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2 /* $Header: gmfmesgb.pls 115.5 2002/11/11 00:40:09 rseshadr Exp $ */
3 /*hb***********************************************************************
4 * External
5 * Procedure:	get_msg_from_code
6 *
7 * Purpose:		Retrieve message_id and message_text from sy_mesg_table
8 *				for a given message_code and op_code.  The op_code is
9 *				used to determine the current session's lang_code.
10 *
11 * Forms: 		Each publically accessable procedure for extracting
12 *				messages has 2 forms. This is done by using the
13 *				overloading technique provided in PL/SQL.
14 *	  1-		Messages without substitution parameters (eg. "%s").
15 *	  2-		Declaration for messages with substitution variables
16 *
17 * Parameters:	The in/out disposition of the first three paramters will
18 				depend on which procedure is called.  The parameter after
19 *				the "_from_" in the procedure name will be an "in" only
20 *				parameter and the other two will be "in out".
21 *
22 *				po_message_id	[in	out] or [in] varchar2
23 *				pi_message_code	[in	out] or [in] varchar2
24 *				po_message_text	[in	out] or [in] varchar2
25 *				pi_op_code		in	varchar2
26 *				pi_svar			in	SubstituteTabTyp  ***Form 2 only***
27 *				po_error_status	out	number
28 *
29 * Returns:		po_error_ststus
30 *					0 == Success
31 *					1 == Operator Code Not Found
32 *					2 == Language Code Not Found
33 *
34 *    Jatinder Gogna -05/05/99 -Changed substr and instr to substrb and instrb
35 *        as per AOL standards.
36 *
37 *	Rajesh Kulkarni 10/27/99 Take the substrb for message_text in a
38 *	cursor as out var po_message_text is restricted to 512. Also vars
39 *	v_message_text and v_old_message_text are made to 512 from 255. B1043070
40 *
41 *	Venkat Chukkapalli 08/16/01 B1933961 Removed reference to APPS schema.
42 *       RajaSekhar    30-OCT-2002 Bug#2641405 Added NOCOPY hint.
43 ****************************************************************hf*/
44 	procedure get_msg_from_code
45 			(po_message_id    out NOCOPY number,
46 			 pi_message_code  in  varchar2,
47 			 po_message_text  out NOCOPY  varchar2,
48 			 pi_op_code       in  varchar2,
49 			 po_error_status  out NOCOPY  number)
50 		is
51 			v_message_code	fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
52 			v_error_status	number;
53 			cursor read_mesg_rec
54 				(v_message_code_csr	char)
55 			 is
56 				select substrb(message_text,1,512)
57 				  from fnd_new_messages
58 				 where language_code    = nvl(userenv('LANG'), C_DEFAULT_LANG)
59 		                       and message_name = v_message_code_csr;
60 				 /*  and delete_mark  = 0; */
61 	begin
62 		v_message_code := pi_message_code;
63 		/*
64 		* Now we try to get the message
65 		*/
66 			if (not read_mesg_rec%ISOPEN) then
67 				open read_mesg_rec(v_message_code);
68 			end if;
69 			fetch read_mesg_rec
70 				into po_message_text;
71 			if (read_mesg_rec%NOTFOUND) then
72 				po_message_text :=  v_message_code ;
73 			end if;
74 			if (read_mesg_rec%ISOPEN) then
75 				close read_mesg_rec;
76 			end if;
77 		exception
78 			when others then
79 				po_message_text := v_message_code;
80 	end; /* Form 1: get_msg_from_code */
81 	/*hb*********************************************************************
82 	* External
83 	* Procedure:	get_msg_from_code - Form 2
84 	*
85 	* Purpose:		Sames as form 1 but allows use of substitution variables
86 	*				in the message_text.  The addtional parameter pi_svar
87 	*				is required.  Variables must be in the form "%s#" where
88 	*				# is sequentially assigned number starting at 1.
89 	*				Code logic allows up to 99 sub vars in text.  We should
90 	*				hope that we don't get there!
91 	*				Note that "%s" without trailing # won't work properly
92 	*				here.
93 	**********************************************************************hf*/
94 	procedure get_msg_from_code
95 			(po_message_id    out NOCOPY number,
96 			 pi_message_code  in  varchar2,
97 			 po_message_text  out NOCOPY  varchar2,
98 			 pi_op_code       in  varchar2,
99 			 pi_svar          in  SubstituteTabTyp,
100 			 po_error_status  out NOCOPY  number)
101 		is
102 			v_message_id	fnd_new_messages.message_number%TYPE;
103 			v_message_text	varchar2(512);
104 			v_old_message_text	varchar2(512);
105 			v_error_status	number;
106 			v_i		number default 1;
107 			v_j		number;
108 			v_old_j		number default -1;
109 			v_len	number	default 3;
110 			v_str	varchar2(5);
111 			ex_form1_failure	exception;
112 			/*
113 			* WARNING: The hardcoded -20000 is required but must be
114 			* in sync with constant "C_GETMSG_NO_OPCODE" if we ever
115 			* get info from database.
116 			*/
117 			pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(ex_form1_failure, -20000);
118 		begin
119 			/*
120 			 Next line calls Form 1 of proc --why recode
121 			*/
122 			get_msg_from_code (v_message_id,
123 								pi_message_code,
124 								v_message_text,
125 								pi_op_code,
126 								v_error_status);
127 			po_message_id   := v_message_id;	/* Get this out of the way */
128 			po_error_status := v_error_status;
129 			/*
130 			* Copy-append each value to temp var
131 			* Exception raised when end of array reached
132 			*/
133 			loop
134 				/* find starting point of %s# flag */
135 				v_j := instrb(lower(v_message_text), '%s');
136 				if (v_j > 0 ) then
137 					v_str := '%s'||to_char(v_i);
138 					/*
139 					* Actual sustitution
140 					* - Possible error if substitution causes length
141 					*   greater than message_text%TYPE.
142 					*   The error in this case is ORA-6502
143 					*/
144 					v_old_message_text := v_message_text;
145 					v_message_text := replace(v_message_text, v_str,pi_svar(v_i));
146 					exit when v_old_message_text = v_message_text;
147 				else
148 					exit; /* "%s" not found-return what we have */
149 				end if;
150 				v_i := v_i + 1;
151 			end loop;
152 			po_message_text := v_message_text;
153 		exception
154 			/*
155 			* Actually an abnormal ending.
156 			* We went past end of pi_svar array.
157 			* Time to quit - even if more %s found
158 			*/
159 			when others then
160 				po_message_text := v_message_text;
161 		end; /* Form 2: get_msg_from_code */
162 end; /* gmmsg_pkg */