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1 package body pynzexc as
2 /* $Header: pynzexc.pkb 115.1 2002/12/03 05:08:25 srrajago ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Change List
5 -- ----------
6 -- DATE        Name            Vers     Bug No    Description
7 -- -----------+---------------+--------+--------+-----------------------+
8 -- 13-Aug-1999 sclarke          1.0                 Created
9 -- 03-Dec-2002 srrajago         1.1     2689221  Included 'nocopy' option for the 'out'
10 --                                               parameters of all the procedures,dbdrv
11 --                                               and checkfile commands.
12 -- -----------+---------------+--------+--------+-----------------------+
13 --
14   --
15   g_nz_fin_year_start             constant varchar2(6) := '01-04-';
16   --
17 -------------------------------- asg_ptd_ec ----------------------------------------------------
18 --
19 --  name
20 --     asg_ptd_ec - assignment processing period to date expiry check.
21 --  description
22 --     expiry checking code for the following:
23 --       nz assignment-level process period to date balance dimension
24 --  notes
25 --     the associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
26 --
27 procedure asg_ptd_ec
28 (   p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number      -- run created balance.
29 ,   p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number      -- current run.
30 ,   p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number      -- assact created balance.
31 ,   p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number      -- current assact..
32 ,   p_owner_effective_date       in     date        -- eff date of balance.
33 ,   p_user_effective_date        in     date        -- eff date of current run.
34 ,   p_dimension_name             in     varchar2    -- balance dimension name.
35 ,   p_expiry_information         out nocopy number      -- dimension expired flag.
36 ) is
37   --
38   cursor csr_time
39   ( p_payroll_action_id       number
40   , p_assignment_action_id    number
41   , p_effective_date          date) is
42   select  ptp.time_period_id
43   from    pay_payroll_actions         act
44   ,       per_time_periods            ptp
45   where   payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
46           and act.date_earned         between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
47           and act.payroll_id          = ptp.payroll_id
48           and act.effective_date      = p_effective_date;
49   --
50   l_user_time_period_id     number;
51   l_owner_time_period_id    number;
52   --
53 begin
54   --
55   --  select the period of the owning and using action and if they are
56   --  the same then the dimension has expired - either a prior period
57   --  or a different payroll
58   --
59   open  csr_time
60   (   p_user_payroll_action_id
61   ,   p_user_assignment_action_id
62   ,   p_user_effective_date   );
63   fetch csr_time
64   into  l_user_time_period_id;
65   close csr_time;
66   --
67   open  csr_time
68   (   p_owner_payroll_action_id
69   ,   p_owner_assignment_action_id
70   ,   p_owner_effective_date  );
71   fetch csr_time
72   into  l_owner_time_period_id;
73   close csr_time;
74   --
75   if l_user_time_period_id = l_owner_time_period_id then
76     p_expiry_information := 0;
77   else
78     p_expiry_information := 1;
79   end if;
80   --
81 end asg_ptd_ec;
82 --
83 -------------------------------- asg_span_ec -----------------------------------------------
84 --
85 --  name
86 --     asg_span_ec - assignment processing year to date expiry check.
87 --  description
88 --     expiry checking code for the following:
89 --       nz assignment-level process year to date balance dimension
90 --  notes
91 --     the associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
92 --
93 procedure asg_span_ec
94 (   p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number    -- run created balance.
95 ,   p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number    -- current run.
96 ,   p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number    -- assact created balance.
97 ,   p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number    -- current assact.
98 ,   p_owner_effective_date       in     date      -- eff date of balance.
99 ,   p_user_effective_date        in     date      -- eff date of current run.
100 ,   p_dimension_name             in     varchar2  -- balance dimension name.
101 ,   p_expiry_information         out nocopy number    -- dimension expired flag.
102 ) is
103   --
104   cursor  csr_get_business_group is
105   select  business_group_id
106   from    pay_assignment_actions_v
107   where   assignment_action_id = p_user_assignment_action_id;
108   --
109   cursor  csr_user_span_start(p_frequency number, p_span_start varchar2) is
110   select  hr_nz_routes.span_start (    bptp.regular_payment_date
111                                   ,   p_frequency
112                                   ,   p_span_start    )
113   from    per_time_periods            bptp
114   ,       pay_payroll_actions         bact
115   where   bact.payroll_action_id      = p_user_payroll_action_id
116           and bact.effective_date     = p_user_effective_date
117           and bact.payroll_id         = bptp.payroll_id
118           and bact.date_earned        between bptp.start_date and bptp.end_date;
119   --
120   cursor  csr_owner_start is
121   select  pptp.regular_payment_date
122   from    per_time_periods            pptp
123   ,       pay_payroll_actions         pact
124   where   pact.payroll_action_id      = p_owner_payroll_action_id
125           and pact.effective_date     = p_owner_effective_date
126           and pact.payroll_id         = pptp.payroll_id
127           and pact.date_earned        between pptp.start_date and pptp.end_date;
128   --
129   l_user_span_start     date;
130   l_owner_start         date;
131   l_date_dd_mm          varchar2(11);
132   l_fy_user_span_start  date;
133   l_frequency           number;
134   l_dimension_name      pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_name%type := upper(p_dimension_name);
135   l_business_group_id   pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%type;
136   --
137 begin
138   --
139   -- select the start span for the using action.
140   -- if the owning action associated with the latest balance, is
141   -- before the start of the span for the using regular payment date
142   -- then it has expired.
143   --
144   if lower(l_dimension_name) = '_asg_ytd' then
145     --
146     l_frequency := 1;
147     l_date_dd_mm := g_nz_fin_year_start;
148     --
149   elsif lower(l_dimension_name) in ('_asg_fy_ytd','_asg_fy_qtd') then
150     --
151     open csr_get_business_group;
152     fetch csr_get_business_group into l_business_group_id;
153     close csr_get_business_group;
154     --
155     l_fy_user_span_start := hr_nz_routes.get_fiscal_date( l_business_group_id);
156     --
157     if lower(l_dimension_name) = '_asg_fy_ytd' then
158       l_frequency := 1;
159     else
160       l_frequency := 4;
161     end if;
162     --
163     l_date_dd_mm := to_char(l_fy_user_span_start,'dd-mm-');
164     --
165   elsif lower(l_dimension_name) = '_asg_hol_ytd' then
166     --
167     l_frequency := 1;
168     l_date_dd_mm := to_char(hr_nz_routes.get_anniversary_date ( p_user_assignment_action_id
169                                                               , p_user_effective_date), 'dd-mm-');
170     --
171   end if;
172   --
173   open csr_user_span_start (l_frequency, l_date_dd_mm);
174   fetch csr_user_span_start into l_user_span_start;
175   close csr_user_span_start;
176   --
177   open  csr_owner_start;
178   fetch csr_owner_start into l_owner_start;
179   close csr_owner_start;
180   --
181   if l_owner_start < l_user_span_start then
182     p_expiry_information      := 1;
183   else
184     p_expiry_information      := 0;
185   end if;
186   --
187 end asg_span_ec;
188 --
189 end pynzexc;