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Line 16: select name||','||a.route_classification_id name from iem_route_classifications a,iem_account_route_class b

12: and b.is_admin='A'
13: and upper(a.email_user)<>'INTENT';
14: l_email_account_id number;
15: cursor c_folder is
16: select name||','||a.route_classification_id name from iem_route_classifications a,iem_account_route_class b
17: where a.route_classification_id=b.route_classification_id
18: and b.email_account_id=l_email_account_id
19: union
20: select 'Inbox' from dual

Line 436: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b

432: l_folder_type varchar2(10);
433: l_mig_rec iem_migration_store_temp%rowtype;
434: l_error_text varchar2(500);
435: cursor c_queue is
436: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b
437: where a.email_account_id=l_email_account_id and a.agent_id=0
438: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and
439: b.name=l_folder_name and a.message_id not in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
440: where migration_id=p_migration_id)

Line 442: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b

438: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and
439: b.name=l_folder_name and a.message_id not in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
440: where migration_id=p_migration_id)
441: union -- select records which are also errors out
442: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b
443: where a.email_account_id=l_email_account_id and a.agent_id=0
444: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and
445: b.name=l_folder_name and a.message_id in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
446: where migration_id=p_migration_id and mig_status='E' and dp_status is null);

Line 1608: update iem_route_classifications

1604: l_last_update_login);
1605: END LOOP;
1606: -- Update Deleted flag of IEM_ROUTE_CLASSFICATIONS
1608: update iem_route_classifications
1609: set deleted_flag='N'
1610: where deleted_flag is null; -- So that can be re runnable..
1611: -- Reset the Sequence to have highest email account id id
1612: select nvl(max(email_account_id),0) into l_max_id from iem_mstemail_accounts;