125: l_raw_phone_number varchar2(10);
126: Begin
128: if p_phone_country_code is null then
129: FND_PROFILE.get('CSC_CC_DEFAULT_TERRITORY_CODE',l_territory_code);
130: else
131: l_phone_country_code := p_phone_country_code;
132: end if;
194: AND ((status = 'A' AND l_account_status = 'Y') OR (l_account_status = 'N'))
195: AND status not in ('M', 'D')
196: ORDER BY creation_date DESC;
197: BEGIN
198: Fnd_Profile.Get('CSC_CONTACT_CENTER_SHOW_ACTIVE_ACCOUNTS',l_account_status);
199: Fnd_Profile.Get('CSC_CC_DEFAULT_ACCT',l_multi_accounts);
200: l_account_status := nvl(l_account_status, 'N');
201: row_count := x_account_rec.COUNT;
202: FOR i IN 1..row_count LOOP
195: AND status not in ('M', 'D')
196: ORDER BY creation_date DESC;
197: BEGIN
198: Fnd_Profile.Get('CSC_CONTACT_CENTER_SHOW_ACTIVE_ACCOUNTS',l_account_status);
199: Fnd_Profile.Get('CSC_CC_DEFAULT_ACCT',l_multi_accounts);
200: l_account_status := nvl(l_account_status, 'N');
201: row_count := x_account_rec.COUNT;
202: FOR i IN 1..row_count LOOP
203: l_Account_name := NULL;