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2 /* $Header: ozfpclas.pls 120.4 2007/12/26 10:35:02 kpatro ship $ */
3 /*#
4 * This package can be used to;
5 * 1. create, update, and delete claims and claim lines;
6 * 2. create claim with earnings associated
7 * 3. associate earnings to an existing claim or claim line
8 * 4. create claim with earnings associated and to settle the claim.
9 * @rep:scope public
10 * @rep:product OZF
11 * @rep:lifecycle active
12 * @rep:displayname Claim Public API
13 * @rep:compatibility S
14 * @rep:businessevent None
15 * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY OZF_CLAIM
16 */
20 -- Default number of records fetch per call
23 --   -------------------------------------------------------
24 --    Record name  claim_rec_type
25 --
26 --    Note: This is automatic generated record definition, it includes
27 --    all columns defined in the table, developer must manually add or
28 --    delete some of the attributes.
29 --   -------------------------------------------------------
30 TYPE claim_rec_type IS RECORD
31 (
32        claim_id                        NUMBER,
33        object_version_number           NUMBER,
34        last_update_date                DATE,
35        last_updated_by                 NUMBER,
36        creation_date                   DATE,
37        created_by                      NUMBER,
38        last_update_login               NUMBER,
39        request_id                      NUMBER,
40        program_application_id          NUMBER,
41        program_update_date             DATE,
42        program_id                      NUMBER,
43        created_from                    VARCHAR2(30),
44        batch_id                        NUMBER,
45        claim_number                    VARCHAR2(30),
46        claim_type_id                   NUMBER,
47        claim_line_id                   NUMBER,
48        claim_class                     VARCHAR2(30),
49        claim_date                      DATE,
50        due_date                        DATE,
51        owner_id                        NUMBER,
52        history_event                   VARCHAR2(30),
53        history_event_date              DATE,
54        history_event_description       VARCHAR2(2000),
55        split_from_claim_id             NUMBER,
56        duplicate_claim_id              NUMBER,
57        split_date                      DATE,
58        root_claim_id                   NUMBER,
59        amount                          NUMBER,
60        amount_adjusted                 NUMBER,
61        amount_remaining                NUMBER,
62        amount_settled                  NUMBER,
63        acctd_amount_settled            NUMBER,
64        acctd_amount_adjusted           NUMBER,
65        acctd_amount                    NUMBER,
66        acctd_amount_remaining          NUMBER,
67        tax_amount                      NUMBER,
68        tax_code                        VARCHAR2(50),
69        tax_calculation_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
70        currency_code                   VARCHAR2(15),
71        exchange_rate_type              VARCHAR2(30),
72        exchange_rate_date              DATE,
73        exchange_rate                   NUMBER,
74        set_of_books_id                 NUMBER,
75        original_claim_date             DATE,
76        source_object_id                NUMBER,
77        source_object_class             VARCHAR2(15),
78        source_object_type_id           NUMBER,
79        source_object_number            VARCHAR2(30),
80        cust_account_id                 NUMBER,
81        cust_billto_acct_site_id        NUMBER,
82        cust_shipto_acct_site_id        NUMBER,
83        location_id                     NUMBER,
84        pay_related_account_flag        VARCHAR2(1),
85        related_cust_account_id         NUMBER,
86        related_site_use_id             NUMBER,
87        relationship_type               VARCHAR2(30),
88        vendor_id                       NUMBER,
89        vendor_site_id                  NUMBER,
90        reason_type                     VARCHAR2(30),
91        reason_code_id                  NUMBER,
92        task_template_group_id          NUMBER,
93        status_code                     VARCHAR2(30),
94        user_status_id                  NUMBER,
95        sales_rep_id                    NUMBER,
96        collector_id                    NUMBER,
97        contact_id                      NUMBER,
98        broker_id                       NUMBER,
99        territory_id                    NUMBER,
100        customer_ref_date               DATE,
101        customer_ref_number             VARCHAR2(30),
102        assigned_to                     NUMBER,
103        receipt_id                      NUMBER,
104        receipt_number                  VARCHAR2(30),
105        doc_sequence_id                 NUMBER,
106        doc_sequence_value              NUMBER,
107        gl_date                         DATE,
108        payment_method                  VARCHAR2(30),
109        voucher_id                      NUMBER,
110        voucher_number                  VARCHAR2(30),
111        payment_reference_id            NUMBER,
112        payment_reference_number        VARCHAR2(15),
113        payment_reference_date          DATE,
114        payment_status                  VARCHAR2(10),
115        approved_flag                   VARCHAR2(1),
116        approved_date                   DATE,
117        approved_by                     NUMBER,
118        settled_date                    DATE,
119        settled_by                      NUMBER,
120        effective_date                  DATE,
121        custom_setup_id                 NUMBER,
122        task_id                         NUMBER,
123        country_id                      NUMBER,
124        order_type_id                   NUMBER,
125        comments                        VARCHAR2(2000),
126        activity_type                   VARCHAR2(30),
127        activity_id                     NUMBER,
128        earnings_associated_flag        VARCHAR2(1),
129        quantity                        NUMBER,
130        quantity_uom                    VARCHAR2(30),
131        rate                            NUMBER,
132        item_id                         NUMBER,
133        item_description                VARCHAR2(240),
134        performance_complete_flag       VARCHAR2(1),
135        performance_attached_flag       VARCHAR2(1),
136        utilization_id                  NUMBER,
137        plan_id                         NUMBER,
138        offer_id                        NUMBER,
139        valid_flag                      VARCHAR2(1),
140        claim_currency_amount           NUMBER,
141        split_from_claim_line_id        NUMBER,
142        line_number                     NUMBER,
143        attribute_category              VARCHAR2(30),
144        attribute1                      VARCHAR2(150),
145        attribute2                      VARCHAR2(150),
146        attribute3                      VARCHAR2(150),
147        attribute4                      VARCHAR2(150),
148        attribute5                      VARCHAR2(150),
149        attribute6                      VARCHAR2(150),
150        attribute7                      VARCHAR2(150),
151        attribute8                      VARCHAR2(150),
152        attribute9                      VARCHAR2(150),
153        attribute10                     VARCHAR2(150),
154        attribute11                     VARCHAR2(150),
155        attribute12                     VARCHAR2(150),
156        attribute13                     VARCHAR2(150),
157        attribute14                     VARCHAR2(150),
158        attribute15                     VARCHAR2(150),
159        deduction_attribute_category    VARCHAR2(30),
160        deduction_attribute1            VARCHAR2(150),
161        deduction_attribute2            VARCHAR2(150),
162        deduction_attribute3            VARCHAR2(150),
163        deduction_attribute4            VARCHAR2(150),
164        deduction_attribute5            VARCHAR2(150),
165        deduction_attribute6            VARCHAR2(150),
166        deduction_attribute7            VARCHAR2(150),
167        deduction_attribute8            VARCHAR2(150),
168        deduction_attribute9            VARCHAR2(150),
169        deduction_attribute10           VARCHAR2(150),
170        deduction_attribute11           VARCHAR2(150),
171        deduction_attribute12           VARCHAR2(150),
172        deduction_attribute13           VARCHAR2(150),
173        deduction_attribute14           VARCHAR2(150),
174        deduction_attribute15           VARCHAR2(150),
175        org_id                          NUMBER,
176        write_off_flag                  VARCHAR2(1),
177        write_off_threshold_amount      NUMBER,
178        under_write_off_threshold       VARCHAR2(5),
179        customer_reason                 VARCHAR2(30),
180        ship_to_cust_account_id         NUMBER,        -- added by uday
181        amount_applied                  NUMBER,        -- Subsequent Receipt application changes
182        applied_receipt_id              NUMBER,        -- Subsequent Receipt application changes
183        applied_receipt_number          VARCHAR2(30),   -- Subsequent Receipt application changes
184        wo_rec_trx_id                   NUMBER,
185        group_claim_id                  NUMBER,
186        appr_wf_item_key                VARCHAR2(240),
187        cstl_wf_item_key                VARCHAR2(240),
188        batch_type                      VARCHAR2(30)
190   );
191 g_miss_claim_rec          claim_rec_type;
192 TYPE  claim_tbl_type      IS TABLE OF claim_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
194 --   -------------------------------------------------------
195 --    Record name      claim_line_rec_type
196 --    Note: This is automatic generated record definition, it includes
197 --    all columns defined in the table, developer must manually add or
198 --    delete some of the attributes.
199 --   -------------------------------------------------------
200   TYPE claim_line_rec_type IS RECORD
201 (
202   claim_line_id              NUMBER  ,
203   object_version_number      NUMBER ,
204   last_update_date           DATE ,
205   last_updated_by            NUMBER,
206   creation_date              DATE,
207   created_by                 NUMBER,
208   last_update_login          NUMBER,
209   request_id                 NUMBER,
210   program_application_id     NUMBER,
211   program_update_date        DATE,
212   program_id                 NUMBER,
213   created_from               VARCHAR2(30),
214   claim_id                   NUMBER,
215   line_number                NUMBER,
216   split_from_claim_line_id   NUMBER,
217   amount                     NUMBER,
218   claim_currency_amount      NUMBER,
219   acctd_amount               NUMBER,
220   currency_code              VARCHAR2(15),
221   exchange_rate_type         VARCHAR2(30),
222   exchange_rate_date         DATE ,
223   exchange_rate              NUMBER,
224   set_of_books_id            NUMBER,
225   valid_flag                 VARCHAR2(1),
226   source_object_id           NUMBER,
227   source_object_class        VARCHAR2(15),
228   source_object_type_id      NUMBER,
229   source_object_line_id      NUMBER,
230   plan_id                    NUMBER,
231   offer_id                   NUMBER,
232   utilization_id             NUMBER,
233   payment_method             VARCHAR2(15),
234   payment_reference_id       NUMBER,
235   payment_reference_number   VARCHAR2(15),
236   payment_reference_date     DATE ,
237   voucher_id                 NUMBER,
238   voucher_number             VARCHAR2(30),
239   payment_status             VARCHAR2(30),
240   approved_flag              VARCHAR2(1),
241   approved_date              DATE ,
242   approved_by                NUMBER,
243   settled_date               DATE ,
244   settled_by                 NUMBER,
245   performance_complete_flag  VARCHAR2(1),
246   performance_attached_flag  VARCHAR2(1),
247   item_id                    NUMBER,
248   item_description           VARCHAR2(240),
249   quantity                   NUMBER,
250   quantity_uom               VARCHAR2(30),
251   rate                       NUMBER,
252   activity_type              VARCHAR2(30),
253   activity_id                NUMBER,
254   related_cust_account_id    NUMBER,
255   relationship_type          VARCHAR2(30),
256   earnings_associated_flag   VARCHAR2(1),
257   comments                   VARCHAR2(2000),
258   tax_code                   VARCHAR2(50),
259   attribute_category         VARCHAR2(30),
260   attribute1                 VARCHAR2(150),
261   attribute2                 VARCHAR2(150),
262   attribute3                 VARCHAR2(150),
263   attribute4                 VARCHAR2(150),
264   attribute5                 VARCHAR2(150),
265   attribute6                 VARCHAR2(150),
266   attribute7                 VARCHAR2(150),
267   attribute8                 VARCHAR2(150),
268   attribute9                 VARCHAR2(150),
269   attribute10                VARCHAR2(150),
270   attribute11                VARCHAR2(150),
271   attribute12                VARCHAR2(150),
272   attribute13                VARCHAR2(150),
273   attribute14                VARCHAR2(150),
274   attribute15                VARCHAR2(150),
275   org_id                     NUMBER,
276   update_from_tbl_flag       VARCHAR2(1)    := FND_API.g_false,
277   tax_action                 VARCHAR2(15),
278   sale_date                  DATE,
279   item_type                  VARCHAR2(30),
280   tax_amount                 NUMBER,
281   claim_curr_tax_amount      NUMBER,
282   activity_line_id           NUMBER,
283   offer_type                 VARCHAR2(30),
284   prorate_earnings_flag      VARCHAR2(1),
285   earnings_end_date          DATE,
286   --12.1 Enhancement : Price Protection
287   dpp_cust_account_id        VARCHAR2(20)
288 );
289 TYPE claim_line_tbl_type is TABLE OF claim_line_rec_type
292 TYPE claim_sort_rec_type IS RECORD
293 (
294       -- Please define your own sort by record here.
295       object_version_number   NUMBER := NULL
296 );
299 --   -------------------------------------------------------
300 --    Record name      funds_util_flt_type
301 --   -------------------------------------------------------
302 TYPE funds_util_flt_type IS RECORD
303 (
304        fund_id                         NUMBER,
305        activity_type                   VARCHAR2(30),
306        activity_id                     NUMBER,
307        activity_product_id             NUMBER,
308        offer_type                      VARCHAR2(30),
309        document_class                  VARCHAR2(15),
310        document_id                     NUMBER,
311        product_level_type              VARCHAR2(30),
312        product_id                      NUMBER,
313        reference_type                  VARCHAR2(30),
314        reference_id                    NUMBER,
315        utilization_type                VARCHAR2(30),
316        cust_account_id                 NUMBER,
317        relationship_type               VARCHAR2(30),
318        related_cust_account_id         NUMBER,
319        buy_group_cust_account_id       NUMBER,
320        select_cust_children_flag       VARCHAR2(1),
321        pay_to_customer                 VARCHAR2(30),
322        prorate_earnings_flag           VARCHAR2(1),
323        end_date                        DATE,
324        total_amount                    NUMBER,
325        total_units                     NUMBER,
326        quantity                        NUMBER,
327        uom_code                        VARCHAR2(3)
328 );
331 --   ==============================================================================
332 --   API Name
333 --           Create_Claim
334 --   Type
335 --           Public
336 --   Pre-Req
337 --
338 --   Parameters
339 --
340 --   IN
341 --       p_api_version_number      IN   NUMBER     Required
342 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
343 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
344 --       p_claim_rec               IN   claim_rec_type  Required
345 --       p_claim_line_tbl          IN   claim_line_tbl_type Required
346 --   OUT
347 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
351 /*#
348 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
349 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
350 --   ==============================================================================
352 * This procedure creates a new claim.
353 * @param  p_api_version_number indicates the version of the API.
354 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
355 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
356 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
357 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
358 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
359 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
360 * @param p_claim_rec contains the claim details for the new claim to be created.
361 * @param p_claim_line_tbl is a table structure with the details of the claim lines to be created.
362 * @param x_claim_id returns the id of the new claim.
363 * @rep:scope public
364 * @rep:lifecycle active
365 * @rep:displayname Create Claim
366 * @rep:compatibility S
367 * @rep:businessevent None
368 */
370 PROCEDURE Create_Claim(
371     p_api_version_number         IN   NUMBER,
372     p_init_msg_list              IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
373     p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
374     p_validation_level           IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
375     x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
376     x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
377     x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
378     p_claim_rec                  IN   claim_rec_type := OZF_Claim_PUB.g_miss_claim_rec,
379     p_claim_line_tbl             IN   claim_line_tbl_type,
380     x_claim_id                   OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
381 );
384 --   ==============================================================================
385 --   API Name
386 --           Update_Claim
387 --   Type
388 --           Public
389 --   Pre-Req
390 --
391 --   Parameters
392 --
393 --   IN
394 --       p_api_version_number      IN   NUMBER     Required
395 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
396 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
397 --       p_claim_rec               IN   claim_rec_type  Required
398 --       p_claim_line_tbl         IN    claim_line_tbl_type  Required
399 --
400 --   OUT
401 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
402 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
403 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
404 --   ==============================================================================
405 /*#
406 * This procedure updates an existing claim.
407 * @param p_api_version_number indicates the version of the API.
408 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
409 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
410 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
411 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
412 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
413 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
414 * @param p_claim_rec is to be populated with the claim header fields to be updated.
415 * @param p_claim_line_tbl is to be populated with the claim line fields to be updated.
416 * @param x_object_version_number returns the updated object version number.
417 * @rep:scope public
418 * @rep:lifecycle active
419 * @rep:displayname Update Claim
420 * @rep:compatibility S
421 * @rep:businessevent None
422 */
424 PROCEDURE Update_Claim(
425     p_api_version_number         IN   NUMBER,
426     p_init_msg_list              IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
427     p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
428     p_validation_level           IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
429     x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
430     x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
431     x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
432     p_claim_rec                  IN   claim_rec_type,
433     p_claim_line_tbl             IN   claim_line_tbl_type,
434     x_object_version_number      OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
435  );
438 --   ==============================================================================
439 --   API Name
440 --           Delete_Claim
441 --   Type
442 --           Public
443 --   Pre-Req
444 --
445 --   Parameters
446 --
447 --   IN
448 --       p_api_version_number      IN   NUMBER     Required
449 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
450 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
451 --       p_CLAIM_ID                IN   NUMBER
452 --       p_object_version_number   IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = NULL
453 --
454 --   OUT
455 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
456 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
457 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
458 --   ==============================================================================
459 /*#
460 * This procedure deletes an existing claim.
461 * @param p_api_version_number indicates the version of the API.
462 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
463 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
467 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
464 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
465 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
466 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
468 * @param p_claim_id is the id of the claim to be deleted.
469 * @param p_object_version_number is the object version number of the claim to be deleted.
470 * @rep:scope public
471 * @rep:lifecycle active
472 * @rep:displayname Delete Claim
473 * @rep:compatibility S
474 * @rep:businessevent None
475 */
476 PROCEDURE Delete_Claim(
477     p_api_version_number         IN   NUMBER,
478     p_init_msg_list              IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
479     p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
480     p_validation_level           IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
481     x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
482     x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
483     x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
484     p_claim_id                   IN  NUMBER,
485     p_object_version_number      IN   NUMBER
486     );
489 --   ==============================================================================
490 --   API Name
491 --           Create_Claim_Line_Tbl
492 --   Type
493 --           Public
494 --   Pre-Req
495 --
496 --   Parameters
497 --
498 --   IN
499 --       p_api_version_number      IN   NUMBER     Required
500 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
501 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
502 --       p_validation_level        IN   Varchar2   Optional  Default = FND_API.g_valid_level_full
503 --       p_claim_line_tbl          IN   OZF_CLAIM_LINE_PVT.claim_line_tbl_type
504 --
505 --   OUT
506 --       x_error_index             OUT  VARCHAR2
507 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
508 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
509 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
510 --   ==============================================================================
511 /*#
512 * This procedure creates a claim line for an existing claim.
513 * @param p_api_version indicates the version of the API.
514 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
515 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
516 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
517 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
518 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
519 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
520 * @param p_claim_line_tbl is a table structure with the details of the claim lines to be created.
521 * @param x_error_index is the index of the line in the table at which the error occured.
522 * @rep:scope public
523 * @rep:lifecycle active
524 * @rep:displayname Create Claim Line
525 * @rep:compatibility S
526 * @rep:businessevent None
527 */
529    PROCEDURE Create_Claim_Line_Tbl(
530     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
531    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
532    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
533    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
534    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
535    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
536    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
537    ,p_claim_line_tbl         IN    claim_line_tbl_type
538    ,x_error_index            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER);
541 --   ==============================================================================
542 --   API Name
543 --           Update_Claim_Line_Tbl
544 --   Type
545 --           Public
546 --   Pre-Req
547 --
548 --   Parameters
549 --
550 --   IN
551 --       p_api_version             IN   NUMBER     Required
552 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
553 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
554 --       p_validation_level        IN   Varchar2   Optional  Default = FND_API.g_valid_level_full
555 --       p_claim_line_tbl          IN   OZF_CLAIM_LINE_PVT.claim_line_tbl_type
556 --       p_change_object_version   IN   VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false;
557 --   OUT
558 --       x_error_index             OUT  VARCHAR2
559 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
560 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
561 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
562 --   ==============================================================================
563 /*#
564 * This procedure updates an existing claim line.
565 * @param p_api_version indicates the version of the API.
566 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
567 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
568 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
569 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
570 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
571 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
572 * @param p_claim_line_tbl is a table structure with the details of the claim lines to be updated.
573 * @param p_change_object_version indicates whether the object version number needs to be incremented.
577 * @rep:displayname Update Claim Line
574 * @param x_error_index is the index of the line in the table at which the error occured.
575 * @rep:scope public
576 * @rep:lifecycle active
578 * @rep:compatibility S
579 * @rep:businessevent None
580 */
582   PROCEDURE Update_Claim_Line_Tbl(
583     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
584    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
585    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
586    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
587    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
588    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
589    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
590    ,p_claim_line_tbl         IN    claim_line_tbl_type
591    ,p_change_object_version  IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
592    ,x_error_index            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER);
595 --   ==============================================================================
596 --   API Name
597 --           Delete_Claim_Line_Tbl
598 --   Type
599 --           Public
600 --   Pre-Req
601 --
602 --   Parameters
603 --
604 --   IN
605 --       p_api_version_number      IN   NUMBER     Required
606 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
607 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
608 --       p_change_object_version   IN   VARCHAR2   Required  Default = FND_API.g_false
609 --       p_claim_line_Tbl          IN   VARCHAR2   Required
610 --
611 --   OUT
612 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
613 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
614 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
615 --       x_error_index             OUT  NUMBER
616 --   ==============================================================================
617 /*#
618 * This procedure deletes an existing claim line.
619 * @param p_api_version indicates the version of the API.
620 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
621 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
622 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
623 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
624 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
625 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
626 * @param p_claim_line_tbl is a table structure with the details of the claim lines to be deleted.
627 * @param p_change_object_version indicates whether the object version number needs to be incremented.
628 * @param x_error_index is the index of the line in the table at which the error occured.
629 * @rep:scope public
630 * @rep:lifecycle active
631 * @rep:displayname Delete Claim Line
632 * @rep:compatibility S
633 * @rep:businessevent None
634 */
636 PROCEDURE Delete_Claim_Line_Tbl(
637    p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
638    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
639    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
640    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
641    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
642    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
643    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
644    ,p_claim_line_tbl         IN    claim_line_tbl_type
645    ,p_change_object_version  IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
646    ,x_error_index            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER);
649 --   ==============================================================================
650 --   API Name
651 --           Asso_Accruals_To_Claim
652 --   Type
653 --           Public
654 --   Pre-Req
655 --
656 --   Parameters
657 --
658 --   IN
659 --       p_api_version             IN   NUMBER     Required
660 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
661 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
662 --       p_validation_level        IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
663 --       p_claim_id                IN   NUMBER     Required
664 --       p_funds_util_flt          IN   FUNDS_UTIL_FLT_TYPE Required
665 --
666 --   OUT
667 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
668 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
669 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
670 --   ==============================================================================
671 /*#
672 * This procedure Associates Earnings to an existing claim.
673 * @param p_api_version indicates the version of the API.
674 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
675 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
676 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
677 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
678 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
679 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
680 * @param p_claim_id is the id of claim to which earnings are to be associated.
681 * @param p_funds_util_flt is to be populated with the conditions for filtering the accruals for association.
682 * @rep:scope public
683 * @rep:lifecycle active
684 * @rep:displayname Associate Accruals to a Claim
685 * @rep:compatibility S
686 * @rep:businessevent None
687 */
689 PROCEDURE Asso_Accruals_To_Claim(
690     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
694    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
691    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
692    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
693    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
695    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
696    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
697    ,p_claim_id               IN    NUMBER
698    ,p_funds_util_flt         IN    funds_util_flt_type);
701 --   ==============================================================================
702 --   API Name
703 --           Asso_Accruals_To_Claim_Line
704 --   Type
705 --           Public
706 --   Pre-Req
707 --
708 --   Parameters
709 --
710 --   IN
711 --       p_api_version             IN   NUMBER     Required
712 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
713 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
714 --       p_validation_level        IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
715 --       p_claim_line_id           IN   NUMBER     Required
716 --
717 --   OUT
718 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
719 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
720 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
721 --   ==============================================================================
722 /*#
723 * This procedure associates earnings to an existing claim line.
724 * @param p_api_version indicates the version of the API.
725 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
726 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
727 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
728 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
729 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
730 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
731 * @param p_claim_line_id is the id of claim line to which earnings are to be associated.
732 * @rep:scope public
733 * @rep:lifecycle active
734 * @rep:displayname Associate Accruals to a Claim Line
735 * @rep:compatibility S
736 * @rep:businessevent None
737 */
739 PROCEDURE Asso_Accruals_To_Claim_Line(
740     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
741    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
742    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
743    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
744    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
745    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
746    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
747    ,p_claim_line_id          IN    NUMBER);
750 --   ==============================================================================
751 --   API Name
752 --           Create_Claim_For_Accruals
753 --   Type
754 --           Public
755 --   Pre-Req
756 --
757 --   Parameters
758 --
759 --   IN
760 --       p_api_version             IN   NUMBER     Required
761 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
762 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
763 --       p_validation_level        IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
764 --       p_claim_rec               IN   CLAIM_REC_TYPE      Required
765 --       p_funds_util_flt          IN   FUNDS_UTIL_FLT_TYPE Required
766 --
767 --   OUT
768 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
769 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
770 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
771 --       x_claim_id                OUT  NUMBER
772 --   ==============================================================================
773 /*#
774 * This procedure creates a claim with earnings associated.
775 * @param p_api_version indicates the version of the API.
776 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
777 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
778 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
779 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
780 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
781 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
782 * @param p_claim_rec is the record structure with the details of the claim to be created.
783 * @param p_funds_util_flt is to be populated with the conditions for filtering the accruals for association.
784 * @param x_claim_id is the id of the claim to be created.
785 * @rep:scope public
786 * @rep:lifecycle active
787 * @rep:displayname Create Claim For Accruals
788 * @rep:compatibility S
789 * @rep:businessevent None
790 */
792 PROCEDURE Create_Claim_For_Accruals(
793     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
794    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
795    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
796    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
797    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
798    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
799    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
800    ,p_claim_rec              IN    claim_rec_type
801    ,p_funds_util_flt         IN    funds_util_flt_type
802    ,x_claim_id               OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER);
808 --   Type
805 --   ==============================================================================
806 --   API Name
807 --           Pay_Claim_For_Accruals
809 --           Public
810 --   Pre-Req
811 --
812 --   Parameters
813 --
814 --   IN
815 --       p_api_version             IN   NUMBER     Required
816 --       p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API_G_FALSE
817 --       p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
818 --       p_validation_level        IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
819 --       p_claim_rec               IN   CLAIM_REC_TYPE      Required
820 --       p_funds_util_flt          IN   FUNDS_UTIL_FLT_TYPE Required
821 --
822 --   OUT
823 --       x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
824 --       x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
825 --       x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2
826 --       x_claim_id                OUT  NUMBER
827 --   ==============================================================================
828 /*#
829 * This procedure creates a claim with earnings associated and settles the claim.
830 * @param p_api_version indicates the version of the API.
831 * @param p_init_msg_list indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
832 * @param p_commit indicates whether to commit within the program.
833 * @param p_validation_level indicates the level of the validation.
834 * @param x_return_status indicates the status of the program.
835 * @param x_msg_data returns messages by the program.
836 * @param x_msg_count provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
837 * @param p_claim_rec is the record structure with the details of the claim to be created.
838 * @param p_funds_util_flt is to be populated with the conditions for filtering the accruals for association.
839 * @param x_claim_id is the id of the claim to be created.
840 * @rep:scope public
841 * @rep:lifecycle active
842 * @rep:displayname Create Claim For Accruals
843 * @rep:compatibility S
844 * @rep:businessevent None
845 */
846 PROCEDURE Pay_Claim_For_Accruals(
847     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
848    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
849    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
850    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
851    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
852    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
853    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
854    ,p_claim_rec              IN    claim_rec_type
855    ,p_funds_util_flt         IN    funds_util_flt_type
856    ,x_claim_id               OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER);
857 END OZF_Claim_PUB;