs_t;
28   l_outputs			ff_exec.outputs_t;
29   l_business_group_id		NUMBER;
30   l_person_id         		NUMBER;
31   l_organization_id   		NUMBER;
32   l_payroll_id        		NUMBER;
33   l_tax_unit_id        		NUMBER;
34   l_formula_name       		VARCHAR2(30);
36   cursor csr_assignment is
37     select paf.business_group_id
38 	, paf.organization_id
39 	, paf.payroll_id
40 	, paf.person_id
41 	, scl.segment1
42     from per_all_assignments_f paf,
43 	 hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
44     where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
45     and   p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
46 				and paf.effective_end_date
47     and	  paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id(+);
49   cursor csr_formula is
50     select  ff.formula_name
51     from    ff_formulas_f ff
52     where   ff.formula_id = p_formula_id
53     and     p_effective_date between ff.effective_start_date
54                                 and ff.effective_end_date;
56 --
57 Begin
58   --
59   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
60   --
61   -- validate arguments prior to calling FF
62   --
63   -- check national identifier is not null
64   --
65   if p_assignment_id is null then
66     hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_XXXXX_ASSIGNMENT_ID_NULL');
67     hr_utility.raise_error;
68   end if;
69   --
70 open csr_formula;
72 fetch csr_formula into l_formula_name;
74 close csr_formula;
75   --
76   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
77   --
78 open csr_assignment;
80 fetch csr_assignment into
81 	  l_business_group_id
82 	, l_organization_id
83 	, l_payroll_id
84 	, l_person_id
85 	, l_tax_unit_id;
86   --
87 close csr_assignment;
89   --
90 hr_utility.set_location('l_business_group_id = '||to_char(l_business_group_id),11);
91 hr_utility.set_location('l_organization_id = '||to_char(l_organization_id),11);
92 hr_utility.set_location('l_payroll_id = '||to_char(l_payroll_id),11);
93 hr_utility.set_location('l_person_id = '||to_char(l_person_id),11);
94    --
95 per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('   Information : Formula '||l_formula_name);
96 per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('   Information : Business Group ID = '||l_business_group_id);
97 per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('   Information : Organization ID   = '||l_organization_id);
98 per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('   Information : Payroll ID        = '||l_payroll_id);
99 per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('   Information : Person ID         = '||l_person_id);
100 per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('   Information : Tax Unit ID       = '||l_tax_unit_id);
102    ff_exec.init_formula(p_formula_id,p_effective_date,l_inputs,l_outputs);
103    --
104       hr_utility.set_location('Inputs='||ff_exec.input_count,6);
105       hr_utility.set_location('Contexts='||ff_exec.context_count,6);
106       hr_utility.set_location('Outputs='||ff_exec.output_count,6);
108       if ff_exec.input_count > 0  then
109       per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('ERROR : CAGR formula has unexpected Input values defined.');
110       end if;
111 --      if ff_exec.output_count < 8  then
112 --      per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('ERROR : CAGR formula has less than 8 Output values defined.');
113 --      end if;
114 --      if ff_exec.output_count > 8  then
115 --      per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('ERROR : CAGR formula has more than 8 Output values defined.');
116 --      end if;
117 --      hr_utility.set_location('FF',12);
118    --
120    for l_in_cnt in l_inputs.first..l_inputs.last
121    loop
122       if l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='ASSIGNMENT_ID' then
123          l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := p_assignment_id;
124 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Context - Assignment ID');
125       hr_utility.set_location('ASSIGNMENT_ID',13);
126       elsif l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='DATE_EARNED' then
127          l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_effective_date);
128 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Context - DATE_EARNED');
129       hr_utility.set_location('DATE_EARNED',14);
130       elsif l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='PERSON_ID' then
131          l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := l_person_id;
132 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Context - PERSON_ID');
133       hr_utility.set_location('PERSON_ID',15);
134       elsif l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='ORGANIZATION_ID' then
135          l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := l_organization_id;
136 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Context - ORGANIZATION_ID');
137       hr_utility.set_location('ORGANIZATION_ID',16);
138       elsif l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='BUSINESS_GROUP_ID' then
139          l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := l_business_group_id;
140 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Context - BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');
141       hr_utility.set_location('BUSINESS_GROUP_ID',17);
142       elsif l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='PAYROLL_ID' then
143          l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := l_payroll_id;
144 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Context - PAYROLL_ID');
145       hr_utility.set_location('PAYROLL_ID',18);
146       elsif l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='TAX_UNIT_ID' then
147          l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := l_tax_unit_id;
148 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Context - TAX_UNIT_ID');
149       hr_utility.set_location('TAX_UNIT_ID',19);
150       end if;
151 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : End of Context Section ');
152    end loop;
153    --
154    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
155    --
156    --
157 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Before Start of Run Formula ');
158    ff_exec.run_formula
159 	(P_INPUTS	=> l_inputs
160 	,P_OUTPUTS	=> l_outputs
162    --
163 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Start of Run Formula ');
164    for l_out_cnt in
165    l_outputs.first..l_outputs.last
166    loop
167       if l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='VALUE' then
168          p_out_rec.value := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
169 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - Value');
170       elsif
171          l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='RANGE_FROM' then
172          p_out_rec.range_from := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
173 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - Range From');
174       elsif
175          l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='RANGE_TO' then
176          p_out_rec.range_to := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
177 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - Range To');
178       elsif
179          l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='PARENT_SPINE_ID' then
180          p_out_rec.parent_spine_id := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
181 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - Parent Spine ID');
182       elsif
183          l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='STEP_ID' then
184          p_out_rec.step_id := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
185 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - Step ID');
186       elsif
187          l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='FROM_STEP_ID' then
188          p_out_rec.from_step_id := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
189 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - From Step ID');
190       elsif
191          l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='TO_STEP_ID' then
192          p_out_rec.to_step_id := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
193 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - To Step ID');
194       elsif
195          l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='GRADE_SPINE_ID' then
196          p_out_rec.grade_spine_id := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
197 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : Output - Grade Spine ID');
198       end if;
199 -- per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Information : End of Output Section');
200    end loop;
201    --
202    --
204  if p_category_name = 'PYS' then
206   --   if
207   --    (p_out_rec.parent_spine_id is null OR
208   --     p_out_rec.step_id is null OR
209   --     p_out_rec.grade_spine_id is null) THEN
210   --     hr_utility.set_location('Mandatory Outputs missing for Category '||p_category_name,100);
211   --     per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Warning : Mandatory Outputs missing for Category '||p_category_name);
212   --   end if;
213    if
214     (p_out_rec.value is not null OR
215      p_out_rec.range_from is not null OR
216      p_out_rec.range_to is not null) THEN
217      hr_utility.set_location('Invalid Outputs Returned for Category '||p_category_name,200);
218      per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Warning : Invalid Outputs Returned for Category '||p_category_name);
219    end if;
220  elsif p_category_name in ('ASG','PAY','ABS') then
221      --  if
222      --    p_out_rec.value is null then
223      --    hr_utility.set_location('Mandatory Output missing for Category '||p_category_name,300);
224      --    per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Warning : Mandatory Output missing for Category '||p_category_name);
225      --  end if;
226    if
227     (p_out_rec.parent_spine_id is not null OR
228      p_out_rec.step_id is not null OR
229      p_out_rec.from_step_id is not null OR
230      p_out_rec.to_step_id is not null or
231      p_out_rec.grade_spine_id is not null) THEN
232      hr_utility.set_location('Invalid Outputs Returned for Category '||p_category_name,400);
233      per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Warning : Invalid Outputs Returned for Category '||p_category_name);
234    end if;
235   else
236    hr_utility.set_location('Incorrect Category Name = '||p_category_name,500);
237    per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Warning : Category is incorrect');
238   end if;
240    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| l_proc, 22);
241    --
242    per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('   Information : End of Fast Formula Evaluation.');
244     when OTHERS then
245     p_out_rec := null;
246     hr_utility.set_location('Formula Not Compiled',600);
247 --    per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Error : Formula '||l_formula_name||' has not been compiled or is invalid : '||sqlerrm,1);
248     per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Error : Formula '||l_formula_name);
249     per_cagr_utility_pkg.put_log('Error : '||sqlerrm);
250 --
251 end cagr_entitlement_ff;
254 end hr_cagr_ff_pkg;