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2   /*$Header: cnvcommb.pls 115.5 2001/01/23 13:27:46 pkm ship     $*/
4 -- Main query. This will be a main cursor in the api
5 -- Each returned record represents a row in the report
7 --{{{ this is for where a user ID is specified
8 CURSOR main_cur(p_period_id in number) IS
9    -- for sales online users
10   SELECT  rep.name                  salesrep_name,
11           rep.employee_number       salesrep_no,
12           rep.cost_center           home_cc,
13           rep.charge_to_cost_center charge_cc,
14           rep.currency_code         currency,
15           u.user_name               analyst_name,
16           role.name                 role_name,
17           plan.name                 comp_plan_name,
18           assign.srp_plan_assign_id srp_plan_assign_id
19      FROM cn_srp_plan_assigns       assign,
20           fnd_user                  u,
21           cn_salesreps              rep,
22           cn_comp_plans             plan,
23           cn_roles                  role,
24           cn_period_statuses        ps,
25           jtf_rs_resource_extns     re
26     WHERE re.user_id = fnd_global.user_id
27       AND re.resource_id = rep.resource_id
28       AND rep.assigned_to_user_id = u.user_id (+)
29       AND assign.salesrep_id = rep.salesrep_id
30       AND ps.period_id = p_period_id
31       AND ps.start_date <= nvl(assign.end_date, ps.start_date)
32       AND ps.end_date >= assign.start_date
33       AND plan.comp_plan_id = assign.comp_plan_id
34       AND assign.role_id = role.role_id
35     ORDER BY 1;
36 --}}}
38 --{{{ for SFP users selecting a specific analyst ID
39 CURSOR main_cur2(p_user_id in number, p_period_id in number) IS
40   SELECT  rep.name                  salesrep_name,
41           rep.employee_number       salesrep_no,
42           rep.cost_center           home_cc,
43           rep.charge_to_cost_center charge_cc,
44           rep.currency_code         currency,
45           u.user_name               analyst_name,
46           role.name                 role_name,
47           plan.name                 comp_plan_name,
48           assign.srp_plan_assign_id srp_plan_assign_id
49      FROM cn_srp_plan_assigns       assign,
50           fnd_user                  u,
51           cn_salesreps              rep,
52           cn_comp_plans             plan,
53           cn_roles                  role,
54           cn_period_statuses        ps
55     WHERE u.user_id = p_user_id
56       AND rep.assigned_to_user_id = u.user_id
57       AND assign.salesrep_id = rep.salesrep_id
58       AND ps.period_id = p_period_id
59       AND ps.start_date <= nvl(assign.end_date, ps.start_date)
60       AND ps.end_date >= assign.start_date
61       AND plan.comp_plan_id = assign.comp_plan_id
62       AND assign.role_id = role.role_id
63     ORDER BY 1;
64 --}}}
66 --{{{ for SFP users not selecting a specific analyst ID
67 CURSOR main_cur3(p_period_id in number) IS
68   SELECT  rep.name                  salesrep_name,
69           rep.employee_number       salesrep_no,
70           rep.cost_center           home_cc,
71           rep.charge_to_cost_center charge_cc,
72           rep.currency_code         currency,
73           u.user_name               analyst_name,
74           role.name                 role_name,
75           plan.name                 comp_plan_name,
76           assign.srp_plan_assign_id srp_plan_assign_id
77      FROM cn_srp_plan_assigns       assign,
78           fnd_user                  u,
79           cn_salesreps              rep,
80           cn_comp_plans             plan,
81           cn_roles                  role,
82           cn_period_statuses        ps
83     WHERE rep.assigned_to_user_id = u.user_id (+)
84       AND assign.salesrep_id = rep.salesrep_id
85       AND ps.period_id = p_period_id
86       AND ps.start_date <= nvl(assign.end_date, ps.start_date)
87       AND ps.end_date >= assign.start_date
88       AND plan.comp_plan_id = assign.comp_plan_id
89       AND assign.role_id = role.role_id
90     ORDER BY 1;
91 --}}}
93 --{{{ to populate the record type from the cursor and get balances
94 FUNCTION query_row(main IN OUT main_cur%rowtype,
95                    p_period_id IN NUMBER,
96                    p_credit_type_id IN NUMBER) RETURN comm_summ_rec_type IS
98    CURSOR get_balances
99      (l_srp_plan_assign_id   IN NUMBER) IS
100 	select nvl(sum((nvl(balance2_bbd, 0) - nvl(balance2_bbc, 0)) +
101 		       (nvl(balance10_bbd,0) - nvl(balance10_bbc,0)) +
102 		       (nvl(balance28_bbd,0) - nvl(balance28_bbc,0))),0) begin_balance,
103 	       nvl(sum((nvl(balance2_dtd, 0) - nvl(balance2_ctd, 0)) +
104 		       (nvl(balance10_dtd,0) - nvl(balance10_ctd,0))),0) earnminuspay,
105 	       nvl(sum((nvl(balance28_dtd,0) - nvl(balance28_ctd,0))),0) draw
106 	  from cn_srp_periods p, cn_srp_plan_assigns spa
107 	 where spa.srp_plan_assign_id = l_srp_plan_assign_id
108 	   and p.salesrep_id     = spa.salesrep_id
109 	   and p.credit_type_id  = p_credit_type_id
110 	   and p.role_id         = spa.role_id
111 	   and p.period_id       = p_period_id;
113    l_rec comm_summ_rec_type;
115    -- general info
116    l_rec.name                  := main.salesrep_name;
117    l_rec.emp_num               := main.salesrep_no;
118    l_rec.cost_center           := main.home_cc;
119    l_rec.charge_to_cost_center := main.charge_cc;
120    l_rec.analyst_name          := main.analyst_name;
121    l_rec.role_name             := main.role_name;
122    l_rec.plan_name             := main.comp_plan_name;
123    l_rec.srp_plan_assign_id    := main.srp_plan_assign_id;
125    -- balances
126    for c in get_balances(main.srp_plan_assign_id) loop
127       l_rec.begin_balance := c.begin_balance;
128       l_rec.draw          := c.draw;
129       l_rec.net_due       := c.begin_balance + c.earnminuspay + c.draw;
130    end loop;
132    RETURN l_rec;
133 END query_row;
134 --}}}
136 --{{{ to populate details of each record
137 PROCEDURE Get_Pe_Info
138   (p_srp_plan_assign_id    IN    NUMBER,
139    p_period_id             IN    NUMBER,
140    p_credit_type_id        IN    NUMBER,
141    x_ytd_pe_info           OUT   pe_info_tbl_type,
142    x_ptd_pe_info           OUT   pe_info_tbl_type,
143    x_ytd_total_earnings    OUT   NUMBER,
144    x_ptd_total_earnings    OUT   NUMBER) IS
146    l_count                       NUMBER := 0;
148    -- Group Code subquery
149    CURSOR group_code_cur IS
150    SELECT distinct quota_group_code
151      FROM cn_quotas where quota_group_code is not null;
153    -- Annual Subquery
154    -- To get
155    -- 1) Annual Quota Target and percent
156    CURSOR annual_quota_cur
157      (l_srp_plan_assign_id   IN NUMBER,
158       l_quota_group_code     IN VARCHAR) IS
159    SELECT nvl(sum(sqa.target),0) target
160      from cn_srp_quota_assigns sqa,
161           cn_quotas q
162     where sqa.srp_plan_assign_id = l_srp_plan_assign_id
163       and sqa.quota_id = q.quota_id
164       and q.quota_group_code = l_quota_group_code;
166    -- YTD Subquery for ytd quota target
167    -- To get
168    -- 1) YTD Quota Target (ITD Quota Target)
169    CURSOR ytd_quota_target_cur
170      (l_srp_plan_assign_id   IN NUMBER,
171       l_quota_group_code     IN VARCHAR) IS
172 	select nvl(sum(itd_target),0) itd_target
173 	  from cn_srp_period_quotas spq, cn_quotas q
174 	 where srp_plan_assign_id = l_srp_plan_assign_id
175 	   and period_id          = p_period_id
176 	   and q.quota_id         = spq.quota_id
177 	   and q.quota_group_code = l_quota_group_code;
179    -- YTD Subquery
180    -- To get
181    -- 1) YTD Credit (ITD credit)
182    -- 2) YTD Earnings (ITD earnings)
183    CURSOR ytd_cur(l_quota_group_code     IN VARCHAR,
184 		  l_srp_plan_assign_id   IN NUMBER) IS
185    SELECT sum(nvl(cspq.perf_achieved_itd,0))    ytd_credit,
186           sum(nvl(cspq.commission_payed_itd,0)) ytd_earnings
187      FROM cn_srp_period_quotas                  cspq,
188           cn_quotas                             quota
189     WHERE cspq.period_id          = p_period_id
190       AND cspq.srp_plan_assign_id = l_srp_plan_assign_id
191       AND cspq.quota_id           = quota.quota_id
192       AND nvl(quota.quota_group_code, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) =
193 	  nvl(l_quota_group_code    , FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR)
194       AND quota.credit_type_id    = p_credit_type_id
195  GROUP BY cspq.salesrep_id,
196 	  cspq.srp_plan_assign_id,
197 	  cspq.period_id;
199    -- PTD Subquery
200    -- To get
201    -- 1) PTD Target
202    -- 2) PTD Credit
203    -- 3) PTD Earnings
204    CURSOR ptd_cur(l_quota_group_code     IN VARCHAR,
205 		  l_srp_plan_assign_id   IN NUMBER) IS
206    SELECT sum(nvl(cspq.target_amount,0))        ptd_target,
207           sum(nvl(cspq.perf_achieved_ptd,0))    ptd_credit,
208           sum(nvl(cspq.commission_payed_ptd,0)) ptd_earnings
209      FROM cn_quotas                             quota,
210           cn_srp_period_quotas                  cspq
211     WHERE cspq.period_id                      = p_period_id
212       AND cspq.srp_plan_assign_id             = l_srp_plan_assign_id
213       AND cspq.quota_id                       = quota.quota_id
214       AND quota.quota_group_code              = l_quota_group_code
215       AND quota.credit_type_id                = p_credit_type_id
216  GROUP BY cspq.salesrep_id,
217           cspq.srp_plan_assign_id,
218           cspq.period_id;
221    -- group_code_cur loop
222    x_ytd_total_earnings := 0;
223    x_ptd_total_earnings := 0;
224    FOR group_code IN group_code_cur LOOP
225       x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).quota_group_code := group_code.quota_group_code;
226       x_ptd_pe_info(l_count).quota_group_code := group_code.quota_group_code;
227       -- ytd_cur loop
228       FOR ytd IN ytd_cur(group_code.quota_group_code,
229 			 p_srp_plan_assign_id) LOOP
231 	--first the subquery to get the ytd target
232         open  ytd_quota_target_cur(p_srp_plan_assign_id,
233 				   group_code.quota_group_code);
234 	fetch ytd_quota_target_cur into x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).target;
235 	close ytd_quota_target_cur;
237 	x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).credit   := ytd.ytd_credit;
238 	x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).earnings := ytd.ytd_earnings;
239 	x_ytd_total_earnings := x_ytd_total_earnings + ytd.ytd_earnings;
240       END LOOP; -- end of ytd_cur loop
242       -- annual_quota_cur loop
243       open  annual_quota_cur(p_srp_plan_assign_id,
244 			     group_code.quota_group_code);
245       fetch annual_quota_cur into x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).annual_quota;
246       close annual_quota_cur;
248       IF x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).annual_quota = 0 THEN
249 	 x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).pct_annual_quota := 0;
250        ELSE
251 	 x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).pct_annual_quota :=
252 	   (x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).credit /
253 	    x_ytd_pe_info(l_count).annual_quota) * 100;
254       END IF;
256       -- ptd_cur loop
257       FOR ptd IN ptd_cur(group_code.quota_group_code,
258 			 p_srp_plan_assign_id) LOOP
260 	x_ptd_pe_info(l_count).target   := ptd.ptd_target;
261 	x_ptd_pe_info(l_count).credit   := ptd.ptd_credit;
262 	x_ptd_pe_info(l_count).earnings := ptd.ptd_earnings;
263 	x_ptd_total_earnings := x_ptd_total_earnings + ptd.ptd_earnings;
264       END LOOP; -- end of ptd_cur loop
265       l_count := l_count + 1;
266    END LOOP; -- end of quota_group_code cur loop
267 END Get_Pe_Info;
268 --}}}
270 --{{{ to get set of all quota group codes
271 PROCEDURE Get_Group_Codes
272   (x_result_tbl            OUT   pe_info_tbl_type) IS
274   CURSOR group_codes IS
275   select distinct quota_group_code from cn_quotas
276     where quota_group_code is not null;
277  l_count NUMBER := 0;
279    FOR c in group_codes LOOP
280       x_result_tbl(l_count).quota_group_code := c.quota_group_code;
281       l_count := l_count + 1;
282    END LOOP;
283 END Get_Group_Codes;
284 --}}}
286 --{{{ to populate master part of records
287 PROCEDURE Get_Quota_Summary
288   (p_first                 IN    NUMBER,
289    p_last                  IN    NUMBER,
290    p_period_id             IN    NUMBER,
291    p_user_id               IN    NUMBER,
292    p_credit_type_id        IN    NUMBER,
293    x_total_rows            OUT   NUMBER,
294    x_result_tbl            OUT   comm_summ_tbl_type) IS
296    l_min_period_id         NUMBER;
297    l_max_period_id         NUMBER;
298    l_count                 NUMBER := 0;
299    l_rec                   comm_summ_rec_type;
302    -- Get the min and max date of the period year which the
303    -- given P_PERIOD_ID is in.
304    SELECT min(period_id), max(period_id)
305      INTO l_min_period_id, l_max_period_id
306      FROM cn_acc_period_statuses_v
307     WHERE period_year = mod(floor(p_period_id/1000),10000);
309    x_total_rows := 0;
311    if (fnd_global.resp_appl_id <> 283) then
312       -- we are in oracle sales, use main_cur
313       FOR main IN main_cur(p_period_id) LOOP
314 	 x_total_rows := x_total_rows + 1;
315 	 if x_total_rows between p_first and p_last then
316 	    l_rec := query_row(main, p_period_id, p_credit_type_id);
317 	    x_result_tbl(l_count) := l_rec;
318 	    l_count := l_count + 1;
319 	 END IF;
320       END LOOP;  -- end of main loop;
321     elsif (p_user_id <> -99) then
322       -- we specified an analyst ID
323       FOR main IN main_cur2(p_user_id, p_period_id) LOOP
324 	 x_total_rows := x_total_rows + 1;
325 	 if x_total_rows between p_first and p_last then
326 	     l_rec := query_row(main, p_period_id, p_credit_type_id);
327 	     x_result_tbl(l_count) := l_rec;
328 	     l_count := l_count + 1;
329 	 END IF;
330       END LOOP;  -- end of main LOOP;
331     else
332       -- unspecified analyst ID
333       FOR main IN main_cur3(p_period_id) LOOP
334 	 x_total_rows := x_total_rows + 1;
335 	 if x_total_rows between p_first and p_last then
336 	    l_rec := query_row(main, p_period_id, p_credit_type_id);
337 	    x_result_tbl(l_count) := l_rec;
338 	    l_count := l_count + 1;
339 	 END IF;
340       END LOOP;  -- end of main LOOP;
341    end if;
343 END Get_Quota_Summary;
344 --}}}