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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 103

   PROCEDURE insert_spec_test_rec (
      p_spec_test_rec     IN              gmd_spec_tests_b%ROWTYPE
    ,  x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
Line: 108

   PROCEDURE insert_new_spec_rec (
      p_spec_rec        IN              gmd_specifications%ROWTYPE
    , x_new_spec_id     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
    , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
Line: 154

   PROCEDURE update_validity_rule (
      p_vr_id           IN              NUMBER
    , p_spec_type       IN              VARCHAR2
    , p_end_date        IN              DATE
    , p_start_date      IN              DATE
    , p_new_status      IN              NUMBER
    , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
Line: 190

      l_object_select_ind    NUMBER;
Line: 195

      DELETE FROM gmd_msnr_results
            WHERE concurrent_id IS NULL;
Line: 213

      DBMS_SQL.define_column (l_cursor_id, 6, l_object_select_ind);
Line: 225

            DBMS_SQL.column_value (l_cursor_id, 6, l_object_select_ind);
Line: 229

               l_object_select_ind := 0;
Line: 239

            x_search_tbl (l_row_cnt).object_select_ind  := l_object_select_ind;
Line: 243

            INSERT INTO gmd_msnr_results
                       , object_id
                       , object_name
                       , object_vers
                       , object_desc
                       , object_status_code
                       , object_status_desc
                       , object_select_ind
                 VALUES (NULL
                       , l_object_id
                       , l_object_name
                       , l_object_vers
                       , l_object_desc
                       , l_object_status_code
                       , l_object_status_desc
                       , l_object_select_ind
Line: 293

   /*    l_select variable and also modified the IF condition that verifies the */
   /*    range of test values to consider NULL target values. 			*/
   /*  ************************************************************************ */
   PROCEDURE mass_replace_oper_spec_val (
      err_buf             OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
    , ret_code            OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
    , pconcurrent_id      IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , pobject_type        IN              VARCHAR2
    , preplace_type       IN              VARCHAR2
    , pold_name           IN              VARCHAR2
    , pnew_name           IN              VARCHAR2
    , poptional_ind       IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , pprint_spec_ind     IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , pprint_result_ind   IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , ptarget_value       IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , ptarget_min         IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , ptarget_max         IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , preport_precision   IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , pstore_precision    IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , ptest_priority      IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , pcreate_vers        IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
   ) IS
      l_api_name              VARCHAR2 (100)   := 'MASS_REPLACE_OPER_SPEC_VAL';
Line: 371

      l_select                VARCHAR2 (1000);
Line: 381

Line: 385

         SELECT UPPER (pobject_type)  object_type   -- e.g 'SPEC_TEST' etc
              , UPPER (preplace_type) replace_type  -- e.g 'TEST_VALUE'
              , pold_name             old_name      -- e.g 'SHY-SPEC-TEST'
              , pnew_name             new_name      -- e.g 'TDAN-SPEC-TEST'
              , preport_precision     report_preci  -- defaults to null
              , pstore_precision      store_precis  -- defaults to null
              , object_id                           -- e.g formula_id = 100
              , object_name                         -- e.g formula_no = 'SHY-TEST'
              , object_vers                         -- e.g formula_vers = 2
              , object_desc
              , object_status_code                  -- e.g formula_status = '100'
              , concurrent_id
           FROM gmd_msnr_results
          WHERE object_select_ind = 1
            AND concurrent_id = TO_NUMBER (pconcurrent_id);
Line: 402

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_qc_tests_b
          WHERE test_code = p_test_name;
Line: 407

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_qc_tests_b
          WHERE test_id = p_test_id;
Line: 412

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_specifications_b
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id;
Line: 417

         SELECT 1
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND test_id = p_test_id;
Line: 423

         SELECT 1
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b sptst
              , gmd_qc_tests_b tst
          WHERE sptst.spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND sptst.test_id = tst.test_id
            AND tst.test_code = p_test_name;
Line: 431

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id;
Line: 437

         SELECT msi.organization_id, msi.inventory_item_id, msi.revision_qty_control_code, s.revision
           FROM mtl_system_items msi, gmd_specifications_b s
          WHERE msi.organization_id = p_org_id
            AND msi.inventory_item_id = s.inventory_item_id
            AND s.spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND msi.process_quality_enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 448

         SELECT count(*)
           FROM mtl_item_revisions
          WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
            AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            AND revision = p_revision;
Line: 476

      SELECT meaning
        INTO l_string
        FROM gem_lookups
       WHERE lookup_type = 'GMD_QM_REPLACE_OPTIONS'
         AND lookup_code = preplace_type;
Line: 585

               l_select := 'select  spts.* ';  --Bug#5973270. Included spts.
Line: 598

               l_query := l_select || l_from || l_where;
Line: 606

               SELECT spec_version_control_ind
                 INTO l_state
                 FROM gmd_quality_config
                WHERE organization_id = (SELECT owner_organization_id
                                           FROM gmd_specifications_b
                                          WHERE spec_id = get_object_rec.object_id);
Line: 646

                     UPDATE gmd_specifications_b
                        SET spec_status = l_new_status
                      WHERE spec_id = get_object_rec.object_id;
Line: 650

                     default_log ('  Update Specification Succesful');
Line: 653

                     raise no_update_exception;
Line: 659

                      RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 673

                     /*Select user_id
                     Into l_new_owner_id
                     From fnd_user
                     Where user_name = l_new_Owner;
Line: 678

                     UPDATE gmd_specifications_b
                        SET owner_id = l_new_owner
                      WHERE spec_id = get_object_rec.object_id;
Line: 681

                     default_log ('  Update Specification Succesful');
Line: 684

                     raise no_update_exception;
Line: 690

                      RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 707

                         RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 718

                           RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 724

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 728

                     UPDATE gmd_specifications_b
                        SET owner_organization_id = l_new_ownerorg
                      WHERE spec_id = get_object_rec.object_id;
Line: 740

                     default_log ('  Update Specification Succesful');
Line: 743

                    raise no_update_exception;
Line: 752

                      RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 790

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 805

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 817

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 832

                        DEBUG (' update gmd_spec_tests_b, spec_id ' || l_spec_test_rec.spec_id);
Line: 833

                        DEBUG (' update gmd_spec_tests_b, test_id ' || l_spec_test_rec.test_id);
Line: 835

                        UPDATE gmd_spec_tests_b
                           SET optional_ind = l_test_values_rec.optional_ind
                             , print_spec_ind = l_test_values_rec.print_spec_ind
                             , print_result_ind = l_test_values_rec.print_result_ind
                             , target_value_num = l_test_values_rec.target_value_num
                             , target_value_char = l_test_values_rec.target_value_char
                             , min_value_char = l_test_values_rec.min_value_char
                             , max_value_char = l_test_values_rec.max_value_char
                             , min_value_num = l_test_values_rec.min_value_num
                             , max_value_num = l_test_values_rec.max_value_num
                             , report_precision = l_test_values_rec.report_precision
                             , display_precision = l_test_values_rec.store_precision
                             , test_priority = l_test_values_rec.test_priority
                         WHERE spec_id = l_spec_test_rec.spec_id
                           AND test_id = l_spec_test_rec.test_id;
Line: 873

                           RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 923

                              RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 941

                              RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 958

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 966

                      RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 983

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1001

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1030

                           RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1048

                           RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1072

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1083

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1091

                      RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1103

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1126

                        IF l_gmd_test_rec.test_id <> TO_NUMBER (pnew_name) THEN /* do not insert the one to be deleted*/
                           default_spectest_from_spectest (p_from_spec_id         => get_object_rec.object_id
                                                         , p_from_test_id         => l_gmd_test_rec.test_id
                                                         , p_to_test_name         => l_gmd_test_rec.test_code
                                                         , poptional_ind          => NULL
                                                         , pprint_spec_ind        => NULL
                                                         , pprint_result_ind      => NULL
                                                         , ptarget_value          => NULL
                                                         , ptarget_min            => NULL
                                                         , ptarget_max            => NULL
                                                         , preport_precision      => NULL
                                                         , pstore_precision       => NULL
                                                         , ptest_priority         => NULL
                                                         , p_spec_test_rec        => l_spec_test_rec
                                                         , x_return_status        => l_return_status
Line: 1144

                              RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1162

                              RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1175

                      RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1178

                  /* old test is deleted and new ones are created */
                  IF l_new_spec = 'N' THEN
                     l_new_spec_id := get_object_rec.object_id;
Line: 1197

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1210

                           /* do not insert the one to be replaced*/
                           default_spectest_from_spectest (p_from_spec_id         => get_object_rec.object_id
                                                         , p_from_test_id         => l_gmd_test_rec.test_id
                                                         , p_to_test_name         => l_gmd_test_rec.test_code
                                                         , poptional_ind          => NULL
                                                         , pprint_spec_ind        => NULL
                                                         , pprint_result_ind      => NULL
                                                         , ptarget_value          => NULL
                                                         , ptarget_min            => NULL
                                                         , ptarget_max            => NULL
                                                         , preport_precision      => NULL
                                                         , pstore_precision       => NULL
                                                         , ptest_priority         => NULL
                                                         , p_spec_test_rec        => l_spec_test_rec
                                                         , x_return_status        => l_return_status
Line: 1228

                              RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1246

                              RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1268

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1304

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1308

                  SELECT seq INTO l_seq
                    FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
                   WHERE spec_id = get_object_rec.object_id
                     AND test_id = TO_NUMBER (pold_name);
Line: 1324

                        RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1340

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1359

                     RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1365

                * Update the validity rule for the spec with the new values
               l_start_date := NULL;
Line: 1393

                  RAISE NO_UPDATE_EXCEPTION;
Line: 1397

               IF pobject_type = 'SPECIFICATION' THEN
                  default_log (   'No Replacement for Spec Name: '
                               || get_object_rec.object_name
                               || ', Version: '
                               || get_object_rec.object_vers);
Line: 1436

         DELETE FROM gmd_msnr_results
               WHERE concurrent_id = TO_NUMBER (pconcurrent_id);
Line: 1484

         fnd_message.set_name ('GMD', 'GMD_CONC_UPDATE_OBJECT_FAILED');
Line: 1523

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_qc_tests_b
          WHERE test_code = p_test_name;
Line: 1529

         SELECT value_char
           FROM gmd_qc_test_values
          WHERE test_id = p_test_id
            AND text_range_seq = p_num_value;
Line: 1544

  select VALUE_CHAR from gmd_qc_test_values
  where test_id = l_gmd_test_rec.test_id;
Line: 1548

  select text_range_seq, VALUE_CHAR from gmd_qc_test_values
  where test_id = l_gmd_test_rec.test_id;
Line: 1695

      SELECT MAX (seq) + 10
        INTO l_seq
        FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
       WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id;
Line: 1772

      l_spec_test_rec.last_update_date := NULL;
Line: 1773

      l_spec_test_rec.last_updated_by := NULL;
Line: 1774

      l_spec_test_rec.last_update_login := NULL;
Line: 1815

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND test_id = p_test_id;
Line: 1821

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_qc_tests_b
          WHERE test_code = p_test_name;
Line: 1928

         SELECT value_char
           FROM gmd_qc_test_values
          WHERE test_id = p_test_id
            AND text_range_seq = p_num_value;
Line: 2187

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_specifications
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id;
Line: 2193

         SELECT default_specification_status
              , manage_validity_rules_ind
           FROM gmd_quality_config
          WHERE organization_id = p_orgn_id;
Line: 2199

         SELECT spec_vr_status
           FROM gmd_all_spec_vrs_vl
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id;
Line: 2247

         SELECT MAX (spec_vers) + 1
           INTO l_new_spec_rec.spec_vers
           FROM gmd_specifications
          WHERE spec_name = l_old_spec_rec.spec_name;
Line: 2255

      insert_new_spec_rec (p_spec_rec           => l_new_spec_rec
                         , x_new_spec_id        => x_new_spec_id
                         , x_return_status      => x_return_status
Line: 2282

   PROCEDURE insert_new_spec_rec (
      p_spec_rec        IN              gmd_specifications%ROWTYPE
    , x_new_spec_id     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
    , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
   ) IS
      l_new_spec_rec   gmd_specifications%ROWTYPE;
Line: 2293

      DEBUG ('Inserting new version of the spec: ' || l_new_spec_rec.spec_name);
Line: 2294

      DEBUG ('Inserting new version of the spec ver: ' || l_new_spec_rec.spec_vers);
Line: 2296

         (   x_rowid                      => l_row_id
           , x_spec_id                    => l_spec_id
           , x_spec_name                  => l_new_spec_rec.spec_name
           , x_spec_vers                  => l_new_spec_rec.spec_vers
           , x_inventory_item_id          => l_new_spec_rec.inventory_item_id /* Bug# 5882074 */
           , x_revision                   => l_new_spec_rec.revision      /* Bug# 5882074 */
           , x_grade_code                 => l_new_spec_rec.grade_code    /* Bug# 5882074 */
           , x_spec_status                => l_new_spec_rec.spec_status
           , x_overlay_ind                => l_new_spec_rec.overlay_ind
           , x_spec_type                  => l_new_spec_rec.spec_type
           , x_base_spec_id               => l_new_spec_rec.base_spec_id
           , x_owner_organization_id      => l_new_spec_rec.owner_organization_id /* Bug# 5882074 */
           , x_owner_id                   => l_new_spec_rec.owner_id
           , x_sample_inv_trans_ind       => l_new_spec_rec.sample_inv_trans_ind
           , x_delete_mark                => l_new_spec_rec.delete_mark
           , x_text_code                  => l_new_spec_rec.text_code
           , x_attribute_category         => l_new_spec_rec.attribute_category
           , x_attribute1                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute1
           , x_attribute2                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute2
           , x_attribute3                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute3
           , x_attribute4                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute4
           , x_attribute5                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute5
           , x_attribute6                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute6
           , x_attribute7                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute7
           , x_attribute8                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute8
           , x_attribute9                 => l_new_spec_rec.attribute9
           , x_attribute10                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute10
           , x_attribute11                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute11
           , x_attribute12                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute12
           , x_attribute13                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute13
           , x_attribute14                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute14
           , x_attribute15                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute15
           , x_attribute16                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute16
           , x_attribute17                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute17
           , x_attribute18                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute18
           , x_attribute19                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute19
           , x_attribute20                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute20
           , x_attribute21                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute21
           , x_attribute22                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute22
           , x_attribute23                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute23
           , x_attribute24                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute24
           , x_attribute25                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute25
           , x_attribute26                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute26
           , x_attribute27                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute27
           , x_attribute28                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute28
           , x_attribute29                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute29
           , x_attribute30                => l_new_spec_rec.attribute30
           , x_spec_desc                  => l_new_spec_rec.spec_desc
           , x_creation_date              => l_new_spec_rec.creation_date
           , x_created_by                 => l_new_spec_rec.created_by
           , x_last_update_date           => l_new_spec_rec.last_update_date
           , x_last_updated_by            => l_new_spec_rec.last_updated_by
           , x_last_update_login          => l_new_spec_rec.last_update_login
Line: 2356

         default_log ('Insert New spec rec result in Error');
Line: 2357

   END insert_new_spec_rec;
Line: 2378

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_qc_tests_b
          WHERE test_code = p_test_name;
Line: 2383

         SELECT 1
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b sptst
              , gmd_qc_tests_b tst
          WHERE sptst.spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND sptst.test_id = tst.test_id
            AND tst.test_code = p_test_name;
Line: 2391

         SELECT t.test_code
              , t.test_id
              , t.expression
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
              , gmd_qc_tests_b t
          WHERE s.spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND s.test_id = t.test_id
            AND t.test_type <> 'E';
Line: 2452

         DEBUG ('Inserting new optional_ind: ' || l_spec_test_rec.optional_ind);
Line: 2453

         insert_spec_test_rec (p_spec_test_rec      => l_spec_test_rec, x_return_status => x_return_status);
Line: 2484

   /* delete spec_test record for the test with p_test_name to spec_id
   PROCEDURE del_spec_test_rec (
      p_spec_id         IN              NUMBER
    , p_spec_name       IN              VARCHAR2
    , p_test_name       IN              VARCHAR2
    , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
   ) IS
      l_gmd_test_rec      gmd_qc_tests_b%ROWTYPE;
Line: 2499

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_qc_tests_b
          WHERE test_id = TO_NUMBER (p_test_name);
Line: 2504

         SELECT 1
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND test_id = p_test_id;
Line: 2510

         SELECT t.test_code
              , t.test_id
              , t.expression
           FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
              , gmd_qc_tests_b t
          WHERE s.spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND s.test_id = t.test_id
            AND t.test_type = 'E';
Line: 2566

         DELETE gmd_spec_tests_b
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND test_id = l_gmd_test_rec.test_id;
Line: 2583

         default_log ('Delete spec test error ' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2586

         default_log ('Delete spec test error ' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2608

   PROCEDURE insert_spec_test_rec (
      p_spec_test_rec IN gmd_spec_tests_b%ROWTYPE
    , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ) IS
      l_spec_test_rec   gmd_spec_tests_b%ROWTYPE;
Line: 2616

      DEBUG ('Inserting spec test rec ');
Line: 2618

            x_rowid                        => l_row_id
          , x_spec_id                      => l_spec_test_rec.spec_id
          , x_test_id                      => l_spec_test_rec.test_id
          , x_attribute1                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute1
          , x_attribute2                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute2
          , x_min_value_char               => l_spec_test_rec.min_value_char
          , x_test_method_id               => l_spec_test_rec.test_method_id
          , x_seq                          => l_spec_test_rec.seq
          , x_from_base_ind                => l_spec_test_rec.from_base_ind
          , x_exclude_ind                  => l_spec_test_rec.exclude_ind
          , x_modified_ind                 => l_spec_test_rec.modified_ind
          , x_test_qty                     => l_spec_test_rec.test_qty
          , x_test_qty_uom                 => l_spec_test_rec.test_qty_uom   /* Bug# 5882074 */
          , x_min_value_num                => l_spec_test_rec.min_value_num
          , x_target_value_num             => l_spec_test_rec.target_value_num
          , x_max_value_num                => l_spec_test_rec.max_value_num
          , x_attribute5                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute5
          , x_attribute6                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute6
          , x_attribute7                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute7
          , x_attribute8                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute8
          , x_attribute9                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute9
          , x_attribute10                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute10
          , x_attribute11                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute11
          , x_attribute12                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute12
          , x_attribute13                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute13
          , x_attribute14                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute14
          , x_attribute15                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute15
          , x_attribute16                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute16
          , x_attribute17                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute17
          , x_attribute18                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute18
          , x_use_to_control_step          => l_spec_test_rec.use_to_control_step
          , x_print_spec_ind               => l_spec_test_rec.print_spec_ind
          , x_print_result_ind             => l_spec_test_rec.print_result_ind
          , x_text_code                    => l_spec_test_rec.text_code
          , x_attribute_category           => l_spec_test_rec.attribute_category
          , x_attribute3                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute3
          , x_retest_lot_expiry_ind        => l_spec_test_rec.retest_lot_expiry_ind
          , x_attribute19                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute19
          , x_attribute20                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute20
          , x_max_value_char               => l_spec_test_rec.max_value_char
          , x_test_replicate               => l_spec_test_rec.test_replicate
          , x_check_result_interval        => l_spec_test_rec.check_result_interval
          , x_out_of_spec_action           => l_spec_test_rec.out_of_spec_action
          , x_exp_error_type               => l_spec_test_rec.exp_error_type
          , x_below_spec_min               => l_spec_test_rec.below_spec_min
          , x_above_spec_min               => l_spec_test_rec.above_spec_min
          , x_below_spec_max               => l_spec_test_rec.below_spec_max
          , x_above_spec_max               => l_spec_test_rec.above_spec_max
          , x_below_min_action_code        => l_spec_test_rec.below_min_action_code
          , x_above_min_action_code        => l_spec_test_rec.above_min_action_code
          , x_below_max_action_code        => l_spec_test_rec.below_max_action_code
          , x_above_max_action_code        => l_spec_test_rec.above_max_action_code
          , x_optional_ind                 => l_spec_test_rec.optional_ind
          , x_display_precision            => l_spec_test_rec.display_precision
          , x_report_precision             => l_spec_test_rec.report_precision
          , x_test_priority                => l_spec_test_rec.test_priority
          , x_print_on_coa_ind             => l_spec_test_rec.print_on_coa_ind
          , x_target_value_char            => l_spec_test_rec.target_value_char
          , x_attribute4                   => l_spec_test_rec.attribute4
          , x_attribute21                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute21
          , x_attribute22                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute22
          , x_attribute23                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute23
          , x_attribute24                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute24
          , x_attribute25                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute25
          , x_attribute26                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute26
          , x_attribute27                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute27
          , x_attribute28                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute28
          , x_attribute29                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute29
          , x_attribute30                  => l_spec_test_rec.attribute30
          , x_test_display                 => NULL            --l_to_spec_test_rec.test_display
          , x_creation_date                => NULL
          , x_created_by                   => NULL
          , x_last_update_date             => NULL
          , x_last_updated_by              => NULL
          , x_last_update_login            => NULL
          , x_viability_duration           => l_spec_test_rec.viability_duration
          , x_test_expiration_days         => l_spec_test_rec.days
          , x_test_expiration_hours        => l_spec_test_rec.hours
          , x_test_expiration_minutes      => l_spec_test_rec.minutes
          , x_test_expiration_seconds      => l_spec_test_rec.seconds
          , x_calc_uom_conv_ind            => l_spec_test_rec.calc_uom_conv_ind
          , x_to_qty_uom                   => l_spec_test_rec.to_qty_uom     /* Bug# 5882074 */
Line: 2706

   END insert_spec_test_rec;
Line: 2735

         SELECT manage_validity_rules_ind
              , default_specification_status
           FROM gmd_quality_config
          WHERE organization_id = p_orgn_id;
Line: 2741

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_specifications_b
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id;
Line: 2747

         SELECT spec_vr_id
              , spec_type
              , spec_vr_status
           FROM gmd_all_spec_vrs_vl
          WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
            AND spec_name = p_spec_name
            AND owner_organization_id = p_orgn_id;
Line: 2860

         SELECT spec_type
           INTO l_spec_type
           FROM gmd_all_spec_vrs_vl
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_vr_id;
Line: 2865

         update_validity_rule (p_vr_id              => l_vr_id
                             , p_spec_type          => l_spec_type
                             , p_end_date           => p_end_date
                             , p_start_date         => p_start_date
                             , p_new_status         => p_new_status
                             , x_return_status      => x_return_status
Line: 2919

         SELECT *
           INTO l_cust_spec_vrs_in
           FROM gmd_customer_spec_vrs
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 2932

         l_return := gmd_customer_spec_vrs_pvt.insert_row
                (  p_customer_spec_vrs      => l_cust_spec_vrs_in
                 , x_customer_spec_vrs      => l_cust_spec_vrs_out );
Line: 2938

         SELECT *
           INTO l_inv_spec_vrs_in
           FROM gmd_inventory_spec_vrs
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 2953

         l_return := gmd_inventory_spec_vrs_pvt.insert_row
                (   p_inventory_spec_vrs      => l_inv_spec_vrs_in
                  , x_inventory_spec_vrs      => l_inv_spec_vrs_out );
Line: 2960

         SELECT *
           INTO l_wip_spec_vrs_in
           FROM gmd_wip_spec_vrs
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 2973

         l_return := gmd_wip_spec_vrs_pvt.insert_row
                 (  p_wip_spec_vrs      => l_wip_spec_vrs_in
                  , x_wip_spec_vrs      => l_wip_spec_vrs_out );
Line: 2979

         SELECT *
           INTO l_supplier_spec_vrs_in
           FROM gmd_supplier_spec_vrs
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 2992

         l_return := gmd_supplier_spec_vrs_pvt.insert_row
                (  p_supplier_spec_vrs      => l_supplier_spec_vrs_in
                 , x_supplier_spec_vrs      => l_supplier_spec_vrs_out);
Line: 3028

         UPDATE gmd_customer_spec_vrs
            SET end_date = SYSDATE
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3034

         UPDATE gmd_inventory_spec_vrs
            SET end_date = SYSDATE
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3040

         UPDATE gmd_wip_spec_vrs
            SET end_date = SYSDATE
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3046

         UPDATE gmd_supplier_spec_vrs
            SET end_date = SYSDATE
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3082

         UPDATE gmd_customer_spec_vrs
            SET spec_vr_status = 1000
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3088

         UPDATE gmd_inventory_spec_vrs
            SET spec_vr_status = 1000
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3094

         UPDATE gmd_wip_spec_vrs
            SET spec_vr_status = 1000
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3100

         UPDATE gmd_supplier_spec_vrs
            SET spec_vr_status = 1000
          WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3115

   PROCEDURE update_validity_rule (
      p_vr_id           IN              NUMBER
    , p_spec_type       IN              VARCHAR2
    , p_end_date        IN              DATE
    , p_start_date      IN              DATE
    , p_new_status      IN              NUMBER
    , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
   ) IS
      l_cust_spec_vrs       gmd_customer_spec_vrs%ROWTYPE;
Line: 3135

         SELECT spec_status
           FROM gmd_all_spec_vrs_vl
          WHERE spec_vr_id = p_vr_id;
Line: 3142

      DEBUG ('In Update_validity_rule, validity_rule_id ' || l_spec_vr_id);
Line: 3143

      DEBUG ('In Update_validity_rule, spec_type ' || l_spec_type);
Line: 3144

      DEBUG ('In Update_validity_rule, end_date ' || p_end_date);
Line: 3145

      DEBUG ('In Update_validity_rule, start_date ' || p_start_date);
Line: 3146

      DEBUG ('In Update_validity_rule, new_status ' || p_new_status);
Line: 3166

            UPDATE gmd_customer_spec_vrs
               SET spec_vr_status = p_new_status
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3170

            UPDATE gmd_customer_spec_vrs
               SET start_date = p_start_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3174

            UPDATE gmd_customer_spec_vrs
               SET end_date = p_end_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3179

         default_log ('    Updated Customer Validity Rule: ' || l_spec_vr_id);
Line: 3182

            UPDATE gmd_inventory_spec_vrs
               SET spec_vr_status = p_new_status
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3186

            UPDATE gmd_inventory_spec_vrs
               SET start_date = p_start_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3190

            UPDATE gmd_inventory_spec_vrs
               SET end_date = p_end_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3195

         default_log ('    Updated Inventory Validity Rule: ' || l_spec_vr_id);
Line: 3198

            UPDATE gmd_wip_spec_vrs
               SET spec_vr_status = p_new_status
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3202

            UPDATE gmd_wip_spec_vrs
               SET start_date = p_start_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3206

            UPDATE gmd_wip_spec_vrs
               SET end_date = p_end_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3211

         default_log ('    Updated WIP Validity Rule: ' || l_spec_vr_id);
Line: 3214

            UPDATE gmd_supplier_spec_vrs
               SET spec_vr_status = p_new_status
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3218

            UPDATE gmd_supplier_spec_vrs
               SET start_date = p_start_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3222

            UPDATE gmd_supplier_spec_vrs
               SET end_date = p_end_date
             WHERE spec_vr_id = l_spec_vr_id;
Line: 3227

         default_log ('    Updated Supplier Validity Rule: ' || l_spec_vr_id);
Line: 3232

         default_log ('Update validity for spec results in Error');
Line: 3236

         default_log ('Update validity for spec results in Error');
Line: 3238

   END update_validity_rule;