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Line 132: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

128: -- for TRANSFER type, check for individual budget.
129: CURSOR c_transfer_allowed IS
130: /*
131: SELECT (NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0)-NVL(plan_curr_utilized_amt,0)) total_amount
132: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
133: WHERE object_id =p_object_id
134: AND object_type = p_object_type
135: AND fund_id = p_budget_source_id;
136: */

Line 168: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

165: -- for UTILIZED type, check for total committed amount.
166: CURSOR c_transfer_allowed_util IS
167: SELECT SUM(NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0)-NVL(plan_curr_utilized_amt,0)) total_amount
168: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
169: WHERE object_id =p_object_id
170: AND object_type = p_object_type;
172: /*

Line 441: -- 08/05/2005 feliu changed for R12 by using ozf_object_fund_summary.

437: -- money to fund the approved amount for a
438: -- budget request; return N, otherwise.
439: -- HISTORY
440: -- 20-Aug-2000 choang Created.
441: -- 08/05/2005 feliu changed for R12 by using ozf_object_fund_summary.
442: /*****************************************************************************************/
443: FUNCTION source_has_enough_money (
444: p_source_type IN VARCHAR2
445: ,p_source_id IN NUMBER

Line 459: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

455: AND act_budget_used_by_id = p_source_id;
456: */
457: CURSOR c_approved_amount IS
458: SELECT SUM(NVL(committed_amt,0)-NVL(utilized_amt,0)) total_amount
459: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
460: WHERE object_id =p_source_id
461: AND object_type = p_source_type;
463: -- change by feliu on 03/26/04