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Line 339: gmd_debug.put_line('Sample active cnt for row # '

335: -- For each approved sampling event, based on the sample active count
336: -- we return either the composite or simple result.
337: FOR i IN 1 .. x_sampling_events.count LOOP
338: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
339: gmd_debug.put_line('Sample active cnt for row # '
340: ||i||' = '||x_sampling_events(i).sample_active_cnt);
341: END IF;
343: IF (x_sampling_events(i).sample_active_cnt > 1) THEN -- composite results

Line 345: gmd_debug.put_line('Sample id, spec id, event_spec_id row # '

341: END IF;
343: IF (x_sampling_events(i).sample_active_cnt > 1) THEN -- composite results
344: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
345: gmd_debug.put_line('Sample id, spec id, event_spec_id row # '
346: ||i||' = '||X_sampling_events(i).sample_id
347: ||' - '||X_sampling_events(i).spec_id
348: ||' - '||X_sampling_events(i).event_spec_disp_id);
349: END IF;

Line 355: gmd_debug.put_line('Comp_spec_disp_id row # '

351: OPEN get_composite_disp(X_sampling_events(i).event_spec_disp_id);
352: FETCH get_composite_disp INTO l_composite_spec_disp_id;
353: IF get_composite_disp%FOUND THEN
354: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
355: gmd_debug.put_line('Comp_spec_disp_id row # '
356: ||i||' = '||l_Composite_spec_disp_id);
357: END IF;
359: FOR get_composite_rec IN get_composite_results(l_Composite_spec_disp_id)

Line 371: gmd_debug.put_line('Display Precision and mean row # '

367: FETCH get_tst_display_precision INTO l_disp_precision;
368: CLOSE get_tst_display_precision;
370: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
371: gmd_debug.put_line('Display Precision and mean row # '
372: ||i||' = '||get_composite_rec.mean
373: ||' - '||l_disp_precision);
374: END IF;

Line 415: gmd_debug.put_line('Sample id, spec id, event_spec_id row # '

411: CLOSE get_composite_disp;
412: ELSE -- for simple results
414: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
415: gmd_debug.put_line('Sample id, spec id, event_spec_id row # '
416: ||i||' = '||X_sampling_events(i).sample_id
417: ||' - '||X_sampling_events(i).spec_id
418: ||' - '||X_sampling_events(i).event_spec_disp_id);
419: END IF;

Line 492: gmd_debug.put_line('Getting the level for inventory item_id '

488: l_level_rec.subinventory := X_sampling_events(l_row_num).subinventory;
489: l_level_rec.locator_id := X_sampling_events(l_row_num).locator_id ;
491: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
492: gmd_debug.put_line('Getting the level for inventory item_id '
493: ||X_sampling_events(l_row_num).organization_id);
494: END IF;
496: GMD_QUALITY_GRP.get_level

Line 504: gmd_debug.put_line('The return status from get_level '||x_return_status);

500: , x_return_status => x_return_status
501: );
503: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
504: gmd_debug.put_line('The return status from get_level '||x_return_status);
505: END IF;
506: END IF; -- when l_row_num > 0

Line 601: gmd_debug.put_line('Begining get_appr_sampling_evnt proc, '

597: BEGIN
598: -- Initialize API return status to success
599: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
600: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
601: gmd_debug.put_line('Begining get_appr_sampling_evnt proc, '
602: ||' inventory_item_id = '||p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.inventory_item_id
603: ||' organization_id = '||p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.organization_id
604: ||' test_id = '||p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.test_id
605: ||' parent_lot_number = '||p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.parent_lot_number

Line 611: gmd_debug.put_line('Before assigning values , i value = '||i);

607: END IF;
608: FOR sampling_rec IN get_sample_events LOOP
609: i := i + 1;
610: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
611: gmd_debug.put_line('Before assigning values , i value = '||i);
612: END IF;
613: x_sampling_events_tbl(i).sampling_event_id := sampling_rec.sampling_event_id;
614: x_sampling_events_tbl(i).event_spec_disp_id := sampling_rec.event_spec_disp_id;
615: x_sampling_events_tbl(i).sample_active_cnt := sampling_rec.sample_active_cnt;

Line 630: gmd_debug.put_line('i value = '||i);

626: ,x_sampling_events_tbl(i).event_spec_disp_id);
627: FETCH get_samples INTO x_sampling_events_tbl(i).sample_id;
628: CLOSE get_samples;
629: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
630: gmd_debug.put_line('i value = '||i);
631: gmd_debug.put_line('The sample id = '||x_sampling_events_tbl(i).sample_id);
632: END IF;
633: END LOOP;

Line 631: gmd_debug.put_line('The sample id = '||x_sampling_events_tbl(i).sample_id);

627: FETCH get_samples INTO x_sampling_events_tbl(i).sample_id;
628: CLOSE get_samples;
629: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
630: gmd_debug.put_line('i value = '||i);
631: gmd_debug.put_line('The sample id = '||x_sampling_events_tbl(i).sample_id);
632: END IF;
633: END LOOP;
635: IF (i = 0) THEN

Line 736: gmd_debug.put_line('The spec and spec_vr id = '||x_spec_id||' x '||x_spec_vr_id);

732: , x_return_status => x_return_status
733: , x_message_data => x_msg_data) THEN
735: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
736: gmd_debug.put_line('The spec and spec_vr id = '||x_spec_id||' x '||x_spec_vr_id);
737: END IF;
739: IF x_spec_id IS NOT NULL THEN
740: -- Spec test match is found

Line 745: gmd_debug.put_line('The test type = '||get_spec_rec.test_type);

741: FOR get_spec_rec IN get_spec_test(x_Spec_id, p_inv_spec_inp_rec.test_id)
742: LOOP
743: x_inv_spec_out_rec.Spec_Id := get_spec_rec.spec_id;
744: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
745: gmd_debug.put_line('The test type = '||get_spec_rec.test_type);
746: END IF;
747: IF get_spec_rec.test_type IN ('E','L','N') THEN -- numeric test types
748: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
749: gmd_debug.put_line('The target_val_num = '||get_spec_rec.target_value_num);

Line 749: gmd_debug.put_line('The target_val_num = '||get_spec_rec.target_value_num);

745: gmd_debug.put_line('The test type = '||get_spec_rec.test_type);
746: END IF;
747: IF get_spec_rec.test_type IN ('E','L','N') THEN -- numeric test types
748: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
749: gmd_debug.put_line('The target_val_num = '||get_spec_rec.target_value_num);
750: END IF;
751: IF get_spec_rec.target_value_num IS NOT NULL THEN
752: x_inv_spec_out_rec.target_value := get_spec_rec.target_value_num;
753: ELSIF (get_spec_rec.max_value_num IS NOT NULL

Line 776: gmd_debug.put_line('The target_val_char = '||get_spec_rec.target_value_char);

772: x_inv_spec_out_rec.Max_Value := get_spec_rec.max_value_num;
774: ELSE -- character test types
775: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
776: gmd_debug.put_line('The target_val_char = '||get_spec_rec.target_value_char);
777: END IF;
778: x_inv_spec_out_rec.target_value := get_spec_rec.target_value_char;
779: x_inv_spec_out_rec.Min_Value := get_spec_rec.min_value_char;
780: x_inv_spec_out_rec.Max_Value := get_spec_rec.max_value_char;