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1 PACKAGE BODY hri_opl_sprtn_rsns AS
2 /* $Header: hriosprn.pkb 120.1 2005/07/28 02:20:53 anmajumd noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
5 --
6 g_msg_sub_group        VARCHAR2(400) := '';
7 --
8 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log when the g_conc_request_id has
10 -- been set to TRUE, otherwise does nothing
11 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 --
13 PROCEDURE output(p_text  VARCHAR2) IS
14 --
16   --
17   -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
18   --
19   HRI_BPL_CONC_LOG.output(p_text);
20   --
21 END output;
22 --
23 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log if debugging is enabled
25 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 --
27 PROCEDURE dbg(p_text  VARCHAR2) IS
28 --
30   --
31   -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
32   --
33   HRI_BPL_CONC_LOG.dbg(p_text);
34   --
35 END dbg;
36 --
37 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- Load Separations Reason Table
39 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 --
41 PROCEDURE load_sprtn_rsns_tab
42 IS
43   --
44   l_formula_id        NUMBER;          -- Fast Formula Id of HR_MOVE_TYPE
45   l_term_type         VARCHAR2(30);    -- Holds I(nvoluntary) or V(oluntary)
46   --
47   -- Cursor selects all separation reasons, and outer joins to the
48   -- involuntary/voluntary categorization table to determine whether
49   -- an insert or an update is needed
50   -- 2448895 - Added the NA_EDW row to ensure that a separation
51   -- category is obtained for the NULL separation reason from the
52   -- fast formula
53   --
54   CURSOR leaving_reasons_csr IS
55   SELECT hrl.lookup_code                      lookup_code,
56          DECODE(spr.reason, null, 'N', 'Y')   exists_flag
57   FROM   hr_standard_lookups  hrl,
58          hri_inv_sprtn_rsns   spr
59   WHERE  hrl.lookup_code = spr.reason (+)
60   AND    hrl.lookup_type = 'LEAV_REAS'
62   SELECT 'NA_EDW'                             lookup_code,
63          'N'                                  exists_flag
64   FROM   dual
66          (SELECT -1
67           FROM   hri_inv_sprtn_rsns spr
68           WHERE  spr.reason = 'NA_EDW')
70   SELECT 'NA_EDW'                             lookup_code,
71          'Y'                                  exists_flag
72   FROM   dual
74          (SELECT -1
75           FROM   hri_inv_sprtn_rsns spr
76           WHERE  spr.reason = 'NA_EDW');
77   --
79   --
80   dbg('inside load_sprtn_rsns_tab');
81   --
82   -- Get formula id of fast formula to use
83   --
84   l_formula_id := hr_person_flex_logic.GetTermTypeFormula
85                     ( p_business_group_id => 0 );
86   --
87   dbg('insert/update records in hri_inv_sprtn_rsns');
88   --
89   -- Loop through all the leaving reasons defined
90   --
91   FOR v_leaving_reason IN leaving_reasons_csr LOOP
92     --
93     -- Run fast formula for current leaving reason
94     --
95     l_term_type  := HR_PERSON_FLEX_LOGIC.GetTermType
96                       ( p_term_formula_id => l_formula_id,
97                         p_leaving_reason  => v_leaving_reason.lookup_code,
98                         p_session_date    => SYSDATE );
99     --
100     dbg('code = '||v_leaving_reason.lookup_code||' , term_type = '||l_term_type);
101     --
102     -- If leaving reason not already in the categorization table
103     --
104     IF (v_leaving_reason.exists_flag = 'N') THEN
105       --
106       -- Insert the details into the table
107       --
108       INSERT
109       INTO   hri_inv_sprtn_rsns
110              (reason
111              ,termination_type
112              ,update_allowed_flag
113              )
114       VALUES (v_leaving_reason.lookup_code
115              ,l_term_type
116              ,'N'
117              );
118       --
119     ELSE
120       --
121       -- Update the reason
122       --
123       UPDATE hri_inv_sprtn_rsns
124       SET    termination_type = l_term_type
125       WHERE  reason = v_leaving_reason.lookup_code;
126       --
127     END IF;
128     --
129   END LOOP;
130   --
131   COMMIT;
132   --
133   dbg('exiting load_sprtn_rsns_tab');
134   --
135   -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
136   --
138   --
140     --
141     g_msg_sub_group := NVL(g_msg_sub_group, 'LOAD_SPRTN_RSNS_TAB');
142     --
143     RAISE;
144     --
145 END load_sprtn_rsns_tab;
146 --
147 -- This procedure populates the separation reasons table in shared HRMS installations
148 --
149 PROCEDURE load_sprtn_rsns_shared_hrms
151 IS
153   l_sysdate   Date;
154   l_user      number;
155   l_sql_stmt VARCHAR2(2000);
156   l_dummy1 VARCHAR2(2000);
157   l_dummy2 VARCHAR2(2000);
158   l_schema VARCHAR2(2000);
159   --
160   BEGIN
161     --
162     dbg('inside load_sprtn_rsns_shared_hrms');
163     --
164     --
165     -- Get HRI schema name - get_app_info populates l_schema
166     --
167     IF fnd_installation.get_app_info('HRI',l_dummy1,l_dummy2,l_schema) THEN
168     --
169       null;
170     --
171     END IF;
172     --
173     -- Truncate the table
174     --
175     l_sql_stmt := 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || l_schema || '.HRI_INV_SPRTN_RSNS';
176     --
177     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE(l_sql_stmt);
178     --
179     -- Assigning sysdate and user for who columns
180     --
181     l_sysdate := sysdate;
182     l_user := fnd_global.user_id;
183     --
184     -- Insert into the table
185     --
186       INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO hri_inv_sprtn_rsns
187       ( reason
188       , termination_type
189       , update_allowed_flag
190       , last_update_date
191       , last_updated_by
192       , last_update_login
193       , created_by
194       , creation_date
195       )
196       SELECT
197        lookup_code
198        , 'V'
199        , 'N'
200        , l_sysdate
201        , l_user
202        , l_user
203        , l_user
204        , l_sysdate
205       FROM hr_standard_lookups
206       WHERE lookup_type = 'LEAV_REAS'
207       UNION ALL
208       SELECT
209        'NA_EDW'                             lookup_code
210        , 'V'
211        , 'N'
212        , l_sysdate
213        , l_user
214        , l_user
215        , l_user
216        , l_sysdate
217       FROM
218       dual;
219       --
220       COMMIT;
221       --
222       dbg('exiting load_sprtn_rsns_shared_hrms');
223       --
224 END load_sprtn_rsns_shared_hrms;
225 --
226 --
227 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 -- Entry point to be called from the concurrent manager
229 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 --
231 PROCEDURE populate_sprtn_rsns(Errbuf       in out nocopy  Varchar2,
232                               Retcode      in out  nocopy Varchar2)
233 IS
234   --
235   -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
236   --
237   l_message       fnd_new_messages.message_text%type;
238   --
239   --
240   l_foundation_hr_flag VARCHAR2(1);
241   --
243   --
244   dbg('inside populate_sprtn_rsns');
245   --
246   --
247   -- If full HR is not installed, then set the flag to 'Y'
248   --
249    IF hr_general.chk_product_installed(800) = 'FALSE' THEN
250      --
251      l_foundation_hr_flag := 'Y';
252      --
253    --
254    -- If the profile HRI_DBI_FORCE_SHARED_HR has been set then
255    -- set the flag to 'Y'
256    --
257    ELSIF NVL(fnd_profile.value('HRI_DBI_FORCE_SHARED_HR'),'N') ='Y' THEN
258      --
259      l_foundation_hr_flag := 'Y';
260      --
261    ELSE
262      --
263      l_foundation_hr_flag := 'N';
264      --
265    END IF;
266    --
267    -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
268    --
269    hri_bpl_conc_log.record_process_start('HRI_INV_SPRTN_RSNS');
270    --
271    -- If the flag for foundation has been set then run the load in shared mode,
272    -- else run in normal mode
273    --
274    IF l_foundation_hr_flag = 'Y' THEN
275      --
276      load_sprtn_rsns_shared_hrms;
277      --
278    ELSE
279      --
280     load_sprtn_rsns_tab;
281      --
282    END IF;
283    --
284    -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
285    --
286    hri_bpl_conc_log.log_process_end(
287           p_status         => TRUE,
288           p_period_from    => hr_general.start_of_time,
289           p_period_to      => hr_general.end_of_time);
290    --
291    dbg('exiting populate_sprtn_rsns');
292    --
295     --
296     l_message := nvl(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM);
297     --
298     output(l_message);
299     --
300     errbuf  := sqlerrm;
301     retcode := sqlcode;
302     --
303     -- Bug 4105868: Collection Diagnostics
304     --
305     g_msg_sub_group := NVL(g_msg_sub_group, 'POPULATE_SPRTN_RSNS');
306     --
307     hri_bpl_conc_log.log_process_info
308             (p_msg_type      => 'ERROR'
309             ,p_note          => l_message
310             ,p_package_name  => 'HRI_OPL_SPRTN_RSNS'
311             ,p_msg_sub_group => g_msg_sub_group
312             ,p_sql_err_code  => SQLCODE
313             ,p_msg_group     => 'SEP_RSN');
314     --
315     hri_bpl_conc_log.log_process_end
316             (p_status        => FALSE
317             ,p_period_from   => hr_general.start_of_time
318             ,p_period_to     => hr_general.end_of_time);
319     --
320     RAISE;
321     --
322 END populate_sprtn_rsns;
323 --
324 END hri_opl_sprtn_rsns;