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Line 5: g_asn_debug VARCHAR2(1) := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('RCV_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');

1: PACKAGE BODY rcv_transactions_interface_sv AS
2: /* $Header: RCVTISVB.pls 120.3 2007/12/12 19:47:04 vthevark ship $*/
4: -- Read the profile option that enables/disables the debug log
5: g_asn_debug VARCHAR2(1) := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('RCV_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
6: cascaded_table rcv_shipment_object_sv.cascaded_trans_tab_type;
7: transaction_record rcv_shipment_line_sv.transaction_record_type;
8: item_id_record rcv_shipment_line_sv.item_id_record_type;
9: document_num_record rcv_shipment_line_sv.document_num_record_type;

Line 76: The fnd_profile.get_specfic(x,y,z,w) returns the value

72: profile option is set . Modified the cursors shipments,
73: count shipments, distributions,count distributions
74: to restrict the shipments and distributions based on the
75: profile option.
76: The fnd_profile.get_specfic(x,y,z,w) returns the value
77: of profile option starting from user. If there is no value
78: at the user value ,then the value at responsibility
79: level is returned and so on. */
80: x_include_closed_po VARCHAR2(1); -- Bug 1887728

Line 377: profile_user_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID');

374: /* 1887728- Getting the profile option value based on the user_id,
375: resp_id,appl_id
376: */
377: profile_user_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID');
378: profile_resp_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('RESPONSIBILITY_ID');
379: profile_appl_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('APPLICATION_ID');
380: fnd_profile.get_specific('RCV_CLOSED_PO_DEFAULT_OPTION',
381: profile_user_id,

Line 378: profile_resp_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('RESPONSIBILITY_ID');

374: /* 1887728- Getting the profile option value based on the user_id,
375: resp_id,appl_id
376: */
377: profile_user_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID');
378: profile_resp_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('RESPONSIBILITY_ID');
379: profile_appl_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('APPLICATION_ID');
380: fnd_profile.get_specific('RCV_CLOSED_PO_DEFAULT_OPTION',
381: profile_user_id,
382: profile_resp_id,

Line 379: profile_appl_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('APPLICATION_ID');

375: resp_id,appl_id
376: */
377: profile_user_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID');
378: profile_resp_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('RESPONSIBILITY_ID');
379: profile_appl_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('APPLICATION_ID');
380: fnd_profile.get_specific('RCV_CLOSED_PO_DEFAULT_OPTION',
381: profile_user_id,
382: profile_resp_id,
383: profile_appl_id,

Line 380: fnd_profile.get_specific('RCV_CLOSED_PO_DEFAULT_OPTION',

376: */
377: profile_user_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID');
378: profile_resp_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('RESPONSIBILITY_ID');
379: profile_appl_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('APPLICATION_ID');
380: fnd_profile.get_specific('RCV_CLOSED_PO_DEFAULT_OPTION',
381: profile_user_id,
382: profile_resp_id,
383: profile_appl_id,
384: x_include_closed_po,

Line 2308: fnd_profile.get('ALLOW_RATE_OVERRIDE_FOR_USER_RATE_TYPE', x_allow_rate_override);

2304: * depending on the profile ALLOW_RATE_OVERRIDE_FOR_USER_RATE_TYPE.
2305: * This was not handled in the open interface. Introduced code
2306: * to handle the changes at the time of receipt
2307: */
2308: fnd_profile.get('ALLOW_RATE_OVERRIDE_FOR_USER_RATE_TYPE', x_allow_rate_override);
2310: /* ksareddy - 2329928 Ported changes by bao in branch to cache set_of_books_id */
2311: IF (rcv_transactions_interface_sv.x_set_of_books_id IS NULL) THEN
2312: SELECT set_of_books_id