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Line 36: | to TBH call igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg |

32: | Corrected the issue for creating correction ISIR
33: | |
34: | rasahoo 17-NOV-2003 FA 128 - ISIR update 2004-05 |
35: | added parameter award_fmly_contribution_type |
36: | to TBH call igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg |
37: | Added TBH impact of igf_ap_isir_matched |
38: | |
39: | cdcruz 26-SEP-2003 FA 121 - Verification Worksheet. |
40: | Changes per the TD have been incoporated |

Line 45: | igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg.update_row w.r.t. FA126|

41: | EFC Computation is added while creating |
42: | correction records |
43: | ugummall 26-SEP-2003 FA 126 - Multiple FA Offices. |
44: | added new parameter assoc_org_num to TBH call |
45: | igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg.update_row w.r.t. FA126|
46: | |
47: | bkkumar 27-Aug-2003 Bug# 3071157 Added explicit date format mask |
48: | to the to_date() function. |
49: | gmuralid 10-03-2003 BUG# 2829487 .In procedure update process |

Line 76: | Added x_pell_alt_expense in igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg |

72: | main: Logic to derive verification status modified. |
73: | Bug 2606001,2613546 |
74: | sjadhav Oct.28.2002 |
75: | Added l_pell_mat to igf_gr_pell.pell_calc routine |
76: | Added x_pell_alt_expense in igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg |
77: | Modified get_gr_ver_code to read mapping from igf_aw_int_ext_map table|
78: |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
79: | 12-Jun-2002 Bug ID: 2402371/ 2403886. |
80: |The initialization of cursor variable dbms_sql.open_cursor removed from|

Line 264: igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg.update_row (

261: FOR cur_fbr_rec IN cur_fa_base (pn_base_id) LOOP
263: -- Update necessary fields in FA_Base_Record table.
264: igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg.update_row (
265: x_Mode => 'R',
266: x_rowid => cur_fbr_rec.row_id,
267: x_base_id => cur_fbr_rec.base_id,
268: x_ci_cal_type => cur_fbr_rec.ci_cal_type,

Line 380: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_ap_batch_ver_prc_pkg.l_update_base_rec.debug','igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg.update_row successfull');

376: x_lock_awd_flag => cur_fbr_rec.lock_awd_flag,
377: x_lock_coa_flag => cur_fbr_rec.lock_coa_flag
378: );
379: IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
380: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_ap_batch_ver_prc_pkg.l_update_base_rec.debug','igf_ap_fa_base_rec_pkg.update_row successfull');
381: END IF;
382: END LOOP;