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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 100

    select nvl(msi.REVISION_QTY_CONTROL_CODE,1)
      from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS msi
     where ORGANIZATION_ID   = p_organization_id
       and INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_inventory_item_id
Line: 296

     SELECT from_organization_id
          , lot_number
          , revision
          , from_subinventory_code
          , from_locator_id
          , lpn_id
          , reservation_id
          , sum(primary_quantity) primary_quantity
          , sum(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity
          , sum(secondary_quantity) secondary_quantity
          , revision || ' - ' || lot_number || ' - ' || from_subinventory_code || ' - ' || from_locator_id || ' - ' || lpn_id as sugg_str
     FROM wms_transactions_temp
     WHERE line_type_code = 2
     GROUP BY from_organization_id,
              lot_number, from_subinventory_code, revision,
             from_locator_id, lpn_id, reservation_id
     ORDER BY sugg_str, reservation_id;
Line: 321

     SELECT serial_number
     FROM   wms_transactions_temp
     WHERE line_type_code = 2
       AND from_organization_id = lc_from_org
       AND from_subinventory_code = lc_from_sub
       AND nvl(from_locator_id,-888)      = nvl(lc_from_loc,-888)
       AND nvl(revision,'@@@')      = nvl(lc_from_rev,'@@@')
       AND nvl(lot_number,'@@@')          = nvl(lc_lot_num,'@@@')
       AND nvl(lpn_id,-888)     = nvl(lc_lpn_id, -888)
       AND nvl(reservation_id,-888) = nvl(lc_res_id, -888);
Line: 334

     SELECT from_organization_id
          , to_organization_id
          , revision
          , lot_number
          , lot_expiration_date
          , from_subinventory_code
          , to_subinventory_code
          , from_locator_id
          , to_locator_id
          , lpn_id
          , reservation_id
          , serial_number
          , grade_code
          , from_cost_group_id
          , to_cost_group_id
          , sum(primary_quantity) primary_quantity
          , sum(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity
          , sum(secondary_quantity) secondary_quantity
     FROM wms_transactions_temp
     WHERE line_type_code = 2
     GROUP BY from_organization_id, to_organization_id, revision,
              lot_number, lot_expiration_date, from_subinventory_code,
              to_subinventory_code, from_locator_id, to_locator_id, lpn_id, reservation_id,
              serial_number, grade_code, from_cost_group_id, to_cost_group_id;
Line: 442

Line: 484

Line: 526

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'update_tree', 'Updating qty tree');
Line: 529

                p_api_version_number         => 1.0
              , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
              , x_return_status              => x_return_status
              , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
              , p_tree_id                    => l_tree_id
              , p_revision                   => l_grp_sugg_rec.revision
              , p_lot_number                 => l_grp_sugg_rec.lot_number
              , p_subinventory_code          => l_grp_sugg_rec.from_subinventory_code
              , p_locator_id                 => l_grp_sugg_rec.from_locator_id
              , p_primary_quantity           => -1 * l_grp_sugg_rec.primary_quantity
              , p_secondary_quantity         => -1 * l_grp_sugg_rec.secondary_quantity             -- INVCONV
              , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
              , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
              , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
              , x_qr                         => l_qr
              , x_qs                         => l_qs
              , x_att                        => l_att
              , x_atr                        => l_atr
              , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh                                             -- INVCONV
              , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                                            -- INVCONV
              , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                                              -- INVCONV
              , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                                              -- INVCONV
              , x_satt                       => l_satt                                             -- INVCONV
              , x_satr                       => l_satr                                             -- INVCONV
              , p_transfer_subinventory_code => null
              , p_cost_group_id              => null
              , p_lpn_id                     => l_grp_sugg_rec.lpn_id
Line: 563

            log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_update_qty', 'Unexpected error in inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities');
Line: 569

            log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_update_qty', 'Error in inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities');
Line: 698

          /* Update the current reservation with the quantities from the new reservation */
          l_new_reservation.primary_reservation_quantity := l_last_reservation.primary_reservation_quantity + l_new_reservation.primary_reservation_quantity;
Line: 702

                 p_api_version_number        => 1.0
               , p_init_msg_lst              => fnd_api.g_false
               , x_return_status             => x_return_status
               , x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count
               , x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data
               , p_original_rsv_rec          => l_last_reservation
               , p_to_rsv_rec                => l_new_reservation
               , p_original_serial_number    => l_dummy_sn
               , p_to_serial_number          => l_reserved_serials
               , p_validation_flag           => 'Q'
               , p_check_availability        => fnd_api.g_false
Line: 720

                  log_error(l_api_name, 'Suggest_Reservations','error in update reservation');