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Line 348: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc , 10);

344: l_acty_base_rt_id number;
345: --
346: begin
347: --
348: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc , 10);
349: --
350: open c_pil;
351: --
352: fetch c_pil into l_pil_rec;

Line 357: hr_utility.set_location (' l_max_le_eff_date '||l_max_le_eff_date , 8.0);

353: --
354: close c_pil;
355: --
356: l_max_le_eff_date := greatest(l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt ,p_effective_date);
357: hr_utility.set_location (' l_max_le_eff_date '||l_max_le_eff_date , 8.0);
358: --
359: open c_ben_amt('Y',hr_api.g_eot);
360: --
361: fetch c_ben_amt into l_hgh_cmp_amt;

Line 362: hr_utility.set_location (' l_hgh_cmp_amt '||l_hgh_cmp_amt ,8.1);

358: --
359: open c_ben_amt('Y',hr_api.g_eot);
360: --
361: fetch c_ben_amt into l_hgh_cmp_amt;
362: hr_utility.set_location (' l_hgh_cmp_amt '||l_hgh_cmp_amt ,8.1);
363: --
364: close c_ben_amt;
365: --
366: open c_ben_amt('N',hr_api.g_eot);

Line 369: hr_utility.set_location (' l_nor_cmp_amt '||l_nor_cmp_amt , 8.2);

365: --
366: open c_ben_amt('N',hr_api.g_eot);
367: --
368: fetch c_ben_amt into l_nor_cmp_amt;
369: hr_utility.set_location (' l_nor_cmp_amt '||l_nor_cmp_amt , 8.2);
370: --
371: close c_ben_amt;
372: --
373: if p_subj_to_imptd_incm_typ_cd = 'PRTT' then

Line 411: hr_utility.set_location('l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc: '||l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc, 10);

407: end if;
408: --
409: l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc := l_tot_ben_amt + nvl(l_hgh_cmp_amt,0);
410: --
411: hr_utility.set_location('l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc: '||l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc, 10);
412: -- if the profile set to 'Y' and eployee contributed pre-tax , deduct the contribution
413: --- post tax calcualtion 2897063
414: l_prflvalue := fnd_profile.value('BEN_IMPTD_INCM_POST_TAX');
415: hr_utility.set_location('Profile:'||l_prflvalue, 99 );

Line 415: hr_utility.set_location('Profile:'||l_prflvalue, 99 );

411: hr_utility.set_location('l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc: '||l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc, 10);
412: -- if the profile set to 'Y' and eployee contributed pre-tax , deduct the contribution
413: --- post tax calcualtion 2897063
414: l_prflvalue := fnd_profile.value('BEN_IMPTD_INCM_POST_TAX');
415: hr_utility.set_location('Profile:'||l_prflvalue, 99 );
416: if l_prflvalue = 'Y' then
417: open c_post_tax_contrib(hr_api.g_eot) ;
418: Loop
419: fetch c_post_tax_contrib into l_post_tax_rec ;

Line 427: hr_utility.set_location('pdv amount : '||l_post_tax_rec.rt_val , 10);

423: l_post_tax_amount := l_post_tax_amount + nvl(l_post_tax_rec.rt_val,0) ;
424: else
425: l_post_tax_err_found := 'Y' ;
426: end if ;
427: hr_utility.set_location('pdv amount : '||l_post_tax_rec.rt_val , 10);
428: end loop ;
429: close c_post_tax_contrib ;
430: hr_utility.set_location('post tax : '||l_post_tax_amount || ' found ' || l_post_tax_err_found , 10);

Line 430: hr_utility.set_location('post tax : '||l_post_tax_amount || ' found ' || l_post_tax_err_found , 10);

426: end if ;
427: hr_utility.set_location('pdv amount : '||l_post_tax_rec.rt_val , 10);
428: end loop ;
429: close c_post_tax_contrib ;
430: hr_utility.set_location('post tax : '||l_post_tax_amount || ' found ' || l_post_tax_err_found , 10);
432: if l_post_tax_err_found = 'Y' then
434: if fnd_global.conc_request_id in ( 0,-1) then

Line 489: hr_utility.set_location( ' Prtt_enrt_rslt_id '||l_enrt_rslt_rec.Prtt_enrt_rslt_id , 8.5);

485: --
486: open c_enrt_rslt(l_plan_rec.pl_id);
487: --
488: fetch c_enrt_rslt into l_enrt_rslt_rec;
489: hr_utility.set_location( ' Prtt_enrt_rslt_id '||l_enrt_rslt_rec.Prtt_enrt_rslt_id , 8.5);
490: --
491: close c_enrt_rslt;
492: if p_no_choice_flag or l_enrt_rslt_rec.pl_id is not null then
493: --

Line 514: hr_utility.set_location( ' l_choice_exists_flag ' , 8.6);

510: --
511: else
512: --
513: l_choice_exists_flag := true;
514: hr_utility.set_location( ' l_choice_exists_flag ' , 8.6);
515: --
516: if l_plan_rec.pl_cd = 'MSTBPGM' then
517: loop
518: --

Line 547: hr_utility.set_location( ' l_result_exists_flag ' , 8.7);

543: --
544: if l_enrt_rslt_rec.pl_id is not null then
545: --
546: l_result_exists_flag := TRUE;
547: hr_utility.set_location( ' l_result_exists_flag ' , 8.7);
548: --
549: else
550: --
551: open c_enrt_rslt(l_plan_rec.pl_id);

Line 557: hr_utility.set_location( ' l_result_exists_flag ' ,8.8);

553: fetch c_enrt_rslt into l_enrt_rslt_rec;
554: if c_enrt_rslt%found then
555: --
556: l_result_exists_flag := TRUE;
557: hr_utility.set_location( ' l_result_exists_flag ' ,8.8);
558: --
559: end if;
560: --
561: close c_enrt_rslt;

Line 630: hr_utility.set_location( ' pl id ' || l_plan_rec.pl_id, 99 ) ;

626: end if;
627: --
628: close c_ecr_prv;
629: -- Start of Bug fix 3027365
630: hr_utility.set_location( ' pl id ' || l_plan_rec.pl_id, 99 ) ;
631: open c_chk_rate_avlbl(l_plan_rec.pl_id);
632: fetch c_chk_rate_avlbl into l_acty_base_rt_id;
634: if c_chk_rate_avlbl%found then

Line 738: hr_utility.set_location('factor before : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);

734: ,p_iss_val => l_iss_val);
735: --
736: -- Imputed income will always be rate * total subject to imputed income
737: --
738: hr_utility.set_location('factor before : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);
739: rate_val_list(l_count) := rate_val_list(l_count)*l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc;
740: rate_id_list(l_count) := l_ecr_prv_rec.enrt_rt_id;
742: hr_utility.set_location('factor after : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);

Line 742: hr_utility.set_location('factor after : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);

738: hr_utility.set_location('factor before : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);
739: rate_val_list(l_count) := rate_val_list(l_count)*l_tot_sub_to_imp_inc;
740: rate_id_list(l_count) := l_ecr_prv_rec.enrt_rt_id;
742: hr_utility.set_location('factor after : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);
743: --- Post tax contribution deducted here 2897063
744: if l_post_tax_amount > 0 then
745: if l_post_tax_amount > rate_val_list(l_count) then
746: rate_val_list(l_count) := 0 ;

Line 752: hr_utility.set_location('post deduction : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);

748: rate_val_list(l_count) := rate_val_list(l_count) - l_post_tax_amount ;
749: end if ;
750: end if ;
751: --
752: hr_utility.set_location('post deduction : '||rate_val_list(l_count) , 10);
754: if l_result_exists_flag then
755: --
756: if l_choice_exists_flag then

Line 805: hr_utility.set_location( ' Case 1 l_result_exists_flag l_choice_exists_flag ' , 9.0);

801: --
802: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91333_CALLING_PROC');
803: fnd_message.set_token('PROC','ben_election_information -update');
804: -- do update Bug 1295277
805: hr_utility.set_location( ' Case 1 l_result_exists_flag l_choice_exists_flag ' , 9.0);
806: ben_election_information.election_information
807: (p_validate => FALSE
808: ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elctbl_chc_rec.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
809: ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => l_enrt_rslt_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id

Line 860: hr_utility.set_location('Effective Date '||p_effective_date , 1399);

856: --
857: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91333_CALLING_PROC');
858: fnd_message.set_token('PROC','ben_election_information-insert');
859: -- do insert.
860: hr_utility.set_location('Effective Date '||p_effective_date , 1399);
861: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd ' ||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 ) ;
863: hr_utility.set_location('Befor plan_id'||to_char(l_elctbl_chc_rec.pl_id) , 1399);
864: hr_utility.set_location('Conc Req Id '||fnd_global.conc_request_id , 1399);

Line 861: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd ' ||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 ) ;

857: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91333_CALLING_PROC');
858: fnd_message.set_token('PROC','ben_election_information-insert');
859: -- do insert.
860: hr_utility.set_location('Effective Date '||p_effective_date , 1399);
861: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd ' ||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 ) ;
863: hr_utility.set_location('Befor plan_id'||to_char(l_elctbl_chc_rec.pl_id) , 1399);
864: hr_utility.set_location('Conc Req Id '||fnd_global.conc_request_id , 1399);
865: hr_utility.set_location('lf date'|| l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,1399);

Line 863: hr_utility.set_location('Befor plan_id'||to_char(l_elctbl_chc_rec.pl_id) , 1399);

859: -- do insert.
860: hr_utility.set_location('Effective Date '||p_effective_date , 1399);
861: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd ' ||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 ) ;
863: hr_utility.set_location('Befor plan_id'||to_char(l_elctbl_chc_rec.pl_id) , 1399);
864: hr_utility.set_location('Conc Req Id '||fnd_global.conc_request_id , 1399);
865: hr_utility.set_location('lf date'|| l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,1399);
866: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd '||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 );
867: -- Bug 1561138 When automatic enrollment is run for an imputted income

Line 864: hr_utility.set_location('Conc Req Id '||fnd_global.conc_request_id , 1399);

860: hr_utility.set_location('Effective Date '||p_effective_date , 1399);
861: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd ' ||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 ) ;
863: hr_utility.set_location('Befor plan_id'||to_char(l_elctbl_chc_rec.pl_id) , 1399);
864: hr_utility.set_location('Conc Req Id '||fnd_global.conc_request_id , 1399);
865: hr_utility.set_location('lf date'|| l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,1399);
866: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd '||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 );
867: -- Bug 1561138 When automatic enrollment is run for an imputted income
868: -- plan take the effective date as the minimum of

Line 865: hr_utility.set_location('lf date'|| l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,1399);

861: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd ' ||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 ) ;
863: hr_utility.set_location('Befor plan_id'||to_char(l_elctbl_chc_rec.pl_id) , 1399);
864: hr_utility.set_location('Conc Req Id '||fnd_global.conc_request_id , 1399);
865: hr_utility.set_location('lf date'|| l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,1399);
866: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd '||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 );
867: -- Bug 1561138 When automatic enrollment is run for an imputted income
868: -- plan take the effective date as the minimum of
869: -- life event occured date and effective date passed.

Line 866: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd '||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 );

863: hr_utility.set_location('Befor plan_id'||to_char(l_elctbl_chc_rec.pl_id) , 1399);
864: hr_utility.set_location('Conc Req Id '||fnd_global.conc_request_id , 1399);
865: hr_utility.set_location('lf date'|| l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,1399);
866: hr_utility.set_location('p_enrt_mthd_cd '||p_enrt_mthd_cd , 1399 );
867: -- Bug 1561138 When automatic enrollment is run for an imputted income
868: -- plan take the effective date as the minimum of
869: -- life event occured date and effective date passed.
870: -- This is done only in case of batch process from a

Line 878: hr_utility.set_location('Automatic enrollmant case' , 1399);

874: if p_enrt_mthd_cd = 'A'
875: AND fnd_global.conc_request_id <> -1
876: then
877: --
878: hr_utility.set_location('Automatic enrollmant case' , 1399);
879: if p_effective_date > l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
880: then
881: l_effective_date := l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt ;
882: hr_utility.set_location('Automatic enrollment eff date altered', 1399);

Line 882: hr_utility.set_location('Automatic enrollment eff date altered', 1399);

878: hr_utility.set_location('Automatic enrollmant case' , 1399);
879: if p_effective_date > l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
880: then
881: l_effective_date := l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt ;
882: hr_utility.set_location('Automatic enrollment eff date altered', 1399);
883: hr_utility.set_location('Date passed is :'||l_effective_date, 1399) ;
884: end if;
885: --
886: end if;

Line 883: hr_utility.set_location('Date passed is :'||l_effective_date, 1399) ;

879: if p_effective_date > l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
880: then
881: l_effective_date := l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt ;
882: hr_utility.set_location('Automatic enrollment eff date altered', 1399);
883: hr_utility.set_location('Date passed is :'||l_effective_date, 1399) ;
884: end if;
885: --
886: end if;

Line 942: hr_utility.set_location( ' Case 3 ' , 9.2);

938: end if;
939: --
940: else
941: --
942: hr_utility.set_location( ' Case 3 ' , 9.2);
943: open c_imp_inc_plan2;
944: --
945: fetch c_imp_inc_plan2 into l_enrt_rslt_rec;
946: if c_imp_inc_plan2%found then

Line 967: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc , 10);

963: close c_imp_inc_plan2;
964: --
965: end if;
966: --
967: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc , 10);
968: --
969: end p_comp_imp_inc_internal;
970: --
971: procedure p_comp_imputed_income

Line 1035: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering ' || l_proc , 10);

1031: l_exists varchar2(30) := 'N';
1032: --
1033: begin
1034: --
1035: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering ' || l_proc , 10);
1036: hr_utility.set_location(' Calculate participant imputed income ', 10);
1037: if p_ctrlm_fido_call then
1038: --
1039: dt_fndate.get_dates(

Line 1036: hr_utility.set_location(' Calculate participant imputed income ', 10);

1032: --
1033: begin
1034: --
1035: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering ' || l_proc , 10);
1036: hr_utility.set_location(' Calculate participant imputed income ', 10);
1037: if p_ctrlm_fido_call then
1038: --
1039: dt_fndate.get_dates(
1040: P_SES_DATE =>l_SES_DATE,

Line 1103: hr_utility.set_location(' Calculate spouse imputed income ', 10);

1099: ,p_validate => p_validate
1100: ,p_no_choice_flag => p_no_choice_flag
1101: );
1103: hr_utility.set_location(' Calculate spouse imputed income ', 10);
1105: p_comp_imp_inc_internal
1106: (p_person_id => p_person_id
1107: ,p_enrt_mthd_cd => p_enrt_mthd_cd

Line 1117: hr_utility.set_location(' Calculate dependent imputed income ', 10);

1113: ,p_validate => p_validate
1114: ,p_no_choice_flag => p_no_choice_flag
1115: );
1117: hr_utility.set_location(' Calculate dependent imputed income ', 10);
1119: p_comp_imp_inc_internal
1120: (p_person_id => p_person_id
1121: ,p_enrt_mthd_cd => p_enrt_mthd_cd

Line 1143: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving ' || l_proc , 10);

1139: p_commit => l_commit);
1140: --
1141: end if;
1142: --
1143: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving ' || l_proc , 10);
1145: end p_comp_imputed_income;
1146: --
1147: END ben_det_imputed_income;