1094: po_message_s.sql_error('Get_Transmission_Defaults',
1095: l_progress, sqlcode);
1096: raise;
1097: end;
1098: /* Bug 7232666, get approved_date from po_releases_all */
1099: elsif (p_document_type = 'RELEASE') then
1100: begin
1101: SELECT por.authorization_status ,
1102: por.consigned_consumption_flag,
1112: l_party_site_id,
1113: l_party_id,
1114: l_approved_date --Bug 6074733
1115: from po_headers_all poh,
1116: po_releases_all por
1117: where por.po_release_id = p_document_id and
1118: poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id ;
1119: exception
1120: when others then
1183: if ((p_document_type = 'RELEASE') and
1184: (p_document_subtype = 'BLANKET')) then
1186: update po_releases_all
1187: set xml_flag = l_xml_flag -- bug 2764348
1188: where po_release_id = p_document_id;
1190: elsif ((p_document_type = 'PO') and
1279: l_faxnum
1280: from po_headers_all poh,
1281: po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
1282: po_vendor_contacts pvc,
1283: po_releases por
1284: where poh.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id and
1285: poh.vendor_contact_id = pvc.vendor_contact_id (+) and
1286: poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id and
1287: por.po_release_id = p_document_id and
1319: --Name: get_transmission_defaults_edi
1320: --Pre-reqs:
1321: -- N/A
1322: --Modifies:
1323: -- po_headers_all.xml_flag, po_releases_all.xml_flag (unless
1324: -- p_retrieve_only_flag = 'Y')
1325: --Locks:
1326: -- N/A
1327: --Function:
1416: (select pvs.tp_header_id, pr.authorization_status
1417: from po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
1418: po_vendors pv,
1419: po_headers_all ph,
1420: po_releases_all pr
1421: where ph.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id (+)
1422: and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id (+)
1423: and ph.vendor_id = pvs.vendor_id (+)
1424: and ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id