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Line 634: inv_convert.inv_um_convert

630: -- uom of the ite,
632: -- Convert order quantity into primary uom code
633: l_ordered_quantity_primary_uom :=
634: inv_convert.inv_um_convert
635: (
636: l_line_rec_inventory_item_id,
637: NULL,
638: l_line_rec_ordered_quantity,

Line 744: l_tmp_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(

740: -- get primary uom code for the item and org
741: --
742: -- compute the primary quantity
743: -- INVCONV - upgrade call to inv_um_convert
744: l_tmp_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
745: item_id => px_rsv_rec.inventory_item_id
746: , lot_number => px_rsv_rec.lot_number
747: , organization_id => px_rsv_rec.organization_id
748: , PRECISION => NULL -- use default precision

Line 782: -- Bug 2116332 - only call inv_convert if UOMs are different

778: -- present, we will compute the reservation quantity based
779: -- on the primary reservation quantity
780: -- Bug 1914778 - changed ELSIF so that reservation_quantity
781: -- is calculated again only if it is null
782: -- Bug 2116332 - only call inv_convert if UOMs are different
783: IF px_rsv_rec.primary_uom_code = px_rsv_rec.reservation_uom_code THEN
784: l_tmp_quantity := px_rsv_rec.primary_reservation_quantity;
785: ELSE
786: -- INVCONV upgrade inv_um_convert call

Line 787: l_tmp_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(

783: IF px_rsv_rec.primary_uom_code = px_rsv_rec.reservation_uom_code THEN
784: l_tmp_quantity := px_rsv_rec.primary_reservation_quantity;
785: ELSE
786: -- INVCONV upgrade inv_um_convert call
787: l_tmp_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
788: item_id => px_rsv_rec.inventory_item_id
789: , lot_number => px_rsv_rec.lot_number
790: , organization_id => px_rsv_rec.organization_id
791: , PRECISION => NULL -- use default precision

Line 815: l_tmp_secondary_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(

812: -- If dual control and secondary quantity is missing, calculate it
813: IF px_rsv_rec.secondary_uom_code IS NOT NULL AND
814: px_rsv_rec.secondary_reservation_quantity IS NULL THEN
815: l_tmp_secondary_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
816: item_id => px_rsv_rec.inventory_item_id
817: , lot_number => px_rsv_rec.lot_number
818: , organization_id => px_rsv_rec.organization_id
819: , PRECISION => NULL -- use default precision

Line 842: l_tmp_secondary_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(

838: px_rsv_rec.secondary_detailed_quantity IS NULL THEN
839: IF NVL(px_rsv_rec.detailed_quantity,0) = 0 THEN
840: px_rsv_rec.secondary_detailed_quantity := 0;
841: ELSE -- convert from detailed_quantity to secondary_detailed_quantity
842: l_tmp_secondary_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
843: item_id => px_rsv_rec.inventory_item_id
844: , lot_number => px_rsv_rec.lot_number
845: , organization_id => px_rsv_rec.organization_id
846: , PRECISION => NULL -- use default precision

Line 13304: l_new_orig_rsv_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(

13300: END IF;
13302: IF l_primary_uom_code <> l_reservation_uom_code THEN
13303: -- INVCONV - Upgrade call to inv_um_convert to pass lot and org
13304: l_new_orig_rsv_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
13305: item_id => l_orig_rsv_tbl(1).inventory_item_id
13306: , lot_number => l_orig_rsv_tbl(1).lot_number
13307: , organization_id => l_orig_rsv_tbl(1).organization_id
13308: , PRECISION => NULL -- use default precision

Line 16442: l_remaining_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(

16438: l_progress := 'Convert l_remaining_qty to rsv uom '||l_remaining_qty;
16439: IF ( l_remaining_qty_uom <> l_src_rsv.primary_uom_code ) THEN
16441: -- INVCONV - upgrade call to inv_um_convert to pass lot and org
16442: l_remaining_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
16443: item_id => l_src_rsv.inventory_item_id
16444: , lot_number => l_src_rsv.lot_number
16445: , organization_id => l_src_rsv.organization_id
16446: , PRECISION => NULL -- use default precision

Line 16480: l_xfr_rsv.secondary_reservation_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(

16476: debug_print('Dual tracked item so populate secondary quantities for '||l_src_rsv.secondary_uom_code);
16477: END IF;
16478: IF l_xfr_rsv.primary_reservation_quantity < l_src_rsv.primary_reservation_quantity THEN
16479: -- Transferring less than the full qty so determine the equivalent secondary
16480: l_xfr_rsv.secondary_reservation_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
16481: item_id => l_xfr_rsv.inventory_item_id
16482: , lot_number => l_xfr_rsv.lot_number
16483: , organization_id => l_xfr_rsv.organization_id
16484: , PRECISION => NULL -- use default precision