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Line 76: FROM fm_matl_dtl

72: WHERE material_detail_id = V_matldetlid;
74: CURSOR Cur_get_formula_text(V_formlineid IN NUMBER) IS
75: SELECT text_code
76: FROM fm_matl_dtl
77: WHERE formulaline_id = V_formlineid;
79: l_text_code NUMBER(10);
80: l_line_id NUMBER DEFAULT 0;

Line 500: FROM fm_matl_dtl a, mtl_system_items_b b

496: SELECT a.*,b.description,b.default_grade,
497: b.primary_uom_code primary,b.secondary_uom_code secondary,
498: b.lot_control_code,b.revision_qty_control_code,b.secondary_default_ind,
499: b.grade_control_flag,b.tracking_quantity_ind,b.location_control_code
500: FROM fm_matl_dtl a, mtl_system_items_b b
501: WHERE a.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id
502: AND b.organization_id = a.organization_id
503: AND a.formula_id = V_entity_id
504: AND (a.line_type <> 1 OR a.line_no = 1)

Line 600: FROM Fm_form_mst a, fm_matl_dtl b, gmd_technical_data_hdr g

596: BEGIN
597: SELECT a.formula_id INTO l_tpformula_id
598: FROM
599: (SELECT a.formula_id
600: FROM Fm_form_mst a, fm_matl_dtl b, gmd_technical_data_hdr g
601: WHERE b.item_id = l_formula_rec.item_id
602: AND a.formula_id = b.formula_id
603: AND g.item_id = b.item_id
604: AND g.formula_id = a.formula_id

Line 705: FROM fm_matl_dtl

701: V_orgn_id IN NUMBER,V_folder_name IN VARCHAR2,
702: V_inv_item_id IN NUMBER,V_formula_id IN NUMBER) IS
703: CURSOR Cur_get_prod IS
704: SELECT inventory_item_id
705: FROM fm_matl_dtl
706: WHERE formula_id = V_entity_id
707: AND line_type = 1
708: AND line_no = 1;