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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

  FROM pa_projects_all
  WHERE  project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 73

  SELECT mic.category_id
  FROM   mtl_item_categories       mic
  ,      mtl_default_category_sets mdcs
  WHERE  mdcs.functional_area_id = 1
  AND    mic.category_set_id     = mdcs.category_set_id
  AND    mic.inventory_item_id   = C_item_id
  AND    mic.organization_id     = C_org_id;
Line: 123

    UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
    SET    error_code             = X_error_code
    ,      error_explanation      = X_error_msg
    ,      pm_cost_collected      = 'E'
    ,      last_update_date       = sysdate
    ,      last_updated_by        = fnd_global.user_id
    ,      request_id             = fnd_global.conc_request_id
    ,      program_application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id
    ,      program_id             = fnd_global.conc_program_id
    ,      program_update_date    = sysdate
    WHERE  transaction_id = X_transaction_id;
Line: 176

  UPDATE wip_transactions
  SET    pm_cost_collected      = 'E'
  ,      last_update_date       = sysdate
  ,      last_updated_by        = L_user_id
  ,      request_id             = L_request_id
  ,      program_application_id = L_prog_appl_id
  ,      program_id             = L_prog_id
  ,      program_update_date    = sysdate
  WHERE  transaction_id = X_transaction_id;
Line: 188

  UPDATE wip_txn_interface_errors
  SET    error_message          = X_error_msg
  ,      last_update_date       = sysdate
  ,      last_updated_by        = L_user_id
  ,      request_id             = L_request_id
  ,      program_application_id = L_prog_appl_id
  ,      program_id             = L_prog_id
  ,      program_update_date    = sysdate
  WHERE  transaction_id = X_transaction_id
  AND    error_column   = 'TASK_ID';
Line: 203

    INSERT INTO wip_txn_interface_errors
    ( transaction_id
    , error_message
    , error_column
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_login
    , request_id
    , program_application_id
    , program_id
    , program_update_date)
    VALUES ( X_transaction_id
    ,        X_error_msg
    ,        'TASK_ID'
    ,        sysdate
    ,        L_user_id
    ,        sysdate
    ,        L_user_id
    ,        L_login_id
    ,        L_request_id
    ,        L_prog_appl_id
    ,        L_prog_id
    ,        sysdate
Line: 275

	   SELECT attribute_code
	   FROM   pjm_task_attr_usages
	   WHERE  assignment_type = 'MATERIAL'
 	   ORDER BY sequence_number;
Line: 288

  SELECT task_id
  FROM   pjm_default_tasks
  WHERE  organization_id = C_org_id
  AND    project_id = C_proj_id
  AND    NVL(inventory_item_id, nvl(C_item_id,-1)) = nvl(C_item_id,-1)
  AND    NVL(po_header_id, nvl(C_po_header_id,-1)) = nvl(C_po_header_id,-1)
  AND    NVL(category_id, nvl(C_cat_id,-1)) = nvl(C_cat_id,-1)
  AND    NVL(subinventory_code, nvl(C_subinv_code,' ')) =
                                       nvl(C_subinv_code,' ')
  AND    NVL(procure_flag, nvl(C_procured,'*')) = nvl(C_procured,'*')
  AND    assignment_type = 'MATERIAL'
  ORDER BY decode(v_attributes(1), 'ITEM_NUMBER', to_char(inventory_item_id),
                                   'PO_NUMBER',   to_char(po_header_id),
                                   'CATEGORY',    to_char(category_id),
                                   'PROCURE_FLAG',procure_flag) ASC

  ,        decode(v_attributes(2), 'ITEM_NUMBER', to_char(inventory_item_id),
                                   'PO_NUMBER',   to_char(po_header_id),
                                   'CATEGORY',    to_char(category_id),
                                   'PROCURE_FLAG',procure_flag) ASC

  ,        decode(v_attributes(3), 'ITEM_NUMBER', to_char(inventory_item_id),
                                   'PO_NUMBER',   to_char(po_header_id),
                                   'CATEGORY',    to_char(category_id),
                                   'PROCURE_FLAG',procure_flag)      ASC

  ,        decode(v_attributes(4), 'ITEM_NUMBER', to_char(inventory_item_id),
                                   'PO_NUMBER',   to_char(po_header_id),
                                   'CATEGORY',    to_char(category_id),
                                   'PROCURE_FLAG',procure_flag)      ASC

  ,        decode(v_attributes(5), 'ITEM_NUMBER', to_char(inventory_item_id),
                                   'PO_NUMBER',   to_char(po_header_id),
                                   'CATEGORY',    to_char(category_id),
                                   'PROCURE_FLAG',procure_flag)      ASC;
Line: 402

	   SELECT attribute_code
	   FROM   pjm_task_attr_usages
	   WHERE  assignment_type = 'RESOURCE'
	   ORDER BY sequence_number;
Line: 414

  SELECT task_id
  FROM pjm_default_tasks
  WHERE organization_id = C_org_id
  AND   project_id = C_proj_id
  AND   NVL(standard_operation_id,
            nvl(C_operation_id,-1)) = nvl(C_operation_id,-1)
  AND   C_wip_entity like nvl(wip_entity_pattern , '%')
  AND   NVL(assembly_item_id,
            nvl(C_assy_item_id,-1)) = nvl(C_assy_item_id,-1)
  AND   NVL(department_id, nvl(C_dept_id,-1)) = nvl(C_dept_id,-1)
  AND   assignment_type = 'RESOURCE'
  ORDER BY decode(v_attributes(1),
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern))
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(2),
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern))
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(3),
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern))
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(4),
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern))
                  ) ASC
  ,        instr(wip_entity_pattern||'*%','%') DESC
Line: 455

  SELECT wip_entity_name
  FROM   wip_entities
  WHERE  organization_id = C_org_id
  AND    wip_entity_id   = C_wip_entity_id;
Line: 532

  SELECT attribute_code
  FROM   pjm_task_attr_usages
  WHERE  assignment_type = 'WIPMAT'
  ORDER BY sequence_number;
Line: 548

  SELECT task_id
  FROM   pjm_default_tasks
  WHERE  organization_id = C_org_id
  AND    project_id = C_proj_id
  AND    NVL(inventory_item_id, nvl(C_item_id,-1)) = nvl(C_item_id,-1)
  AND    NVL(category_id, nvl(C_cat_id,-1)) = nvl(C_cat_id,-1)
  AND    NVL(subinventory_code, nvl(C_subinv_code,' ')) =
                                       nvl(C_subinv_code,' ')
  AND    NVL(wip_matl_txn_type, nvl(C_wip_matl_txn_type,'ANY')) =
  AND    C_wip_entity like nvl(wip_entity_pattern , '%')
  AND    NVL(assembly_item_id, nvl(C_assy_item_id,-1)) =
  AND    NVL(standard_operation_id,  nvl(C_operation_id,-1)) =
  AND    NVL(department_id, nvl(C_dept_id,-1)) = nvl(C_dept_id,-1)
  AND    assignment_type = 'WIPMAT'
  ORDER BY decode(v_attributes(1),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(2),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(3),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(4),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(5),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(6),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(7),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        decode(v_attributes(8),
                  'ITEM_NUMBER',        to_char(inventory_item_id),
                  'CATEGORY',           to_char(category_id),
                  'SUBINVENTORY',       subinventory_code,
                  'DEPARTMENT',         department_id,
                  'STANDARD_OPERATION', standard_operation_id,
                  'ASSEMBLY_ITEM',      assembly_item_id,
                  'WIP_ENTITY',         sign(length(wip_entity_pattern)),
                  'WIP_MATL_TXN_TYPE',  wip_matl_txn_type
                  ) ASC
  ,        instr(wip_entity_pattern||'*%','%') DESC
Line: 651

  SELECT wip_entity_name
  FROM   wip_entities
  WHERE  organization_id = C_org_id
  AND    wip_entity_id   = C_wip_entity_id;
Line: 744

  SELECT task_id
  FROM   pjm_default_tasks
  WHERE  organization_id = c_org_id
  AND    project_id = c_proj_id
  AND    NVL(inventory_item_id, nvl(c_item_id, -1)) = nvl(c_item_id, -1)
  AND    NVL(category_id, nvl(c_cat_id, -1)) = nvl(c_cat_id, -1)
  AND    NVL(to_organization_id, nvl(c_to_org_id, -1)) = nvl(c_to_org_id,-1)
  AND    assignment_type = 'SUPPLY CHAIN'
  ORDER BY inventory_item_id  	ASC
  ,	   category_id		ASC
  ,	   to_organization_id	ASC;
Line: 830

  SELECT organization_id
  ,      inventory_item_id
  ,      subinventory_code
  ,      transaction_source_type_id
  ,      decode(transaction_source_type_id,
                1, transaction_source_id,
  ,      project_id
  ,      task_id
  ,      sign(primary_quantity)
  ,      transfer_organization_id
  ,      transfer_transaction_id
  ,      transfer_subinventory
  ,      to_project_id
  ,      to_task_id
  ,      source_project_id
  ,      source_task_id
  FROM   mtl_material_transactions
  WHERE  transaction_id = C_transaction_id;
Line: 852

  SELECT decode(t.transaction_type_id,
                35 , 'ISSUE'      , -- WIP component issue
                38 , 'ISSUE'      , -- WIP Neg Comp Issue
                43 , 'ISSUE'      , -- WIP Component Return
                48 , 'ISSUE'      , -- WIP Neg Comp Return
                17 , 'COMPLETION' , -- WIP Assembly Return
                44 , 'COMPLETION' , -- WIP Assy Completion
  ,      decode(t.transaction_source_type_id,
                5, t.transaction_source_id,
  ,      e.primary_item_id
  ,      t.department_id
  ,      o.standard_operation_id
  FROM   mtl_material_transactions t
  ,      wip_entities   e
  ,      wip_operations o
  WHERE  transaction_id = C_transaction_id
  AND    e.organization_id = t.organization_id
  AND    e.wip_entity_id = t.transaction_source_id
  AND    o.organization_id (+) = t.organization_id
  AND    o.wip_entity_id (+) = t.transaction_source_id
  AND    o.operation_seq_num (+) = t.operation_seq_num;
Line: 885

  SELECT decode( fob_point
               , 1 , to_organization_id
               , 2 , from_organization_id
                   , C_txfr_org_id ) intransit_org_id
  FROM   mtl_interorg_parameters
  WHERE  C_org_id <> C_txfr_org_id
  AND    from_organization_id =
          decode(C_direction , 1 , C_txfr_org_id , -1 , C_org_id)
  AND    to_organization_id =
          decode(C_direction , 1 , C_org_id , -1 , C_txfr_org_id)
Line: 971

      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions m
      SET    task_id = L_task_id
      WHERE  transaction_id = X_transaction_id;
Line: 1037

      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions m
      SET    to_task_id = L_to_task_id
      WHERE  transaction_id = X_transaction_id;
Line: 1101

      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions m
      SET    source_task_id = L_src_task_id
      WHERE  transaction_id = X_transaction_id;
Line: 1178

  SELECT t.wip_entity_id
  ,      t.organization_id
  ,      t.operation_seq_num
  ,      t.project_id
  ,      t.task_id
  ,      t.department_id
  ,      t.transaction_type         /*Added for Bug 7028109 (FP of 6820737)*/
  ,      e.primary_item_id
  ,      e.entity_type
  ,      wta.cost_element_id        /*Added for Bug 7028109 (FP of 6820737)*/
  FROM wip_transactions t
  ,    wip_entities e
  ,    wip_transaction_accounts wta
  WHERE t.transaction_id = C_transaction_id
  AND   t.wip_entity_id = e.wip_entity_id
  AND   t.organization_id = e.organization_id
  AND   t.transaction_id = wta.transaction_id
  AND   t.organization_id = wta.organization_id
  AND   wta.accounting_line_type = 7;                /*Accounting line type 7 = WIP Valuation*/
Line: 1201

  SELECT o.standard_operation_id
  FROM wip_entities e
  ,    wip_operations o
  WHERE e.organization_id = C_organization_id
  AND   e.wip_entity_id = C_wip_entity_id
  AND   o.organization_id = e.organization_id
  AND   o.wip_entity_id = e.wip_entity_id
  AND   o.operation_seq_num = C_operation_seq_num;
Line: 1213

  SELECT s.standard_operation_id
  FROM wip_flow_schedules f
  ,    bom_operational_routings r
  ,    bom_operation_sequences s
  WHERE f.wip_entity_id = C_wip_entity_id
  AND   f.organization_id = C_organization_id
  AND   nvl(f.alternate_routing_designator, 'a') = nvl(r.alternate_routing_designator, 'a')
  AND   r.assembly_item_id = C_primary_item_id
  AND   r.routing_sequence_id = s.routing_sequence_id
  AND   r.organization_id = f.organization_id
  AND   s.operation_seq_num = C_operation_seq_num
  AND   f.scheduled_completion_date BETWEEN s.effectivity_date AND nvl(s.disable_date, sysdate + 1)
  AND   s.operation_type = 1;
Line: 1238

  DELETE FROM wip_txn_interface_errors
  WHERE  transaction_id = X_transaction_id
  AND    error_column = 'TASK_ID';
Line: 1325

      UPDATE wip_transactions w
      SET task_id = L_task_id
      WHERE transaction_id = X_transaction_id;