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Line 20: -- fnd_profile function and there is no place holder for it in the record

16: -- 18-Oct-2002 RSSHARMA Fixed issue where the complete rec was called
17: -- later than check items.Also the completed rec was not
18: -- for validate
19: -- 24-Oct-2002 RSSHARMA Added date_qualifier_profile_value.This value is sent using
20: -- fnd_profile function and there is no place holder for it in the record
21: -- 24-OCT-2002 julou 1. defaulting last_recal_date to offer start date
22: -- 2. add activity to required check
23: -- 07-JAN-2003 julou modified to handle no object_version_number
24: -- -- Fully Accrued Budget Offers

Line 280: p_date_qualifier => FND_PROFILE.value('OZF_STORE_DATE_IN_QUALIFIERS'),

276: p_budget_source_id => l_offers_rec.budget_source_id,
277: p_source_from_parent => l_offers_rec.source_from_parent,
278: p_buyer_name => l_offers_rec.buyer_name,
279: p_last_recal_date => l_offers_rec.last_recal_date,
280: p_date_qualifier => FND_PROFILE.value('OZF_STORE_DATE_IN_QUALIFIERS'),
281: p_autopay_flag => l_offers_rec.autopay_flag,
282: p_autopay_days => l_offers_rec.autopay_days,
283: p_autopay_method => l_offers_rec.autopay_method,
284: p_autopay_party_attr => l_offers_rec.autopay_party_attr,

Line 291: p_fund_request_curr_code => nvl(l_offers_rec.transaction_currency_Code,FND_PROFILE.VALUE('JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY'))

287: p_na_rule_header_id => l_offers_rec.na_rule_header_id,
288: p_beneficiary_account_id => l_offers_rec.beneficiary_account_id,
289: p_sales_method_flag => l_offers_rec.sales_method_flag,
290: p_org_id => l_offers_rec.org_id,
291: p_fund_request_curr_code => nvl(l_offers_rec.transaction_currency_Code,FND_PROFILE.VALUE('JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY'))
292: );
293: IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
295: END IF;

Line 326: l_access_rec.user_or_role_id := FND_PROFILE.value('OZF_DEFAULT_OFFER_TEAM');

322: x_access_id => l_access_id
323: );
325: -- create access for default team of the offer
326: l_access_rec.user_or_role_id := FND_PROFILE.value('OZF_DEFAULT_OFFER_TEAM');
327: IF l_access_rec.user_or_role_id IS NOT NULL THEN
328: l_access_rec.owner_flag := 'N';
329: l_access_rec.arc_user_or_role_type := 'GROUP';
330: AMS_access_PVT.create_access(