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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2) is
    CURSOR C_Elements is
           SELECT pbe.Rowid
           FROM per_budget_elements pbe
           WHERE pbe.budget_version_id = (SELECT pbv.budget_version_id
                                          FROM per_budget_versions pbv
                                          WHERE pbv.Rowid = X_Rowid);
Line: 23

  l_proc   VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'Delete_Row';
Line: 29

   SELECT pbv.budget_id
   INTO l_budget_id
   FROM per_budget_versions pbv
   WHERE pbv.Rowid = X_Rowid;
Line: 42

      PER_BUDGET_ELEMENTS_PKG.Delete_Row(X_Rowid => l_ele_rowid);
Line: 49

Line: 56

  DELETE FROM per_budget_versions
  WHERE Rowid = X_Rowid;
Line: 61

END Delete_Row;
Line: 77

  SELECT null
  INTO l_result
  FROM per_budget_versions pbv
  WHERE pbv.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
  AND (pbv.rowid <> X_Rowid
       OR X_Rowid is Null);
Line: 107

         select pbv.date_to,pbv.date_from
         from per_budget_versions pbv
         where pbv.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
         and (pbv.rowid <> X_Rowid
              OR X_Rowid is null)
         and pbv.date_to = (select max(pbv2.date_to)
                            from per_budget_versions pbv2
                            where pbv2.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
                            and (pbv2.rowid <> X_Rowid
                                 OR X_Rowid is null)
                            and pbv2.date_to < X_Date_From);
Line: 120

         select pbv.date_to,pbv.date_from
         from per_budget_versions pbv
         where pbv.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
         and (pbv.rowid <> X_Rowid
              OR X_Rowid is null)
         and pbv.date_from = (select min(pbv2.date_from)
                            from per_budget_versions pbv2
                            where pbv2.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
                            and (pbv2.rowid <> X_Rowid
                                 OR X_Rowid is null)
                            and pbv2.date_from > X_Date_To);
Line: 192

         select pbv.date_to,pbv.date_from
         from per_budget_versions pbv
         where pbv.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
         and (pbv.rowid <> X_Rowid
              OR X_Rowid is null)
         and pbv.date_to = (select max(pbv2.date_to)
                            from per_budget_versions pbv2
                            where pbv2.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
                            and (pbv2.rowid <> X_Rowid
                                 OR X_Rowid is null)
                            and pbv2.date_from < X_Date_From);
Line: 206

         select pbv.date_to,pbv.date_from
         from per_budget_versions pbv
         where pbv.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
         and (pbv.rowid <> X_Rowid
             OR X_Rowid is null)
         and pbv.date_from = (select min(pbv2.date_from)
                            from per_budget_versions pbv2
                            where pbv2.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
                            and (pbv2.rowid <> X_Rowid
                                 OR X_Rowid is null)
                            and pbv2.date_from > X_Date_From);
Line: 268

PROCEDURE Update_Versions(X_Budget_Id NUMBER
                         ,X_Rowid VARCHAR2
                         ,X_Date_From DATE
                         ,X_Date_To IN OUT NOCOPY DATE) is
  CURSOR C is select pbv1.date_from, pbv1.date_to
              from per_budget_versions pbv1
              where pbv1.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
              and (pbv1.rowid <> X_Rowid
                   OR X_Rowid is NULL)
              and pbv1.date_from = (select max(pbv2.date_from)
                               from per_budget_versions pbv2
                               where pbv2.date_from < X_Date_From
                               and   pbv2.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
                               and   (pbv2.rowid <> X_Rowid
                               OR X_Rowid is NULL))
              FOR UPDATE;
Line: 286

  CURSOR C2 is select pbv1.date_from, pbv1.date_to
              from per_budget_versions pbv1
              where pbv1.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
              and (pbv1.rowid <> X_Rowid
                   OR X_Rowid is NULL)
              and pbv1.date_from = (select min(pbv2.date_from)
                               from per_budget_versions pbv2
                               where pbv2.date_from > X_Date_From
                               and   pbv2.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
                               and   (pbv2.rowid <> X_Rowid
                               OR X_Rowid is NULL))
              FOR UPDATE;
Line: 301

  l_proc   VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'Update_Versions';
Line: 316

      UPDATE per_budget_versions
      SET date_to = X_Date_From - 1
      WHERE current of C;
Line: 346

End Update_Versions;
Line: 379

Line: 408

    SELECT per_budget_versions_s.nextval
    INTO X_Budget_Version_Id
    FROM dual;
Line: 442

 SELECT null
 FROM per_budget_versions pbv
 WHERE pbv.budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id
 AND (pbv.rowid <> X_ROWID or X_Rowid IS NULL);
Line: 560

  INTO l_result
  FROM per_budget_versions bver
  WHERE UPPER(X_Version_Number) = UPPER(bver.Version_number)
  AND X_Business_group_Id = bver.Business_Group_Id
  AND X_Budget_Id = bver.Budget_Id
  AND (bver.Rowid <> X_Rowid or X_Rowid is null);
Line: 589

            WHERE BUDGET_ID = X_Budget_Id
            AND DATE_TO IS NULL;*/
Line: 593

CURSOR C is select pbv1.date_from,pbv1.date_to
            from per_budget_versions pbv1
            where pbv1.budget_id = X_Budget_Id
            and pbv1.date_from = (select max(pbv2.date_from)
                                  from per_budget_versions pbv2
                                  where pbv2.budget_id = X_Budget_Id);
Line: 631

PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                        IN  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
	            ,X_Budget_version_id            IN  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
	            ,X_Business_group_id                     NUMBER
                    ,X_Budget_id                             NUMBER
                    ,X_Date_from                             DATE
                    ,X_Version_number                        VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Comments                              VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Date_to                               DATE
                    ,X_Request_id                            NUMBER
                    ,X_Program_application_id                NUMBER
                    ,X_Program_id                            NUMBER
                    ,X_Program_update_date                   DATE
                    ,X_Attribute_category                    VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute1                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute2                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute3                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute4                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute5                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute6                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute7                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute8                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute9                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute10                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute11                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute12                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute13                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute14                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute15                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute16                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute17                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute18                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute19                           VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute20                           VARCHAR2
 ) IS

             WHERE budget_version_id = X_budget_version_id;
Line: 669

  l_proc   VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'Insert_Row';
Line: 738

                                 ) VALUES (
Line: 815

END Insert_Row;
Line: 832

                  ,X_Program_update_date                 DATE
                  ,X_Attribute_Category                  VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute1                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute2                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute3                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute4                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute5                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute6                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute7                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute8                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute9                          VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute10                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute11                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute12                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute13                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute14                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute15                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute16                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute17                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute18                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute19                         VARCHAR2
                  ,X_Attribute20                         VARCHAR2) IS
      SELECT *
      WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
      FOR UPDATE of budget_version_id  NOWAIT;
Line: 887

Recinfo.Program_update_date := rtrim(Recinfo.Program_update_date);
Line: 940

      AND (   (Recinfo.Program_update_date = X_Program_update_date)
           OR (    (Recinfo.Program_update_date IS NULL)
               AND (X_Program_update_date IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute_category = X_Attribute_Category)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute_category IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute_Category IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute1 = X_Attribute1)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute1 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute1 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute2 = X_Attribute2)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute2 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute2 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute3 = X_Attribute3)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute3 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute3 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute4 = X_Attribute4)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute4 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute4 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute5 = X_Attribute5)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute5 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute5 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute6 = X_Attribute6)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute6 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute6 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute7 = X_Attribute7)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute7 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute7 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute8 = X_Attribute8)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute8 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute8 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute9 = X_Attribute9)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute9 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute9 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute10 = X_Attribute10)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute10 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute10 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute11 = X_Attribute11)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute11 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute11 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute12 = X_Attribute12)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute12 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute12 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute13 = X_Attribute13)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute13 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute13 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute14 = X_Attribute14)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute14 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute14 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute15 = X_Attribute15)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute15 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute15 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute16 = X_Attribute16)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute16 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute16 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute17 = X_Attribute17)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute17 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute17 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute18 = X_Attribute18)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute18 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute18 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute19 = X_Attribute19)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute19 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute19 IS NULL)))
      AND (   (Recinfo.attribute20 = X_Attribute20)
           OR (    (Recinfo.attribute20 IS NULL)
               AND (X_Attribute20 IS NULL)))
          ) then
Line: 1020

PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                               VARCHAR2
		    ,X_Budget_Version_id                   NUMBER
		    ,X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER
                    ,X_Budget_Id                           NUMBER
                    ,X_Date_from                           DATE
                    ,X_Version_number                      VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Comments                            VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Date_to                             DATE
                    ,X_Request_id                          NUMBER
                    ,X_Program_application_id              NUMBER
	            ,X_Program_id                          NUMBER
                    ,X_Program_update_date                 DATE
                    ,X_Attribute_Category                  VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute1                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute2                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute3                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute4                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute5                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute6                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute7                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute8                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute9                          VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute10                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute11                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute12                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute13                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute14                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute15                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute16                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute17                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute18                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute19                         VARCHAR2
                    ,X_Attribute20                         VARCHAR2) IS
  l_proc   VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'Update_Row';
Line: 1133

    budget_version_id                         =    X_Budget_Version_id
   ,business_group_id                         =    X_Business_Group_Id
   ,budget_id                                 =    X_Budget_Id
   ,date_from                                 =    X_Date_from
   ,version_number                            =    X_Version_number
   ,comments                                  =    X_Comments
   ,date_to	                              =    X_Date_to
   ,request_id                                =    X_Request_id
   ,program_application_id                    =    X_Program_application_id
   ,program_id                                =    X_Program_id
   ,program_update_date                       =    X_Program_update_date
   ,attribute_category                        =    X_Attribute_Category
   ,attribute1                                =    X_Attribute1
   ,attribute2                                =    X_Attribute2
   ,attribute3                                =    X_Attribute3
   ,attribute4                                =    X_Attribute4
   ,attribute5                                =    X_Attribute5
   ,attribute6                                =    X_Attribute6
   ,attribute7                                =    X_Attribute7
   ,attribute8                                =    X_Attribute8
   ,attribute9                                =    X_Attribute9
   ,attribute10                               =    X_Attribute10
   ,attribute11                               =    X_Attribute11
   ,attribute12                               =    X_Attribute12
   ,attribute13                               =    X_Attribute13
   ,attribute14                               =    X_Attribute14
   ,attribute15                               =    X_Attribute15
   ,attribute16                               =    X_Attribute16
   ,attribute17                               =    X_Attribute17
   ,attribute18                               =    X_Attribute18
   ,attribute19                               =    X_Attribute19
   ,attribute20                               =    X_Attribute20
  WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 1171

Line: 1178

END Update_Row;