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1 package CTO_WIP_UTIL as
2 /* $Header: CTOWIPUS.pls 120.1 2005/06/06 10:09:32 appldev  $ */
3 /*============================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation    Belmont, California, USA          |
5 |                        All rights reserved.                                 |
6 |                        Oracle Manufacturing                                 |
7 +=============================================================================+
8 |                                                                             |
9 | FILE NAME   : CTOWIPUS.pls                                                  |
10 |                                                                             |
11 | DESCRIPTION:                                                                |
12 |               This file creates the utilities that are required to create   |
13 |                work orders for ATO configurations.                          |
14 |                                                                             |
15 |               insert_wip_interface - inserts a record into                  |
16 |                                    WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE for           |
17 |                                    WIP_MASS_LOAD to create work orders      |
18 |                                                                             |
19 | To Do:        Handle Errors.  Need to discuss with Usha and Girish what     |
20 |               error information to include in Notification.                 |
21 |                                                                             |
22 | HISTORY     :                                                               |
23 |               June 7, 99  Angela Makalintal   Initial version		      |
24 |               June 1, 05  Renga  Kannann      Added nocopy hint
25 =============================================================================*/
27 /*****************************************************************************
28    Function:  insert_wip_interface
29    Parameters:  p_model_line_id   - line id of the configuration item in
30                                    oe_order_lines
31                 p_wip_seq - group id to be used in interface table
32                 x_error_message   - error message if insert fails
33                 x_message_name    - name of error message if insert
34                                     fails
36    Description:  This function inserts a record into the
37                  WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table for the creation of
38                  work orders.
40 *****************************************************************************/
43 procedure insert_wip_interface(
44 	p_line_id              in number,
45 	p_wip_seq              in number,
46         p_status_type          in number,
47         p_class_code           in varchar2,
48         p_conc_request_id      in number,
49         p_conc_program_id      in number,
50         p_conc_login_id        in number,
51         p_user_id              in number,
52         p_appl_conc_program_id in number,
53         x_return_status        out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
54         x_error_message        out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,  /* 70 bytes to hold  msg */
55         x_message_name         out NOCOPY VARCHAR2 /* 30 bytes to hold  name */
56 	);
58 function validate_delivery_id(
59         p_line_id              in number
60 ) return integer;
62 function departure_plan_required(
63         p_line_id              in number
64 ) return integer;
66 PROCEDURE Delivery_Planned(p_line_id 	IN 	        NUMBER,
67 			x_result_out	OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
68 			x_return_status OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
69 			x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
70 			x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2);
72 PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (validate_delivery_id, WNDS);
74 end CTO_WIP_UTIL;