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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

     SELECT   a.person_id,a.effective_date,noa.order_of_processing,
              a.employee_last_name, a.employee_first_name,a.employee_national_identifier
       FROM   ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_pa_routing_history b,ghr_nature_of_actions noa
       WHERE  effective_date <= sysdate
       AND    pa_notification_id IS NULL
       AND    approval_date IS NOT NULL
       AND    a.pa_request_id = b.pa_request_id
	   AND    noa.code  = a.first_noa_code
       AND    c_poi   =
               (SELECT POEI_INFORMATION3 FROM per_position_extra_info
                WHERE information_type = 'GHR_US_POS_GRP1'
                AND   position_id = NVL(a.to_position_id,a.from_position_id))
       AND     action_taken    = 'FUTURE_ACTION'
       AND     EXISTS
                (SELECT 1
                 FROM per_people_f per
                 WHERE per.person_id = a.person_id
                 AND a.effective_date BETWEEN
                 per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date )
      AND     b.pa_routing_history_id = (SELECT max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                          FROM ghr_pa_routing_history
                                          WHERE pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
      ORDER BY person_id,effective_date,order_of_processing;
Line: 50

 SELECT  COUNT(*) fut_cnt
       FROM   ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_pa_routing_history b,ghr_nature_of_actions noa
       WHERE  effective_date <= sysdate
       AND    pa_notification_id IS NULL
       AND    approval_date IS NOT NULL
       AND    a.pa_request_id = b.pa_request_id
	   AND    noa.code  = a.first_noa_code
       AND    c_poi   =
               (SELECT POEI_INFORMATION3 FROM per_position_extra_info
                WHERE information_type = 'GHR_US_POS_GRP1'
                AND   position_id = NVL(a.to_position_id,a.from_position_id))
       AND     action_taken    = 'FUTURE_ACTION'
       AND     EXISTS
                (SELECT 1
                 FROM per_people_f per
                 WHERE per.person_id = a.person_id
                 AND a.effective_date BETWEEN
                 per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date )
      AND     b.pa_routing_history_id = (SELECT max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                          FROM ghr_pa_routing_history
                                          WHERE pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id);
Line: 76

      SELECT  a.person_id,a.effective_date,noa.order_of_processing,
              a.employee_last_name, a.employee_first_name,a.employee_national_identifier
       FROM   ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_pa_routing_history b,ghr_nature_of_actions noa
       WHERE  effective_date <= sysdate
       AND    pa_notification_id IS NULL
       AND    approval_date IS NOT NULL
       AND    a.pa_request_id = b.pa_request_id
	   AND    noa.code  = a.first_noa_code
       AND     action_taken    = 'FUTURE_ACTION'
       AND     EXISTS
                (SELECT 1
                 FROM per_people_f per
                 WHERE per.person_id = a.person_id
                 AND a.effective_date BETWEEN
                 per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date )
      AND     b.pa_routing_history_id = (SELECT max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                          FROM ghr_pa_routing_history
                                          WHERE pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
      ORDER BY person_id,effective_date,order_of_processing;
Line: 99

 SELECT COUNT(*) fut_cnt
       FROM   ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_pa_routing_history b,ghr_nature_of_actions noa
       WHERE  effective_date <= sysdate
       AND    pa_notification_id IS NULL
       AND    approval_date IS NOT NULL
       AND    a.pa_request_id = b.pa_request_id
	   AND    noa.code  = a.first_noa_code
       AND     action_taken    = 'FUTURE_ACTION'
       AND     EXISTS
                (SELECT 1
                 FROM per_people_f per
                 WHERE per.person_id = a.person_id
                 AND a.effective_date BETWEEN
                 per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date )
      AND     b.pa_routing_history_id = (SELECT max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                          FROM ghr_pa_routing_history
                                          WHERE pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id);
Line: 118

SELECT max(completion_status) max_status
WHERE session_id = c_session_id;
Line: 156

Line: 198

		-- Loop through the future actions and insert them into the appropriate batch.
		-- If the batch size exceeds the limit and if the record belongs to different
		-- person, insert the following records into the next batch.
		FOR l_c_futr_actions IN c_futr_actions LOOP
            l_result := NULL;
Line: 223

                    INSERT INTO GHR_MTS_TEMP(session_id, batch_no, pa_request_id, action_type)
                    VALUES(l_session_id,l_batch_no,l_c_futr_actions.pa_request_id, 'FUTURE');
Line: 324

                        INSERT INTO GHR_MTS_TEMP(session_id, batch_no, pa_request_id, action_type)
                        VALUES(l_session_id,l_batch_no,l_c_futr_actions.pa_request_id, 'FUTURE');
Line: 469

	-- Delete the temporary table data.
		WHERE session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 479

		WHERE session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 501

SELECT pa_request_id, batch_no
WHERE session_id = c_session_id
AND batch_no = c_batch_no;
Line: 507

   FROM ghr_pa_requests
   WHERE  pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id;
Line: 512

        select userenv('sessionid') sesid  from dual;
Line: 531

     SELECT par.object_version_number
     FROM   ghr_pa_requests par
     WHERE  par.pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;           -- 3769917
Line: 541

    select ppf.business_group_id
    from per_people_f ppf
    where ppf.person_id = p_person_id
    and p_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
    and ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 560

      UPDATE fnd_sessions SET SESSION_ID = l_sid
      WHERE  SESSION_ID = l_sid;
Line: 563

         INSERT INTO fnd_sessions
Line: 629

								'Cause: The Personnel Action attempted to update the employee''s salary with a ' || l_new_line ||
								'decreased amount of Basic Pay. ' || l_new_line ||
								'Action: Please review the personnel action to verify the Grade and Step, Pay Table amounts,' || l_new_line ||
								'and Pay Rate Determinant code for this employee.' ;    -- Bug 3320086 Changed error message.
Line: 673

				  (p_pa_request_id                  =>  l_sf52_rec.pa_request_id,
				   p_effective_date                 =>  l_sf52_rec.effective_date,
				   p_from_position_id               =>  l_sf52_rec.from_position_id,
				   p_to_position_id                 =>  l_sf52_rec.to_position_id,
				   p_agency_code                    =>  l_sf52_rec.agency_code,
				   p_from_agency_code               =>  l_sf52_rec.from_agency_code,
				   p_from_agency_desc               =>  l_sf52_rec.from_agency_desc,
				   p_from_office_symbol             =>  l_sf52_rec.from_office_symbol,
				   p_personnel_office_id            =>  l_sf52_rec.personnel_office_id,
				   p_employee_dept_or_agency        =>  l_sf52_rec.employee_dept_or_agency,
				   p_to_office_symbol               =>  l_sf52_rec.to_office_symbol
Line: 737

						'Action: RPA related information has changed. Retrieve the RPA from the groupbox to review the refreshed information, make necessary changes, and update HR',1,2000);
Line: 744

				l_error_message := 'Action: RPA related information has changed. Retrieve the RPA from the groupbox to review the refreshed information, make necessary changes, and update HR';--Bug#5634990
Line: 837

 SET completion_status = p_retcode
 WHERE session_id = p_session_id
 AND batch_no = p_batch_no;
Line: 867

     insert into ghr_process_log
Line: 963

	   SELECT  'X'
       FROM   ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_pa_routing_history b
       WHERE  a.effective_date between (c_effective_date - 2) and (c_effective_date + 1)
       AND    a.person_id     = c_person_id
       AND    (substr(a.first_noa_code,1,1) = '5' OR a.first_noa_code IN ('760','762','765'))
       AND    pa_notification_id IS NULL
       AND    approval_date IS NOT NULL
       AND    a.pa_request_id = b.pa_request_id
       AND     action_taken    = 'FUTURE_ACTION'
       AND     EXISTS
                (SELECT 1
                 FROM per_people_f per
                 WHERE per.person_id = a.person_id
                 AND a.effective_date BETWEEN
                 per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date )
      AND     b.pa_routing_history_id = (SELECT max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                          FROM ghr_pa_routing_history
                                          WHERE pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id);
Line: 982

     SELECT 'Y'
     FROM   ghr_pa_requests
     WHERE  effective_date between (c_effective_date - 14) and (c_effective_date + 1)
     AND    person_id = c_person_id
     AND    (substr(first_noa_code,1,1) = '5' OR first_noa_code IN ('760','762','765'))
     AND    pa_notification_id IS NOT NULL
     AND    (NVL(first_noa_cancel_or_correct,'C') <> 'CANCEL' OR NVL(second_noa_cancel_or_correct,'C') <> 'CANCEL');