24: -- Declare cursor to retrieve the PO number
25: CURSOR po_cursor IS
26: SELECT DISTINCT (ph.segment1||'-'||pr.release_num), ph.po_header_id, pr.po_release_id
27: FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
28: po_distributions_all pd,
29: po_headers_all ph,
30: po_releases_all pr
31: WHERE aid.invoice_id in (select invoice_id
32: from ap_invoice_payments_all
37: AND ph.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
39: SELECT DISTINCT ph.segment1, ph.po_header_id, null
40: FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
41: po_distributions_all pd,
42: po_headers_all ph
43: WHERE aid.invoice_id in (select invoice_id
44: from ap_invoice_payments_all
45: where check_id = l_check_id)