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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

    03-JUN-99	R. Murthy	115.4   901531	Update shadow structure
						also updates the user-entered
						element description and element
						reporting name.

						Added a check to see if the
                                                element being created has the
                                                same name as that of an
                                                existing balance (seeded or
                                                otherwise).  If yes, an error
                                                is raised.  This prevents
                                                users from creating elements
                                                with reserved words as names.
    17-FEB-2000 RThirlby        115.5           Added p_ele_calc_method to
                                                procedure create_user_init_
                                                earning. Used in update_shadow_
    17-FEB-2000 RThirlby                        Added new procedure
                                                This updates jurisdiction_level
                                                on pay_balance_types for all
                                                Changes for Flexi date too.
    29-FEB-2000 RThirlby                        Added p_ele_eoy_type to
                                                procedure create_user_init_
                                                earning. Used in update_shadow_
                                                element. This parameter inserts
                                                the Year End Form for an
    21-MAR-2000 ACai                            Update date mask for 11i.
    31-OCT-2000 JARTHURT        115.9           Update t4a footnote,rl1 footnote
                                                and registration number for
                                                new reference in element DFF.
    20-FEB-2001 Ekim           115.10          Added Procedure update_ntg_element
                                               to enable 'Net to Gross'
                                               functionality and also corrected
    27-FEB-2001 SSattini       115.11          Removed extra comment symbol
    31-May-2001 VPandya        115.12          Added Hours by Rate functionality
    01-OCT-2001 mmukherj       115.15,16       Added the functionality of defaul
                                               ting element_information9 to 'T'
                                               or 'A' for HoursXRate elements.
    11-APR-2002 SSattini       115.17          Fixed the bug#2304888
                                               and also added dbdrv.
    11-APR-2002 SSattini       115.18          Corrected GSCC complaint.
    06-JUN-2002 mmukherj       115.19          Changed the defaulting of
                                               Regular Earnings Adjustment Rule
                                               for  'Earnings' elements
                                               to A from T,
                                               bugfix #2402284
    20-Jan-2003 vpandya        115.20,21       Creating skip records in
                                               element type usages table. If
                                               Tax processing type and Year End
                                               form (gre type) is matches with
                                               run type name of pay_run_types_f
                                               table then one record will be
                                               created with inclusion_flag 'Y'
                                               and usage_type 'T', and 8 records
                                               created with inclusion_flag 'N'
                                               and usage_type NULL for other run
                                               types. For Non Payroll Payments
                                               element, there will be 3 records
                                               with 'Y' and 'T', and 6 records
                                               with 'N' and NULL. New skip rules
                                               will be assigned to new elements
                                               are REG_EARNINGS_SKIP and
    18-Feb-2003 vpandya        115.22          Using API for element type usage.
    20-Mar-2003 vpandya        115.23          For Non-Payroll Payment element,
                                               defaulting T4/RL1 Regular trigger
                                               for element type usage if form
                                               type is blank otherwise it
                                               it defaults to form type +
                                               Regulae (e.g. T4A/RL2 Regular)
    01-MAY-2003 mmukherj       115.24          The process mode for non sepcheck
                                               element has been changed from 'N'
                                               to 'S'. Bugfix: 2811154,2802065
    23-MAY-2003 pganguly       115.25 2924151  For Base/Special Feature Element
                                               the element_information3 is
                                               updated to 'DE'(Date Earned).
                                               This is only done for Elements
                                               with classification 'Earnings',
                                               'Supplemental Earnings',
                                               'Taxable Benefits'. Also for Sp
                                               Feature elements element_infor
                                               mation_category, element_infor
                                               mation1 will be populated with
                                               the value of the Base element
                                               for those classifications.
    20-JUN-2003 vpandya        115.26          The process mode for non sepcheck
                                               element has been changed from 'N'
                                               to 'S' only for 'Supplemental
                                               Earnings'. Using existing
                                               variable l_sep_check_create to
                                               set process mode.
    05-AUG-2003 ssouresr       115.28          Saving run balances for _GRE_RUN
                                               _GRE_JD_RUN, _ASG_GRE_RUN  and
                                               _ASG_JD_GRE_RUN on
    05-AUG-2003 ssouresr       115.29          Removed _GRE_RUN and _GRE_JD_RUN                                                from previous change as these
                                               dimensions are not required for
                                               saving nonseeded balances

    25-SEP-2003 mmukherj       115.30          Bugfix : 2851568.
                                               Feed Taxable Benefits for Quebec                                                for all Taxable Benefits Element                                                with Category PHSP.In
                                               create_user_init earning a
                                               section has been added to feed
                                               Taxable Benefits for Quebec
                                               balance for PHSP.
    26-SEP-2003 ssattini       115.31         Added update to set the
                                              post_termination_rule to 'Last
                                              Standard Process Date' for all
                                              recurring elements.  Fix for
    22-MAR-2004 ssmukher       115.32         Bug#2646705 Enhancement for
                                              adding the termination rule
    27-APR-2004 ssmukher       115.33         Bug#2646705 Replaced the skip rule from
                                              REG_EARNINGS_SKIP to REGULAR_EARNINGS_SKIP
    13-APR-2006 ahanda         115.34         Modfied package ot create a formula result
                                              rule to Hours by Rate element
                                              EARNINGS_AMOUNT > Pay Value
------------------------- create_user_init_earning ----------------------------
FUNCTION create_user_init_earning (
		p_ele_name 		in varchar2,
		p_ele_reporting_name 	in varchar2,
		p_ele_description 	in varchar2 	default NULL,
		p_ele_classification 	in varchar2,
		p_ele_category 		in varchar2	default NULL,
                p_ele_calc_method       in varchar2,
                p_ele_eoy_type          in varchar2,
                p_ele_t4a_footnote      in varchar2,
                p_ele_rl1_footnote      in varchar2,
                p_ele_registration_number in varchar2,
		p_ele_ot_earnings	in varchar2 	default 'N',
		p_ele_ot_hours 		in varchar2 	default 'N',
		p_ele_ei_hours 		in varchar2 	default 'N',
		p_ele_processing_type 	in varchar2,
		p_ele_priority 		in number	default NULL,
		p_ele_standard_link 	in varchar2 	default 'N',
		p_ele_calc_rule 	in varchar2,
		p_ele_calc_rule_code 	in varchar2	default NULL,
		p_sep_check_option	in varchar2	default 'N',
		p_reduce_regular	in varchar2	default 'N',
		p_ele_eff_start_date	in date 	default NULL,
		p_ele_eff_end_date	in date		default NULL,
		p_bg_id			in number ,
                p_termination_rule      in varchar2     default 'F')--Bug 2646705
                RETURN NUMBER IS

  -- cursor to retrieve the element id from element name

  CURSOR cur_element_type_id(p_element_name VARCHAR2) IS
  SELECT element_type_id
  FROM   pay_element_types_f
  WHERE  upper(element_name) = upper(p_element_name)
  AND    legislation_code    = 'CA';
Line: 197

  SELECT piv.input_value_id
  FROM   pay_input_values_f piv, pay_element_types_f pet
  WHERE  upper(pet.element_name)        = upper(p_element_name)
  AND    pet.element_type_id            = piv.element_type_id
  AND    upper(pet.legislation_code)    = upper('CA')
  AND    upper(piv.name)                = upper(p_input_value_name);
Line: 207

  SELECT piv.input_value_id
  FROM   pay_input_values_f piv, pay_element_types_f pet
  WHERE  pet.element_type_id            = p_element_type_id
  AND    pet.element_type_id            = piv.element_type_id
/*  AND    upper(pet.legislation_code)    = upper('CA') */
  AND    upper(piv.name)                = upper(p_input_value_name);
Line: 219

  SELECT status_processing_rule_id
  FROM   pay_status_processing_rules_f pspfr,
         pay_element_types_f petf
  WHERE  pspfr.element_type_id    = petf.element_type_id
  AND    petf.element_type_id     = p_element_type_id;
Line: 231

    select pet.element_type_id
    from  pay_element_types_f pet
    where ( pet.element_name = cp_ele_name or
            pet.element_name = cp_ele_name || ' Special Inputs' )
      and   pet.business_group_id = cp_busi_grp_id
    order by pet.element_name;
Line: 247

    select prt.*
    from   pay_run_types_f     prt
    where  prt.legislation_code = 'CA'
    and  ( prt.shortname like 'REG_T4%' or
           prt.shortname like 'NP_T4%'  or
           prt.shortname like 'LS_T4%' );
Line: 255

  SELECT balance_dimension_id
  FROM pay_balance_dimensions
  WHERE dimension_name = 'Assignment within Government Reporting Entity Run'
  AND   legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 261

  SELECT balance_dimension_id
  FROM pay_balance_dimensions
  WHERE dimension_name = 'Assignment in JD within GRE Run'
  AND   legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 305

l_base_element_type_id	NUMBER(9); -- Populated by insertion of element type.
Line: 369

select template_id
into   l_template_id
from   pay_element_templates
where  template_name = l_template_name
and    legislation_code = p_legislation_code
and    business_group_id is NULL
and    template_type = 'T';
Line: 397

select 'Y'
into l_installed
from pay_balance_types
where upper(balance_name) = 'FED SUBJECT'
and legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 441

select 'Y'
into l_reserved
from pay_balance_types
where upper(p_ele_name) = upper(balance_name)
and nvl(legislation_code, 'CA') = 'CA'
and nvl(business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id;
Line: 519

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_element_type_id, l_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name;
Line: 529

  select element_type_id, object_version_number
  into   l_sf_element_type_id, l_sf_ele_obj_ver_number
  from   pay_shadow_element_types
  where  template_id = l_template_id
  and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Special Features';
Line: 537

   select element_type_id, object_version_number
   into   l_si_element_type_id, l_si_ele_obj_ver_number
   from   pay_shadow_element_types
   where  template_id = l_template_id
   and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Special Inputs';
Line: 548

      'Supplemental Earnings','DE','Taxable Benefits','DE','')
   INTO l_roe_allocation_by
  FROM dual;
Line: 554

        'Earnings',nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2),
        'Supplemental Earnings',nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2),
        'Taxable Benefits',nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2),
   INTO l_sf_ele_category
  FROM dual;
Line: 563

    'Earnings', nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2),
    'Supplemental Earnings', nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2),
    'Taxable Benefits', nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2),
   INTO l_sf_ele_info_category
  FROM dual;
Line: 575

  (p_validate                =>   false
  ,p_effective_date          =>   p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         =>   l_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     =>   nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_processing_type         =>   nvl(p_ele_processing_type, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_standard_link_flag      =>   nvl(p_ele_standard_link, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_description             =>   p_ele_description
  ,p_reporting_name          =>   p_ele_reporting_name
  ,p_element_information_category    =>   nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1    =>   nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2    =>  p_ele_calc_method
  ,p_element_information4    =>  p_ele_eoy_type
  ,p_element_information18    =>  p_ele_t4a_footnote
  ,p_element_information19    =>  p_ele_rl1_footnote
  ,p_element_information20    =>  p_ele_registration_number
--  ,p_element_information10   =>   l_pri_bal_id
--  ,p_element_information12   =>   l_hrs_bal_id
  ,p_skip_formula	     =>   l_skip_formula
  ,p_object_version_number   =>   l_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 602

    (p_validate                =>   false
    ,p_effective_date          =>   p_ele_eff_start_date
    ,p_element_type_id         =>   l_sf_element_type_id
    ,p_classification_name     =>   nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
    ,p_element_information_category => l_sf_ele_info_category
    ,p_reporting_name          =>   p_ele_reporting_name||' SF'
    ,p_element_information1    =>   l_sf_ele_category
    ,p_element_information3    =>   l_roe_allocation_by
    ,p_object_version_number   =>   l_sf_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 621

     (p_validate                => false
     ,p_effective_date          => p_ele_eff_start_date
     ,p_element_type_id         => l_si_element_type_id
     ,p_classification_name     => nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
     ,p_reporting_name          =>   p_ele_reporting_name||' SI'
     ,p_object_version_number   => l_si_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 665

select element_type_id
into   l_base_element_type_id
from   pay_element_types_f
where  element_name = p_ele_name
and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 815

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_pri_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 830

   select balance_type_id
     into l_pri_bal_id
     from pay_shadow_balance_types
    where template_id = l_template_id
      and balance_name = p_ele_name;
Line: 843

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_hrs_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Hours'
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 860

  update pay_element_types_f
  set    element_information10 = l_pri_bal_id,
         element_information12 = l_hrs_bal_id,
         process_mode          = decode(l_sep_check_create,'Y','S','N')
  where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
    and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 867

  update pay_element_types_f
  set    element_information10 = l_pri_bal_id,
         element_information12 = l_hrs_bal_id,
         process_mode          = 'P'
  where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
  and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 875

  update pay_element_types_f
  set    element_information10 = l_pri_bal_id,
         element_information12 = l_hrs_bal_id,
         process_mode          = 'S'
  where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
  and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 892

UPDATE pay_defined_balances
SET save_run_balance    = 'Y'
WHERE balance_type_id   = l_pri_bal_id
AND   balance_dimension_id IN
AND   business_group_id = p_bg_id;
Line: 905

       update pay_element_types_f
       set post_termination_rule = p_termination_rule -- Bug 2646705
       where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
       and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 918

Line: 923

Line: 937

       update pay_element_types_f
       set    element_information9 = 'A'
        where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
        and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 942

       update pay_element_types_f
       set    element_information9 = 'A'
        where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
        and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 949

     update pay_element_types_f
     set    element_information9 = 'R'
     where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
     and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 964

    UPDATE pay_element_types_f
    SET    element_information3 = 'DE'
    WHERE  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
    AND    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 989

             select 'REG_' ||
                    replace(etu.element_information4,'/','_') earn_shortname
             into   lv_earn_shortname
             from   dual;
Line: 997

          select decode(etu.element_information2, 'R','REG_',
                                                  'L','LS_', NULL)||
                 replace(etu.element_information4,'/','_') earn_shortname
          into   lv_earn_shortname
          from   dual;
Line: 1048

select element_type_id
into   l_element_type_id
from   pay_element_types_f
where  business_group_id = p_bg_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name;
Line: 1065

select balance_type_id
into l_balance_type_id
from pay_balance_types
where balance_name = 'Taxable Benefits for Quebec';
Line: 1070

pay_balance_feeds_f_pkg.insert_row (l_balance_row_id,
Line: 1103

PROCEDURE delete_user_init_earning (
			p_business_group_id	in number,
			p_ele_type_id		in number,
			p_ele_name		in varchar2,
			p_del_sess_date		in date,
			p_del_val_start_date	in date,
			p_del_val_end_date	in date) IS
-- local constants
c_end_of_time  CONSTANT DATE := TO_DATE('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD');
Line: 1126

Line: 1128

select template_id
into   l_template_id
from   pay_element_templates
where  base_name = p_ele_name
and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and    template_type = 'U';
Line: 1135

Line: 1138

    delete from pay_element_type_usages_f
    where element_type_id in ( select element_type_id
                               from   pay_element_types_f
                               where ( element_name = p_ele_name or
                                       element_name =
                                              p_ele_name ||' Special Inputs' )
                               and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id );
Line: 1146

Line: 1153

  (p_validate                      =>     false
  ,p_drop_formula_packages         =>     true
  ,p_template_id                   =>     l_template_id);
Line: 1158

Line: 1160

END delete_user_init_earning;
Line: 1167

PROCEDURE UPDATE_JD_LEVEL_ON_BALANCE(p_template_id in number) is
CURSOR get_balance_type_ids(p_template_id number) IS
select ptco.core_object_id
from   pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  ptco.template_id = p_template_id
and    ptco.core_object_type = 'BT';
Line: 1179

  UPDATE pay_balance_types
  SET    jurisdiction_level = 2
  WHERE  balance_type_id = each_balance.core_object_id;
Line: 1185

Line: 1187

PROCEDURE update_ntg_element(p_base_element_type_id in NUMBER,
                             p_ele_eff_start_date in DATE,
                             p_bg_id in NUMBER) IS
  CURSOR c_iter_formula_id IS
  SELECT formula_id
    FROM ff_formulas_f
   WHERE formula_name = 'CA_ITER_GROSSUP'
     and legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 1198

  SELECT input_value_id, name
    FROM pay_input_values_f
   WHERE element_type_id = p_base_element_type_id;
Line: 1203

  SELECT element_type_id
    FROM pay_element_types_f
   WHERE upper(element_name) = 'FED_GROSSUP_ADJUSTMENT'
     AND legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 1209

  SELECT input_value_id
    FROM pay_input_values_f
   WHERE element_type_id = p_seed_ele_type_id
     AND upper(name) = 'AMOUNT';
Line: 1215

  SELECT status_processing_rule_id
    FROM pay_status_processing_rules_f
   WHERE element_type_id = p_base_element_type_id;
Line: 1224

  l_insert              VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
Line: 1232

  l_proc       VARCHAR2(50) := 'pay_ca_user_init_earn.update_ntg_element';
Line: 1247

UPDATE pay_element_types_f
 SET    iterative_formula_id  = l_iter_formula_id,
        iterative_flag        = 'Y',
        grossup_flag          = 'Y'
 WHERE  element_type_id       = p_base_element_type_id
   AND  business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 1264

          l_insert := 'Y';
Line: 1270

        l_insert := 'Y';
Line: 1276

        l_insert := 'Y';
Line: 1282

        l_insert := 'Y';
Line: 1289

         l_insert := 'Y';
Line: 1291

IF l_insert = 'Y' THEN
Line: 1309

      l_insert := 'N';
Line: 1341

SELECT pay_formula_result_rules_s.nextval
  INTO l_nextval
  FROM dual;
Line: 1358

         trunc(TO_DATE('0001/01/01', 'YYYY/MM/DD')),
         trunc(TO_DATE('4712/12/31', 'YYYY/MM/DD')),
Line: 1390

END update_ntg_element;