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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

      SELECT item_no, lot_ctl, loct_ctl, grade_ctl, alloc_class, item_um, item_um2, dualum_ind,
      FROM   ic_item_mst
      WHERE  item_id = V_item_id;
Line: 15

      SELECT loct_ctl
      FROM   ic_whse_mst
      WHERE  whse_code = V_whse_code;
Line: 20

      SELECT 1
      FROM   sys.dual
                     FROM   ic_tran_pnd
                     WHERE  line_id = V_line_id
                     AND    (lot_id > 0 OR location <> P_default_loct)
                     AND    delete_mark = 0
                     AND    doc_type = 'OPSO'
                     AND    trans_qty <> 0);
Line: 189

      SELECT alloc_method, shelf_days, alloc_horizon,
                       alloc_type, lot_qty, partial_ind, prefqc_grade
      FROM    op_alot_prm
      WHERE   NVL(cust_id,0)  = V_cust_id -- This enables us to open
                                          -- the cursor when V_cust_id is null
      AND     alloc_class  = V_alloc_class
      AND     delete_mark  = 0;
Line: 240

      SELECT lot_no, sublot_no, lot_id, lot_created ,
             expire_date, qc_grade, location,
             sum(loct_onhand) onhand_qty, sum(loct_onhand2) onhand_qty2,
             sum(commit_qty) commit_qty, sum(commit_qty2) commit_qty2,
             sum(loct_onhand) + sum(commit_qty) avail_qty,
             sum(loct_onhand2) + sum(commit_qty2) avail_qty2,
             sum(alloc_qty) as alloc_qty, sum(alloc_qty2) as alloc_qty2,
             trans_id,count(*) numb_trans_line
      FROM   op_tran_tmp
      WHERE  session_id  = P_session_id
      AND    item_id = V_item_id
      AND    whse_code = V_whse_code
      AND    expire_date > SYSDATE
      GROUP BY  lot_no, sublot_no, lot_id, lot_created,
            trans_id,expire_date, qc_grade, location
      ORDER BY DECODE(V_alloc_method, 0, lot_created, expire_date), qc_grade, DECODE(V_alloc_method, 0, expire_date, lot_created);
Line: 268

    insert_temp_rows (V_item_id, V_whse_code, V_qc_grade,
Line: 323

            INSERT INTO op_tran_tmp (session_id, doc_id, line_id, item_id, lot_no, sublot_no,
                                     lot_id, lot_created, expire_date, qc_grade, whse_code, location,
                                     alloc_qty, alloc_qty2)
            VALUES                  (P_session_id, 1, 1, V_item_id, LotDetailsRec.lot_no, LotDetailsRec.sublot_no,
                                     LotDetailsRec.lot_id, LotDetailsRec.lot_created, LotDetailsRec.expire_date,
                                     LotDetailsRec.qc_grade, V_whse_code, LotDetailsRec.location,
                                     X_alloc_qty, X_alloc_qty2);
Line: 359

  PROCEDURE insert_temp_rows (V_item_id NUMBER, V_whse_code VARCHAR2, V_qc_grade VARCHAR2,
                              V_trans_date DATE) IS
    X_Return_val number := 0;
Line: 367

    INSERT INTO op_tran_tmp
      (session_id,item_id, line_id, doc_id, lot_no, sublot_no,
       lot_id, lot_created, expire_date, qc_grade, whse_code, location,
       loct_onhand, loct_onhand2, commit_qty, commit_qty2, trans_id,
       id_count, alloc_qty, alloc_qty2 )
       P_session_id,l.item_id, -1,  -1, l.lot_no, l.sublot_no,
       l.lot_id, l.lot_created, l.expire_date,
       l.qc_grade, b.whse_code, b.location,
       b.loct_onhand, b.loct_onhand2, 0,
       0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    FROM   ic_lots_mst l, ic_loct_inv b, ic_lots_sts s
    WHERE  l.item_id        = V_item_id
    AND    whse_code        =  V_whse_code
    AND    expire_date      > V_trans_date
    AND    l.inactive_ind   = 0
    AND    b.item_id        = l.item_id
    AND    b.lot_id         = l.lot_id
    AND    (V_qc_grade IS NULL OR l.qc_grade = V_qc_grade)
    AND    s.lot_status     (+) = b.lot_status
    AND   nvl(s.order_proc_ind,1)  = 1
    AND   nvl(s.rejected_ind,0) = 0
    AND    b.loct_onhand    > 0 ;
Line: 391

    INSERT INTO op_tran_tmp
      (session_id,item_id, line_id, doc_id, lot_no, sublot_no,
        lot_id, lot_created, expire_date, qc_grade, whse_code, location,
        loct_onhand, loct_onhand2, commit_qty, commit_qty2, trans_id,
        id_count, alloc_qty, alloc_qty2 )
      P_session_id,t.item_id, -1, -1, l.lot_no, l.sublot_no, t.lot_id, l.lot_created,
      l.expire_date, l.qc_grade, t.whse_code, t.location, 0, 0, t.trans_qty,
      t.trans_qty2, 0, 0, 0, 0
    FROM  ic_item_mst i, ic_lots_mst l, ic_tran_pnd t
    WHERE t.item_id       = V_item_id
    AND   whse_code       = V_whse_code
    AND   expire_date     > V_trans_date
    AND   l.item_id       = t.item_id
    AND   l.inactive_ind  = 0
    AND   t.lot_id        = l.lot_id
    AND   (V_qc_grade IS NULL OR t.qc_grade = V_qc_grade)
    AND   t.delete_mark   = 0
    AND   t.completed_ind = 0
    AND   t.trans_qty     < 0
    AND   (t.lot_id       <> 0 OR (i.lot_ctl = 0 AND i.loct_ctl > 0) )
    AND   l.item_id       = i.item_id;
Line: 413

  END insert_temp_rows;
Line: 417

    DELETE FROM op_tran_tmp
    WHERE session_id = p_session_id;