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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

    execute immediate 'select count(*) from fnd_databases' into cnt;
Line: 265

       select substr(machine, 1,
		     decode(instr(machine, '.', 1, 1),
				0, length(machine),
				instr(machine, '.', 1, 1)-1))
	 into primary_node
         from v$session
        where audsid=USERENV('SESSIONID');
Line: 320

       select NVL(serial_number, 0), version into db_sr_num, db_ver_str
         from fnd_oam_context_files
        where (node_name = primary_node
          and  path = filepath
          and  name not in ('METADATA','TEMPLATE')
          and  (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')))
           or (path = filepath
          and  name in ( 'METADATA', 'TEMPLATE'))
          for update;
Line: 340

        insert into fnd_oam_context_files
                     (name, version, path, last_synchronized,
                      text, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,
                      last_updated_by, last_update_login, node_name,
                      status, ctx_type)
              values (context_name, file_ver, filepath, sysdate,
                      ctx_file_clob, sysdate, FND_GLOBAL.user_id, sysdate,
                      FND_GLOBAL.user_id, FND_GLOBAL.login_id, primary_node,
                      DECODE(context_type, 'APPS', 'A', 'DATABASE','D','A'));
Line: 365

         update fnd_oam_context_files
            set path = filepath,
                last_synchronized = sysdate,
                text = ctx_file_clob,
                last_update_date = sysdate,
                last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id,
                last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
                node_name = primary_node,
                version = file_ver,
		status = 'S'
          where (node_name = primary_node
            and  path = filepath
            and  name not in ('METADATA', 'TEMPLATE')
            and  (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')))
             or (path = filepath
            and  name in ( 'METADATA', 'TEMPLATE'));
Line: 404

      select substr(value,1,8) into db_name
        from v$parameter where name='db_name';
Line: 406

      select substr(value,1,255) into db_domain
        from v$parameter where name='db_domain';
Line: 458

      select instance_number,instance_name
        into inst_num, inst_name
        from v$instance;
Line: 964

            select concurrent_queue_id, application_id, enabled_flag
              into queue_id, queue_appl_id, fcq_enabled_flag
              from fnd_concurrent_queues
             where application_id = 0
               and concurrent_queue_name = short_name;
Line: 974

            /* Update the workshift parameters. */

            update fnd_concurrent_queue_size
               set service_parameters = parameters
             where concurrent_queue_id = queue_id
               and queue_application_id = queue_appl_id;
Line: 1009

                 /* Now update enabled flag to 'N' */
                select concurrent_queue_id, application_id, enabled_flag
                  into queue_id, queue_appl_id, fcq_enabled_flag
                  from fnd_concurrent_queues
                 where application_id = 0
                   and concurrent_queue_name = short_name;
Line: 1016

                update fnd_concurrent_queues
                   set enabled_flag = 'N'
                 where concurrent_queue_id = queue_id
                   and application_id = queue_appl_id;
Line: 1053

          /* Update fcq if necessary */
          update fnd_concurrent_queues
             set enabled_flag = 'N'
           where application_id = 0
             and concurrent_queue_name = short_name;